Hand-Carved Rubber Stamps

Looking for Hand-carved Stamp Mini Zine Contributors - You Will Get One Copy of the Zine Back

Hello everyone!

I would like to make collaborative hand-carved stamp mini zines - a one-page mini zine made with an A4 sized single paper, folded into 8 panels.

Each issue of the one-page mini zine will features 6 different stamp carving artists / contributors, including myself.

Would you like to participate in the collaborative one-page hand-carved stamp mini zine(s) ? If yes, please send me the same carved stamp image prints in an envelope, 6 prints of your same carved stamp, 8 centi meter x 6 centi meter each, in size. Any theme welcome!

In return, from me, you will receive a copy of the collaborative carved-stamp mini zine in an envelope when it is finished:-)

Right now, I am looking for 5 collaboraters who can send me the same 6 carved-stamp prints of the size mentioned above.

Anyone interested ? Please comment under my profile or message me if you are already my IUOMA friends :-)

Happy New Year 2024, everyone !!

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    3 more contributors needed for the Hand-carved stamp mini zine # 2.

    Would anyone like to participate in it ?

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      Paulo Alexandre Rocha Teles

      number 5 where

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        Anyone else ? :-)