De Villo Sloan's Blog – August 2010 Archive (15)

Submission to Grigori Antonin's Mailart Show in Honor of Jean Genet's 100th Birthday

August 31, 2010 - This photo documents "Solo for Violin," a performance by a Fluxus founder George Maciunas. I posted this last week for a few hours during a discussion on the IUOMA board. I received enough very positive feedback from members who saw it that I thought I'd share it again. Not everybody is familiar. The discussion involved Minnesota mailartist Grigori Antonin. My point was that the photo and the…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 31, 2010 at 3:00am — 3 Comments

Received: Mailart satire Public School Science Project Third Place Winner (Minnesota, USA)

August 29, 2010 - This piece of what I am interpreting to be satirical mailart arrived in my mailbox postmarked Saint Cloud, Minnesota. The identity of the artist is unclear to me, although I believe it is from a member of the IUOMA. I've been amused by this and was also grateful to be reminded of the humorous aspect of mailart that can give you a reality check, often when most needed.…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 31, 2010 at 3:00am — No Comments

Received: Mailart collage and Barbie (k)not from Helene Lagache (Bordeaux, France)

August 28, 2010 - Helene Lagache sent me a very carefully assembled mailart package that represents the continuation of a somewhat fragmented conversation we've been having. When I first joined the IUOMA several months ago, I saw her beautiful mailart collages and was drawn to their vibrant colors, use of repetition, and ripped paper technique.…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 29, 2010 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Received: Mailart drawing from Kiera Pannell (UK and Quebec, Canada)

August 23, 2010 - Kiera Pannell is producing a series of post-card size drawings at a rate of at least one per day. Many if not all of these concentrate on heads and faces viewed from various perspectives. Perplexed by the identity of these characters I was seeing appear in diverse places, I emailed her and she kindly responded from Prague (she's…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 24, 2010 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

Received: Mailart from Julian Grant of the Chicago School - Division of the Surreal (USA)

August 21, 2010 - Julian Grant's mailart arrived in New York this week. This is another item I have been eagerly anticipating this summer, and it was worth the wait. Julian is one of many mailartists I have met for the first time through the IUOMA. His blogging to share work he has received with us and his extraordinary talent have provided me…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 21, 2010 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Report on Ohio USA Skylab Mailart Show and Vispo Conference

Visual poet Geof Huth is providing detailed coverage of the events in Ohio on his blog. Many members of the IUOMA are in the mailart show, doing performances, or leading discussions:

Thanks Geof!

Added by De Villo Sloan on August 20, 2010 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Sent: Grigori Antonin "Big Brother" poster, Antonism cult kit, uncensored Grigster interview

August 19, 2010: After the unprecedented failure of "jade ar" followed by the unmitigated disaster of "decadence of jade ar," I am shamelessly exploiting the Ray Johnson is not dead (and he might be Grigori Antonin, Librarian on the Loose, or Richard Canard) mangled urban legend:



Added by De Villo Sloan on August 20, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

Received: Mailart cut-ups from Ficus Strangulensis (West Virginia, USA)

August 17, 2010: New IUOMA friend as well as old friend Ficus Strangulensis sent me a "greatest hits" package from recent years. These show his distinctive adaptation of William Burroughs' cut up technique. His letter explains what he's been doing and provides an authentic portrait of the homegrown U.S. artisitc renegade, right down to the firearms fascination. To provide a little more bio. for you on Ficus, he is also an organic chemist. His investigations into randomness and…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 18, 2010 at 2:00am — No Comments

Received: Meta-mailart from "Fluxus Angie" Cope (Wisconsin, USA)

August 16, 2010: In email messages prior to sending me this piece, Angie Cope stated her intention of pushing the boundaries of the collage style she has developed, particularly with an eye toward Fluxus. We both share an interest in Fluxus; and IUOMA has among its members many practicing Fluxus artists from whom we can learn and have dialogues. In this piece, I see not only some Fluxus-derived elements but also styles and tendencies represented among…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 17, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

Received: Trashpo mailart from Erni Bar (Hamburg, Germany)

August 14, 2010: Versatile artist Erni Bar finds inspiration for some of his work in the streets of Hamburg. The mailart he sent me, documented below, marks my first experience in what I think could fairly be considered trashpo:

As with all mailart, packaging must be considered carefully for practicality as well as aesthetics. So in this…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 14, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Received: Multi-media mailart from Kim Jung Youn (Seoul, Korea)

August 11, 2010: Kim Jung Youn sent these two wonderful pieces. Here is another example showing scans just do not do justice to the original. Kim incorporates photography, collage, stamping, and 3-d lettering to create this work. They are done with incredible attention to detail and care. Both pieces were wrapped in fine paper that only add to the feeling you are receiving something from a very good friend. Thanks Kim! I am sure this is just the…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 12, 2010 at 1:30am — No Comments

Received: Mailart text(ile) and masking tape wrap from Mariska van den Heuvel (Holland)

August 10, 2010: Saturday I found at the Post Office mailart from Mariska van den Heuvel, which I had been anticipating for most of the summer. This is a paper and sewn thread piece, the lines of textile (note that word), possibly representing linear, written lines across the page.



Added by De Villo Sloan on August 10, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Received: Appropriations from Maria F. (Leningrad, Russian Federation)

August 9, 2010: My Russian friends, Oleg and Maria F., have turned out to be most excellent mailart partners. They keep up an email correspondence also. Maria F. is very interested in film and knows a great deal. In the course of one of those conversations, I think, we discussed appropriating images and text. Anyway, Maria F. sent me these two wonderful pieces:…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 10, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

Received: Cryptic homage from Grigori Antonin (USA)

July 31, 2010 - Saturday also brought a second communication from Grigori Antonin. In the beginning, I thought I would appropriate him. Instead, he has appropriated me. Notice the figures in red, a nod to vispo. As ever, thank you Grigori.…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 2, 2010 at 3:00am — 2 Comments

Received: Woven paper collage from Tina Festa (Italy)

July 31, 2010 - Tina Festa was very thoughtful in sending me this collage, which I will treasure. Among the different aspects of her art is weaving paper. She has a keen eye for different kinds of paper textures and typography. I'm drawn to this work especially because: (1) She incorporates weaving, an ancient tradition; and why not draw from all sources available to us and in doing so "make it new"? (2) Tina Festa's paper weaves are ingenious constructs that generate random…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 1, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

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