Last week an interesting parcel from Mike Dyar arrived with in it an object that deserves some attention.

2015-11-14 09.06.27

The backside of the parcel receils some details already. A.M. Fine and Ray Johnson, and Mike himself looking for the next question. The mail-interview with Mike Dyar (see on this blog at:

Was never finished and published when I ended the project.

2015-11-14 09.06.34

Above the front cover of the parcel. Typical style of Mike, and I am off course curious on what the content will be,

2015-11-14 09.06.40 2015-11-14 09.06.52 2015-11-14 09.07.01

Inside an object carefully wrapen with a paper that reads: CLEVERNESS – “Don’t you think Mr. Ray E. Johnson would enjoy a perfect vacation,  through the end of this Cosmic Epoch ? “- A.M. Fine

2015-11-14 09.07.14 2015-11-14 09.07.20

Mike also wondered as to what the next question was. Since he is not on Internet, I will print out that question and will thank him for the sending. Also the backside reveils an explenation to this object and that reveals the story behind this.

2015-11-14 09.07.25 2015-11-14 09.07.35

Thank you Mike Dyar. Always a pleasure to receive your deep thoughts and generosity.

Views: 117


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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on November 15, 2015 at 12:32pm

Clever of Mike!!!

Comment by Ruud Janssen on November 14, 2015 at 5:23pm

Comment by Ruud Janssen on November 14, 2015 at 5:22pm

Comment by Richard Canard on November 14, 2015 at 3:42pm

14.11.15  Dare Ruud Janssen,  Wonderful mailing  !!!!!!!!Wonderful object!!!!!!!!  Incredible A.M. Fine quote. Bravo Mike Dyer!!!!!!........... Delightful & thanx for posting. R.


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