Trashpo and Trashbook by Anete Ulmane (Riga, Latvia)

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Mail-art by IUOMA member Anete Ulmane (Riga, Latvia)

May 3, 2013 - Last year Anete Ulmane sent me some beautiful work and asked me if it might be considered Trashpo. She needed no validation from me, but I was flattered and very happy to assure her it was very excellent Trashpo indeed. Next she has sent me this package of  individual pieces as well a as spectacular Trashbook. Words are not adequate to express my appreciation, and I am thrilled to share it at the IUOMA. Here is the reverse side of the work above:

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Anete Ulmane certainly has an aesthetic eye for arranging all those found shreds!

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This gorgeous piece is far more text-centered, and I think I see references to Holism as well. Here is the reverse side:

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This is the envelope that carried Anete Ulmane’s marvellous work from Latvia to the USA:

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I have saved the best for last: Anete Ulmane's most amazing Trashbook! This is the "D" Book. She is producing other, equally marvellous trashbooks using letters of the alphabet, a most ambitious series indeed!

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Cover of Trashbook by Anete Ulmane (Riga, Latvia) – “D” is for Dark wall or DVS?

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Readers might note, especially if you look at the playing cards that open and close the book, that Anete Ulmane has a strong sense of visual syntax. The piece is very tightly structures.

Again, deepest thanks for this beautiful work, Anete!

Anete Ulmane has a fantastic blog you should visit! The “D” book we received is part of an ambitious series she is doing based on the letters of the alphabet. See who else received her books. Very exciting!

Views: 375

Tags: Sloan, Trashpo, vispo


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on May 4, 2013 at 1:04pm

Carina, you are a Trashpo All Star! Yes, this is Book D. Anete's blog indicates other books in her alphabet series have gone to Janine Weiss, Claire Dinsmore, Karen Champlin and others. That's an ambitious series.

Thanks DK. The trashbook is alive and well for sure.

Comment by DKeys on May 4, 2013 at 3:42am

Her trashpo style is very elegant and whimsical. I'm glad you posted at your blog and here as well. Everyone should see this!

Comment by Carina on May 3, 2013 at 10:08pm

Anete knows her trashpo very well, love the cover!


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