  • Male
  • Hoshiarpur, Punjab
  • India
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Jaspals's Friends

  • Margaret Jeddry
  • Derya Avcı
  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin
  • A s l ı, The Turkish Agent
  • Deb Douglas
  • Alana Schlotter
  • Grethe Bjørnhaug
  • SamaLama
  • Linda Tettamant
  • Theresa Easton
  • susana palomo
  • The Red Door Gallery
  • Jessica Manack
  • Claudia Garcia

Jaspals's Groups


Jaspals's Page

Latest Activity

Ilya Semenenko-Basin left a comment for Jaspals
"Dear Dr. Jaspals, I have mailed you a package with mailing envelopes and my collage. Let's keep in touch by mail. Best wishes, Ilya"
Apr 6, 2021
Jaspals replied to Ilya Semenenko-Basin's discussion The old envelopes
"Dear friend Ilya , I am an artist from India and if you won't mind and send such envelops in my name to create art out of that..  please send in my name n address.. my web page is... www.jaspalsarts.com .... my postal address is Dr.…"
Mar 29, 2021
Jaspals posted a status
"Dear loving friends, please send me Mail Art Projects with exhibition, in my account.. jaspals09@gmail.com Dr. Jaspals"
May 21, 2020

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
wish to join
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I wish to do something to express my feelings, thoughts n artistic ideas with other artists...
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
jc_jaspals@yahoo.com / jaspals09@gmail.com
Dr.Jaspal s... Tibba Sahib, St # 14, New corner house,
(Near temple), Hoshiarpur, 146 001
Punjab, India

Jaspals's Photos

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Comment Wall (43 comments)

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At 2:03pm on April 6, 2021, Ilya Semenenko-Basin said…

Dear Dr. Jaspals,

I have mailed you a package with mailing envelopes and my collage. Let's keep in touch by mail.

Best wishes, Ilya

At 12:42pm on October 27, 2014, Dan Mouer said…
Dear Jaspals, the exhibition came dow this past weekend. It was a great success. Here is a link to some pictures from the installation: http://danmouer.fastmail.fm.user.fm/Just_Mail_Art_Exhibit/

I am still working on a publishable catalog and will continue to update my progress on the group web site. Thanks once again for participating. Best wishes to you, my friend.
At 7:29pm on September 7, 2014, Celestino Neto said…
At 9:38pm on April 12, 2014, Dimitra Papatheodorou said…

Dear Jaspal, I sent my photo and cv, to your inbox, have a nice day.

At 12:00am on January 15, 2014, Edna Toffoli said…

Convocatória: Um sopro de vida!

Mail art call: One breath of life!


A arte para compreender,

o sofrimento para aprender...

The art for understanding,

the suffering for learning…


Envie uma arte postal para as pessoas com câncer, os trabalhos recebidos serão distribuídos para os pacientes em tratamento do Hospital Hélio Angotti da cidade de Uberaba – MG – Brasil.


Send a mail art for people with cancer, the jobs received will be distributed to the patients in treatment Hélio Angotti Hospital of Uberaba - MG - Brazil.


Enviar para: Edna Toffoli

                   Rua. Hiago Reis Leite, 31

                   B. Jd. São Bento

                   Uberaba - MG



Tamanho, técnica e quantidade: livre

Data: Julho de 2014 - 07/2014

Os trabalhos serão publicados no blog:


Certificado de participação via e-mail.


Size, technical and quantity: Free

Date: July 2014/07/2014

The work will be published in the blog:


Certificate of participation via email.


At 5:01pm on January 14, 2014, Celestino Neto said…

O Projeto de livro coletivo continua aqui com endereço atualizado: 

Proposed Project:
Creating an Artist Book Collective
where the page can be figurative or abstract.
Each artist may submit as many pages like;
Etching Technique: Monotype on paper
Size: A3
Objective: Show a production art collective,
approach with a plastic (book).
Exhibiting in a Private Room and Book Online;
Recognize the Arts and Visual Artists
Shipping Address of Work:
Group Wolf's Lair
A/C Celestino Neto
Alameda Amélia, 834 APTO 33 A B 1
Jardim Gopoúva - Guarulhos - SP
Cep.: 07092-010
e-mail: tocadoloboartepostal@hotmail.com
At 10:27am on December 24, 2013, Henning Mittendorf said…

Dear Jaspals,

I am sorry, I am no photographer.

Best holidays greetings.


At 4:15pm on December 18, 2013, fátima queiroz said…

Welcome, Jaspal!!!

At 1:10am on November 19, 2013, Claudia Garcia said…

Hello Jaspals: I sent you my mail art last friday. I hope you receive it soon. Best wishes!!!!

At 2:52pm on November 13, 2013, Sharon Silverman said…

Hi Jaspals. Happy to have you as a friend! Sharon



Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?

The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-february-2026. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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