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Started this discussion. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Jan 16, 2014.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Aug 20, 2013.
Every 6 years the international art network goes to Congress to take stock of their state of health. In the tradition of the Decentralized Congress of Mail Art (1986), the Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress (1992), the Incongrous Meetings (1998), the Obscure Actions (2004), the planetary Art Detox campaign (2010) and M.Y.A. - Move Your Archive (2016), you are all invited to participate in Mail Art Wave 2022, a collective project that takes place whenever two or more networkers meet in the course of 2022 to share new and extraordinary plans to save Mail Art (and planet Earth). We favor fighting hate campaigns, emergence of narrow nationalism, all forms of racism and attacks on democracy. And on the bright side we support eco-sustainable approaches to human life. Now more than ever, it is necessary to create a great, powerful and unstoppable wave of regenerating energy.
We Are Venturous Earthlings
We All Volunteer to save Earth
the least we can do is WAVE to each other
a WAVE to save our future
For over half a century, well before the advent of computers and digital technologies, the postal system has been one of the favorite means of communication for the free and direct exchange of materials and experiences between thousands of artists and authors in every corner of the planet. In recent years, smaller post offices have begun to close their doors and postal rates have grown exponentially, also putting the Mail Art circuits in difficulty. The pandemic emergency of the last two years has aggravated the crisis in international postal systems, with blockages, delays and problems in shipments and deliveries. Despite this, in an era of prolonged lockdowns and persistent social distancing, there has been a resurgence in popularity of postal art, a means more than others capable of bridging the gaps between people by creating physical as well as spiritual contact. Riding the wave of this revival of interest in postal activities, we need to promote creative and surprising solutions, ingenious and playful, pragmatic and visionary, to prevent the slow disappearance of Mail Art (and to save our planet).
WHO: in the inclusive and egalitarian spirit of Mail Art, anyone is invited to participate, without any limit of age or skills.
WHEN: at any time during 2022, for any length of time, whenever two or more networkers meet.
WHERE: in the homes and studios of artists, poets, musicians, writers, etc., in schools, universities, archives, galleries, museums and other spaces dedicated to art but also in squares, parks, streets or in anomalous and atypical places.
WHY: to share new ideas useful to prevent the progressive disappearance of Mail Art (and to save the planet Earth).
The Mail Art Wave 2022 Decentralized World Congress is a global non-profit experiment, promoted by DodoDada, E.O.N. Archive and several other independent entities, which intends through meetings, exhibition projects, conferences, workshops and synergies of various kinds to promote the need for a shared and eco-sustainable art, based on free exchange and commitment to the collective good. Collaborate with your own ideas and initiatives and document your contribution to Mail Art Wave 2022 with photos, videos, reports and
in any other way you deem appropriate, then insert the materials in the online group at www.facebook.com/groups/maw22/ ; and/or send them by traditional mail to E.O.N. Archive - Vittore Baroni, Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, LU, Italy or via e-mail to big_orko@yahoo.es and you will be included in the final documentation of the project. Anyone wishing to collaborate in promoting the initiative can ask Claudio Romeo (big_orko@yahoo.es) for the digital kit with coordinated graphics to produce and circulate stamps, postcards, stickers, banners, flags, etc
Please note: the t.a.z. project was CONCLUDED with issue n. 10 in Jan. 2022.
Le Forbici di Manitù - G.P.S./G.A.P.S.
Le Forbici di Manitù - GPS / GaPS - clear vinyl 12” album (BAU 14) - July 2017
The BAU Cultural Association of Viareggio assembles, produces and distributes since 2004 an annual magazine, BAU Container of Contemporary Culture, which collects in a cardboard box numbered and signed artworks of several international artists. Copies of BAU are housed in important libraries, museums, archives and collections, from the Mart of Rovereto to London's Tate Modern. In 14 years of activity, BAU has involved more than 800 authors from all corners of the planet, consolidating a network of contacts that is increasingly becoming a true "global participation system". The theme of issue 14 of the magazine, released in July 2017, is in fact “GPS - Global Participation System”: as a GPS system, BAU takes over the various "position signals" sent by creative satellites in its orbit, then suggests favorable trajectories and useful goals. Among the 70 authors of BAU 14, which has the peculiar shape of a cylindrical box (12 cm in height for 40 cm in diameter), there are historical figures such as Enrico Baj, Giulia Niccolai, Mario Mulas and Gillo Dorfles, young New Media authors like Lino Strangis and Max Serradifalco, starred chefs like Gualtiero Marchesi and Vito Mollica, sound experimenters such as My Cat Is An Alien, Paolo Tarsi, Fauve! Gegen A Rhino and Le Forbici di Manitù (see www.bauprogettop.net).
For BAU 14, Le Forbici di Manitù (Manitù Rossi, Vittore Baroni and Gabriella Marconi) recorded an album with two extensive "audio journeys", GPS - Gigantic Paradigm Shift and GaPS - Global Art Participation Systems, traveling in the direction of utopian goals and revisiting a synoptic history of the international underground art networks of the last century, from Pataphysics to Fluxus, from Mail Art to the Luther Blissett Project. The 12" clear vinyl disc is applied to an original circular cover (diameter 35 cm) by Emanuela Biancuzzi (www.biancuzzi.com), with graphic layout by Elisa Landini and Virna Zampolini. The disc was produced in a limited edition of 300 copies, 180 of which included in BAU 14, the remaining 120 available separately.
Since 1983, the enigmatic Manitù Rossi heads one of the most singular and eclectic ensembles of the Italian music underground. Le Forbici di Manitù recorded a dozen albums for esteemed international labels and are at ease in the most diverse sound idioms, from post-industrial noise to cover versions of pop-rock classics, from electronic minimalism to lounge jazz. Their most recent project is Tinnitus Tales (Sussidiaria, 2016), a triple themed album with the collaboration of some fifty musicians and visual artists. In the GPS and GaPS suites, Le Forbici di Manitù operate a singular mix of post-cageian serialism a la Reich / Glass / Riley and eclectic citationism, from Tomorrow's Sixties psychedelia to the New Wave of the B Sides, from Fluxus conceptualism to Situationist cut-up.
The disc can be purchased, either physically or digitally, via the Bandcamp page of the Sussidiaria label: https://sussidiaria.bandcamp.com/. Alternatively, the 12" clear vinyl album, provided with digital download code, may be requested to Vittore Baroni, paying € 35 (€ 25 + 10 for postal charges) at the PayPal account of vittorebaroni@alice.it.
Le Forbici di Manitù
(BAU 14)
Side A /
GPS journey 14 A
Destination: a Gigantic Paradigm Shift
Arrival: Cornucopia-Erewhon-Eden-Freiland-Libertalia-Atlantis-Oceana-Xanadu-Utopia.
(Baroni-Rossi) 20:34
Side B
GPS journey 14 B
Destination: GaPS - Global art Participation Systems
Arrival: BAU Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea
(Baroni-Rossi) 20:11
With quotes from :
Pataphysical Colleges Area: Pataphysical Introduction (Pt. 1) (Robert Wyatt, 1969) / A Concise British Alphabet (Pt. 1) (Hugh Hopper, 1969).
Beat Culture Circuits: The Beat Generation (Rod McKuen, 1959).
Fluxus Constellation: In Memoriam To Adriano Olivetti (George Maciunas, 1962) / Paper Piece (Ben Patterson, 1960).
Situationist Spot: La Société du spectacle (film) (Guy Debord, 1973).
Provos District: My White Bicycle (Keith Hopkins / Ken Burgess, 1967).
New York Correspondance School: Hey Ray (John Cale, 2011).
Mail Art Land: Mail Art Dada Skank (Rod Summers, 1983), Mailbox Friends (Keith Bates, 1984).
Neoist Nation: Catastronics (Monty Cantsin /Istvan Kantor, 1983).
TRAX Modular System: Combination (B Sides / Spirocheta Pergoli / Piermario Ciani, 1982).
Decentralized WorldWide Congress Zone: Let’s Network Together (Baroni-Rossi, 1992), Incongruous Rendez-vous (Keith Bates, 1998).
Luther Blissett Colonies: Mind Invaders (Luther Blissett / Klasse Kriminale, 1998).
Vittore Baroni: texts, psychogeographical researches
Gabriella Marconi: flute, glockenspiel
Manitù Rossi: Elka Synthex, voice, bass, etc.
GPS voices: Alice (I), Alex (GB), Claire (NL), Monica (E), Markus (D), Audrey (F)
Emanuela Biancuzzi: illustrations
Elisa Landini, Virna Zampolini: graphic lay-out
Produced by Le Forbici di Manitù at Occam’s Razor, December 2016-February 2017
Mixed by Manitù Rossi and Vittore Baroni at E.O.N. Archive, February 2017
Mastered by Andrea Suriani at Alpha Dept. Studio, Bologna, February 2017
Printed by Handle With Care in Berlin, May 2017
You can see photos of the open air installation “Work in Progress” at the Parco Callas in Sirmione, Italy, with works dedicated to Cavellini by various international mail artists, selected by Lillo Marciano and Vittore Baroni, in the Facebook page of Art No Limits - Progetto Utopia - Towards 2014: www.facebook.com/artesenzalimiti?fref=ts . The project will continue throughout 2014, with more works added to the panels and special GAC installations in various locations in Sirmione. A documentation will be later produced and circulated.
Take part in the G.A.Cavellini 1914-2014 Centennial Artistamps portfolio!
To participate in one of the collective G.A.Cavellini Centennial artistamps sheets that will be issued by E.O.N. Post in 2014, simply send one original square postage stamp design in tribute to Cavellini to the address below. The unpublished work in color must be cm. 15 x 15 in size (7 x 7 inches) and will be reduced for printing to cm. 5 x 5 (2 x 2 inches).
A first collective sheet of stamps will be issued in January 2014 and other sheets will follow whenever enough works are collected. First edition deadline: December 15th , 2013. Last edition deadline, August 15th , 2014. All the participants will receive a free copy of the complete, perforated giant color stampsheet inside an original GAC portfolio.
Please no digital contributions via e-mail, send only works on paper. These works will be also exhibited at GAC events in 2014.
Mail to: Vittore Baroni, Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, Italy.
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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.
IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.
This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course
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Grazie Vittore Baroni
Grazie Vittore Baroni
Grazie Vittore Baroni
Grazie Vittore Baroni
Grazie Vittore Baroni
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