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Jrdnweaver's Friends

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica
  • Strelnikov (Стрельников)
  • Alexandra Pharmakidis
  • Jimmy McCullough
  • Chris Day
  • Mim Golub Scalin
  • Samuel Montalvetti
  • Dame Mailarta

jrdnweaver's Groups


jrdnweaver's Page

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
To keep the USPS confused
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
621 W. 189th St.
Apt 2D
New York, New York 10040


Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 10:06pm on October 3, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 8:54pm on June 28, 2011, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Checked! Got it! Thanks! As a non-smoker, I appreciate the 'Classi' bit more than the 'Boro' bit. I'll be mailing tyou something back by the end of the week.

You ask what I do for a living?

Take a deep breath. Before I was retired (note passive tense) I used to be an EU lobbyist for a major Anglo-Japanese ICT company. Then I was a  a Visiting Professor (in political scince, policy making, environmental management: all at the MBA level) at various French, Dutch and Austrian universities.

And now, I hear I quote from my latest business (sic) card I am all of these:

'Conceptual Artist, Author, Photographer, Collector, Rock'n'Roller, Cat Lover, Conceptual Writer, lobbyist, Environmental Consultant, Drinking Companion, Household Name (in my own Household), Intellectual, Ex-Athlete, Darlington FC Supporter, Etc.'

As you will deduce from this I am also extremely modest.

And tou, What do tou do when ytou ain't sending me Mail Art pieces and messages?

Regards, Hilton Val

At 6:03am on June 17, 2011, Valentine Mark Herman said…
Hi New friend jrdn etc! Let's exchange some Mail Art? Send me something to 1 rue de la Vielle Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and see if you can confuse La Poste too. I'll reply, and see what havoc i can induce in your local postal system. Regards, your New Friend Val
At 5:25am on June 17, 2011, Nadine Wendell-Mojica said…
I'll be posting as soon as my stamp order comes in. I'm ordering stamps on line because the P.O lines here are so LONG and I can't study the stamps. BTW I love your Lucky Strike collage.
At 9:03am on June 15, 2011, Nadine Wendell-Mojica said…
Hello from California! Welcome and I have been finding these folks so wonderful. I too have done mail art for years but actually discovered the Union while reading Jennie Hinchcliff's book. I am pretty disgusted with how we communicate these days and have always loved getting mail from my more art-loving friends over the years. So it's a perfect fit for me. I'll be excited to send you something and we can really confuse the USPS!
At 4:40pm on June 13, 2011, Valentine Mark Herman said…


Nice to hear from you.

How did I get started in Mail Art? In September last year I started a project 'An Envelope a Day' (that you can read about nd see examples of on my web-site www.val-herman-art.eu) that was a 'self-Mail Art' project. For a couple of years before that I had been sending out Mail Art and Stamp Art (agaian see the web-site) collage envelopes to friends, but I didn't know that such a thing called Mail Art even existed: i was just doing it! 

About the same time someone from IUOMA sent me something -- I still don't know how they 'discovered' me. I replied, even though i didn't know that i was expected to reply. Then other people started sending me stuff, and eventually I discoverd that all this was taking place within the IUOMA framework, so I joined it.

Life has been different since, and I have been sent, and received, hundreds of Mail Art pieces. It's all great fun!

So, looking forward to receiving, and of course, replying to yours; And when you change your address in September, make sure that you post your new one on Your Page.

Regards, Herman's Hermit

At 7:48pm on June 7, 2011, Mim Golub Scalin said…
Also, I like the way your website is forming up. Look forward to seeing more.
At 7:40pm on June 7, 2011, Mim Golub Scalin said…
Love your profile image!
At 4:29am on June 6, 2011, Mim Golub Scalin said…
Welcome to the Union! I'm so excited about this for you.
At 9:23pm on June 5, 2011, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Dear jrdnweaver,

(That sounds a bit formal: let me start again...)


Welcome to IUOMA!

It's a great bunch of folks and I hope that you enjoy exchanging Mail Art with us. I'm your Mentor,  and if I can help to ease you into IUOMA in any way, then please don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to explain what's going on and how IUOMA works.

Would you like to exchange some Mail Art with me? If so, send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I PROMISE to send you something back.

Hoping you enjoy your IUOMA days.

Regards, Val Herman





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