Pais Garcia
  • Male
  • Lisboa
  • Portugal
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Pais Garcia's Friends

  • olga corrales
  • Claudia Garcia
  • The Blessed Father
  • Márcia Godinho Leal
  • Teresa Maia
  • laurence gillot
  • goncayengin
  • Apartis - MMA
  • La Koki
  • Guido Bitossi
  • Constança Lucas
  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
  • Neil Gordon
  • Ricardo e. Gonsalves

Pais Garcia's Page

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Pelo gosto pela Arte,uma experiência enriquecedora e de partilha.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Pais Garcia's Photos

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Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 10:29pm on December 2, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 3:41am on January 28, 2015, Cernjul Viviana María said…

At 3:18am on December 31, 2014, Cernjul Viviana María said…

Hola Pais.

Te envié hace unos días mi participación, mail art para tu convocatoria "la Pera",

pero con el tema de los tiempos del correo, y las fiestas de navidad y año nuevo, no sé cuando lo recibirás.

Saludos desde Argentina, Viviana.

At 1:36am on September 11, 2013, Claudia Garcia said…

Gracias Pais!!!!! Voy a mirar la convocatoria y si me dan los tiempos, con gusto participare. Seguimos en contacto!!!! Saludos

At 2:59pm on August 26, 2013, goncayengin said…

Hello Pais,

Your beautiful mail art was received! I am adding your work in Another Brick in the Wall of Hope exhibition:)

Greetings from Singapore!

At 11:37pm on August 1, 2013, The Blessed Father said…
You added me as a friend. . . you have no address to send mail? BF
At 7:18pm on February 26, 2013, Carlos I. Botana said…



Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
 It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
A picture of each work will be uploaded in
For further information please visit our blog: 
or send an e-mail to

Subject: Jail
Deadline: 1st June 2013
No measurement limits
Free technique
The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

Send your works to:
Carlos Botana
Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
15006 - A Coruña
At 6:00pm on October 12, 2012, Celestino Neto said…

Grupo Toca do Lobo - Mail Art Call



Convidamos voces para participarem do nosso Projeto de
Arte Postal
Mago ou Magi, plural da palavra Persa antiga magus,
significando tanto imagem quanto "um homem sábio",
que vêm do verbo cuja raiz é "meh", significando grande, e em sânscrito,
“maha". Mago usualmente denota aquele que pratica a magia ou ocultismo;
no entanto, pode indicar também alguém que possui conhecimentos e habilidades
superiores como, por exemplo, quando se diz que um músico é um "mago dos teclados",
pois toca com perfeição o instrumento musical.

Tema: Mago
Técnica: Livre
Tamanho: A4 ( no máximo)
Inicio do Projeto: 2010
Término do Projeto: 3 / 11 / 2013

Qualquer pessoa pode participar,
Artistas e qualquer pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando trabalhos com o tema “Mago”.
Não Haverá Júri e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos.
Os Trabalhos serão catalogados e estarão disponível no blog da Toca do Lobo sem valor comercial.
Exposição dos trabalhos online no blog oficial da Toca do Lobo e exposição em espaço público.
Os trabalhos podem ser enviado para o endereço:

Grupo Toca do Lobo
Rua: Nossa Senhora Aparecida, novo Nº69 (antigo 28) Apto 21
Vila Fátima – Guarulhos – São Paulo
Cep: 07191-191
At 8:48pm on July 2, 2012, TIZIANA BARACCHI said…

Mailart project
Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society
Free size, medium and technique
No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns
The show will be held in Pavia in 2012, October 19-21
At Santa Maria Gualtieri
during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012
Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia
Documentation: all submissions will also be posted
on the web sites under costruction in:
Artworks should be sent by snail mail
DEADLINE to be received
2012, September 30

send to:
Via Torino 37
I-27100 Pavia

At 8:09pm on December 12, 2011, TIZIANA BARACCHI said…

The Diary of a Young Girl
Theme: a Mailart exhibition dedicated to Anna Frank and to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. January 27th, 1945: death camp Auschwitz was liberated
Size and technique free
No jury, no returns, no fees
Exhibition in 2012 in Giulianova, Italy
Documentation online gallery and catalogue to all participant if it will possibile (because of sponsor)
All works via post, no email please.
Info: o
Deadline to be received January 2nd, 2012

Isabella Branella
via Giardino 12
I- 64021 Giulianova Lido

Pais Garcia's Blog

Posted on August 3, 2011 at 9:30pm 3 Comments

Convocatoria de Arte Correo
Tema: “Lazos de amistad ... en…


Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?

The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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