I'm pretty sure Richard Burton has never before been pictured holding a mole. "Alas poor Moley!" -- Look at the little toes! Amazing scissor-work!And in the little clear envelope that came with Hamlet, this great stash of Shakespeare ephemera -- note also the faces on the tape on the big envelope. What a haul! Then there's this:Hamlet's very own pencil! This is a spectacular package of  literary mail art, Gü! Thanks so much!

Views: 126


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Comment by Angelica Paez on August 16, 2016 at 7:55pm
Gina was kind enough to send me one of these wondrous pieces. So very clever.
Comment by William M on August 16, 2016 at 6:54pm

how fun!

Comment by on August 16, 2016 at 11:11am

Thank you for sharing Toni and glad you enjoyed it. I wondered after printing whether, that is this pencil would have worked better. What's done is done. At the time I was thinking how often I pick up a pencil and have no idea what lead it is.... Very shrewd of you to notice too Richard.

Comment by Richard Canard on August 16, 2016 at 4:02am

15.08.16 Dare Ms. Toni H. & Ms. Gu,  ....but isn't that a shrew??? ....& the pencil a concrete poem??? Sincelery, Richard C.


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