  • Female
  • Omaha, NE
  • United States
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Gena's Friends

  • Janine Weiss
  • Courtney Prudhomme
  • Grigoris Kotsaris
  • Ander Morlando
  • Kim JungYoun
  • Steven Fossiant
  • Sharon Silverman
  • Test Tower
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

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Gena's Page

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
http://I dont have one
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love art. I enjoy giving. I enjoy receiving as well. Because every day that I open the mailbox and see mail art, is a good day to snoopy dance. (see 'Peanuts' cartoons) The idea of art for the masses makes me smile. Holding art in my hands created by another who lives somewhere in the world other than my neck of the woods, makes me feel connected.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
5120 S 82nd St
Ralston, Ne 68127

Gena's Photos

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 9:02pm on March 18, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 9:05pm on July 13, 2012, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 8:41am on May 16, 2011, Terry Reid said…
hi Gena

here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link   


Terry Reid

and hope to hear from you

(in facebook it is at :!/profile

.php?id=100000748977585 )

At 5:02pm on February 28, 2011, Courtney Prudhomme said…
very nice! I like your work as well!!! The dolls are so cool!!
At 2:04am on January 2, 2011, Test Tower said…
Hi Gena, Thanks for the compliment. You mentioned the "Snoopy dance" above. That really cracked me up. I have actually been to the "Peanuts Museum" in Santa Rosa, CA, where Chas. Schultz lived. I really enjoyed that. Anyway, nice to know ya. Test
At 5:52pm on January 1, 2011, El Taller de Zenon said…
Hello Gena, Bienvenida y welcome. I send you our call about artistamps,It will be a pleasure to receive your contribution. Saludos desde España.

Stamps sheets Call

At birth, stamps live all together in a sheet and they come away from it when they become adults...Create one or more than one stamps sheet. Any theme, any medium.The "Taller de Zenon" will send you some of his own sheets recently done and all the received stamps sheets will be exhibited in our blog.
Size: A4 or A5.
Any medium.
Any theme (See some suggestions)

Send to:
Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenón C/ Santa Maria de Guia 1 - 4C ES-41008 Sevilla, España

Eroticism always had been one of the motors of human being ¿Is it still a motor at the present time? ¿Was it affected by the actual global crisis? Consider the option to work about eroticism as a theme in all the possible ways, the requiered size is suitable to develop it, and it will be interesting to prove how the actual crisis is affecting eroticism in connection with Postal Art.
At 6:05am on December 31, 2010, Test Tower said…

Hi Gena - Welcome to IUOMA.

Don't forget to have fun. Fluxus Affair. Cheers, Test



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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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