Happy birthday!
Open Call: http://mailartdm.blogspot.com.br/
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, send me a friend request for easier communication
(in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
Bom dia Luis:
Estive agora aqui a visionar o Regulamento e verifiquei que o prazo foi dilatado para 20 de Maio. Estou certa? É que há uma amigo meu de Alcoi que queria participar, assim já tem tempo. Confirme por favor. Obrigada. Mizé
O meu trabalho vou eniar hoje
- Equivalent to the Sport Olympic; please inform all & Imagine the great positive effect; to the WORLD ART- ARTIST- galleries - museum -student – children – schools - academics -university -art outlet,industry, media- sponsors-decision maker-celebrity etc. & all humanity; let us all join to bring this beautiful concept-ART OLYMPIC-to reality; all ART( visual & performing - no age limit ); please join ( free ) CASA ( 7800 Member / 151 Country & growing ) THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY; ART IS ALLAH GOD UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE; THANK ALLAH GOD 4 ALL HIS BLESSINGS; http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=create_page_6#!/group.php?gid=103854223006652&v=wall; http://www.facebook.com/pages/ART-Olympic/141846272537044; www.casaart.org
Nobel Prize 4 Children;
The addition of children to Nobel; It will take a moment of your time but will impact for a lifetime; please send Emails to; info@nobel.se; to include NOBEL PRIZE 4 CHILDREN; Imagine the great positive effect- to all World children-student-university-education- culture-innovation-education outlet-industry-media-etc. & all humanity; let us all join to bring this beautiful concept to reality; CASA ( 7800 Member / 151 Country & growing ) www.casaart.org; Imagine a million child from UR country or globally; 2 send emails in one day ( they will be at Guinness World records; Please in any event U do try 2 have an internet corner 4 people 2 debate & send emails 2 Nobel committee supporting the idea of - NOBEL PRIZE 4 CHILDREN; http://www.facebook.com/search/?flt=1&q=CASA&o=65&s=50#!/pages/Nobel-Prize-for-Children/381573120725?ref=search; www.casaart.org
Luis Fernando i sent you a collage for your exhibition yesterday. I wrote Luis Fransisco instead of Luis Fernando. I hope that is not a problem. Excuse me for that. I noticed after i mail the postcard. Will be sending it as an attachment today.
Best wishes,
Saudações artísticas Fernando !
Brevemente irei-te enviar a minha contribuição para o Mail Art call que estás organizar.
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