Mars Tokyo

Baltimore, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I was born that way. I'm an artist that loves getting mail. I also like to send something in return so please include your return address.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Mars Tokyo
6214 Woodcrest Ave.
Baltimore MD 21209

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  • Cascadia Artpost

    Debra's address in Idaho is:

    1306 North 22nd Street

    Boise, ID 83702-2414

    ~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

  • Amy Irwen

    I did receive the envelope back, no return address...quit being a little bitch and let everyone know you are not interested in exchanging mail art....


  • Mars Tokyo

    Why are you calling me a bitch? I’m totally lost on this one. What did I do?