just like frida kahlo, i also make art from my bed.....
i am completely bedridden w/very severe ME/CFS, a chronic, complex, wholly disabling, completely life altering systemic, misunderstood neuroimmune disease. i can't speak, sit up, read, tolerate any sound, visitors or sun light. i run on only wisps of fumes (hence my need 2 use abbreviations). i am 2 weak 2 lift a metal fork without becoming winded. i've not left my bed for over 3 yrs.
i've always been creative but mainly in 3D. now this is the only thing i am able 2 do. besides giving me an incredible sense of purpose, it keeps me sane & its the most fun i have being tethered 2 a bed in a darkened room, completely isolated from the world outside my 4 walls. i create mostly envelope art & some postcards.
my work is varied & ever evolving. i do illustrations. sometimes collage, a little watercolor or just ur name as a focal point & sometimes i use rubber stamps. i enjoy using the postage stamps 4 inspiration. i love abstraction & children’s art.
whatever i create depends on my energy level @ the time. it's a very slow process. despite being completely cut off from the world outside my bedroom, there is no shortage of inspiration. i am a creative machine. the ideas never stop flowing, however i am limited as to what i can physically execute which includes my energy level & the tools i use in order to create. i am unable to sit up or lift the weight of my arms so i do this on a clip board, under the light of a headlamp while laying on my left side, propped up on my elbow. my “studio” is a 10 x 10 inch space on my bed; the same space I eat, sleep & cuddle with my cat on, b/c i'm unable 2 physically write more than just a name & mailing address, u will rarely get a quick note inside. otherwise, i send envelopes that r either empty, filled w/ephemera or a little watercolor.
2 reasons y envelopes appeal 2 me:
the idea of turning something, plain & otherwise ordinary in2 something extraordinary is how i’ve lived my life; it just excites me 2 no end. & lets face it, envelopes r pretty plain & ordinary.
unlike a postcard which may only b seen by the PO on the addressed side, w/out the art, i surmise seeing envelope art adds some variety 2 the otherwise repetitive, plain, boring envelope processing day. hopefully it brings smiles 2 their postal worker faces.
but here is the most liberating & imperceptible part of being able to send mail art to people all over the world: it has allowed a piece of me 2 b seen. 2 b able 2 travel outside the confines of the bed which i am tethered 2; 2 feel the breeze, c all the colors & creatures of mother earth, 2 feel the sun kiss my skin...this is an experience that would otherwise b absolutely impossible in all of my encompassing debility.
i ty 4 taking the time 2 read this
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
iv’e been given over 30 nicknames thru the years, so 4 my mailing address, i invite u all 2 b creative with my name. here r some more recent ones. take ur pick or come up with w/ur own! lets have some fun!
Supernova Sam
(or just plain old boring Sam Price)
Kevin Geronimo Brandtner
Thank you for the wonderful piece of Mail art! :)
(I had to cover the nipples to be allowed to post the picture on facebook and instagram)
Apr 25, 2020
Thank you for your green olives (or maybe even some microscoped cells) perfect for spring!
Apr 27, 2020
Sadly, Sam Price passed away April 20th, 2020.
May 5, 2020