There's nothing boring about mail art. So, the front of an envie should be just as sexy as the back. I want to push the envelope a little bit more, so I've decided to add a short story or story bits to the backs of mine, once in a while. Then I can say, "Um, the post office published one of my short stories." Then, too, maybe recipients will be less inclined to toss my letters. Well, maybe.

Here is the current bit. Each one is slightly different. I did 5 last night. Hope I can keep my stories straight.

Views: 78

Tags: #21/365, 365, ART, Art, Back, LIMNER, Limner, MAIL, Mail, Sexy, More…back, envie


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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on February 22, 2012 at 6:03am

This is great Limner! I really like the idea of a story on the back of an envelope. Some thoughts: i) they will give the postperson something to read, perhaps, and brighten their days. I often wonder if posties actually look at the mail they deliver or just stuff it in the mail box. ii) do your writing plans include the idea of a short and self-contained story on the back of each envelope? iii) if not, and if the stories are sequential, do you send the series to the same person so that they can follow the narrative from beginnig to end, or do different people receive different bits of the same (or different?) stories?

I had an envelope project last year (and there are 2 further manifestations of it this year), called 'An Envelope a Day'. It might interest you 66 although I only used the front of my envelopes. You can find details of the project on my web site, under, I think, the Envelope Art section.

Keep writing! Keep us informed, too, please!

Regards, Val

Comment by Limner Cade on February 22, 2012 at 3:47am


Comment by vizma bruns on February 22, 2012 at 3:40am

Love this idea!


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