Uta Richter




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
in order to defend terrestrial mail and letter boxes
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Earthling, this may be the last but certainly, it´s not the least welcome message to IUOMA you are going to receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly uncharted corner of the faraway universe called “Republik van Patland”. I would love to be the other end if you wish to trade mail art with a celestial mail artist. If that is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe
    Terrene Embassy
    Republik van Patland
    Caixa Postal 461

    I look forward to seeing a piece of yours in my terrene mailbox. I´ll do my homework after receiving your artwork. This is nothing less than a celestial promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland Official Envelope Provider.

  • Bonniediva

    Hey Uta, I’m sending you mail for the exhibit! Hugs, Bonniediva

  • emily louise

    Just got your friend request.    would you like to exchange some mail art?

  • Richard BAUDET

    what is the precise address for Geneva  ?

    please confirm ;;;;;;;; size  - theme - technique ,,, FREE  !

     What is the dead line ?  Thank you !!!

  • stan askew

    thank you for the friend request, Uta!

  • emily louise

    Mail art is now in the mail and on its way to you!  

  • Richard BAUDET

    My participation ,  sent yesterday ..............

  • amadeu escórcio

     Hello Uta:

     Thank you for your friend request. May you send any mail for change?

  • Bonniediva

    Hey Uta,

    I’d like to send you a deco. Should I use the projetM address? If not, please message me your address. Hugs, Bonniediva

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    "...in order to defend terrestrial mail and letter boxes". You did it handsomely! Thank you.  Now it´s time for this scribe to defend celestial mail and letter boxes.  


    Bonjour j'ai bien reçu ton CARNET DEVOS .Quel grand plaisir d'y participer.Je me suis bien amusée.A bientôt j’espère dans nos boites aux lettres.

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    hi Uta, i am writing you as a long time mailarti, and I would like to ask you if you are aware that in mail art calls/projects there is no jury, no selection, no sale and no returns, certainly not at the expenses of the sender. yours is not a mail art call.

  • Rosa Gravino

  • Nina Hermus

    Thank you Uta for these wonderful ATC's. I will send you some ATC's next week!

  • chimerastone

    Hi Uta

    Thanks for sending me ATCs such a surprise. I haven't been on back on mailart for a few of years because been busy with work leave me drained of energy. If I can find the box of ATCS I will send some back otherwise I would need make some new ones. Not sure when this will be done as I have back log of mail art things to complete. I have wax seal stamps as well but never got round to using them. Now is great time. I will let you know when I will be sending them.

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Hi Uta, I blogged your ATC's. Thanks!

  • Amy Irwen

  • Debra Mulnick

    Hi Uta!  I do not normally make ATC’s but I would be happy to make one for you.  I am sitting in the Frankfurt airport today waiting to fly to Athens, then on to Crete.  Lucky me!

    I will not be home until next month, but have a few collage supplies with me.  Please send me your mailing address and we’ll see how long it takes.  Looking forward to trading mail with you!  I’ve been admiring your work so this is perfect.  Debra

  • Edna Toffoli

    Hello Uta Richter,

    Let's go to an art exchange! Thank you for the friendship mail art.

  • Cuan Miles

    Hi Uta,

    Sure, am happy to exchange ATCs with you.



  • Susanna Lakner

    Hallo Uta, gerne!

  • Debra Mulnick

    Hi Uta!

    I’m glad you sent your address - I sent you something from Sfakia on the south coast of Crete!  I hope it arrives safely.  Ciao!  Debra

  • Carina

    Hi Uta, Thank you so much for your cool ATCs. I'm looking forward to exchange some more ATCs/mail-art with you!

  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Hi Uta! Finally getting around to blogging about mail from this past summer. Here is a post about the awesome mail I received in July: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/profiles/blogs/from-uta-richter-0060-.... I will be sending something to you this week! Thanks so much!

  • Debra Mulnick

    Hi Uta,

    Thank you for your mail which was waiting for me when I returned home.  I really like your painting and mixed media works.  I was looking back at my photos from my visit to Maria Chorianopoulou’s “Post around the Clock” Mail art exhibit in Athens.  She let me help install the exhibit as I visited the day before the opening.  In one photo, I can now see that my piece was right next to yours!  Unfortunately your piece got cut off in the photo, but It is definitely yours.  Just thought it was a nice connection - the Geneva/Boise gap has been bridged (what the Celestial Scribe from Brazil has said).  “God save the bridge!”

    Cheers Uta, Debra

  • Edna Toffoli

    Uta, thank you for your mail art for our project, we got happy.

    Best regards!

  • Amber Scribble

    hello... mail on its way to you !!

  • MoriceMarcuse

    Thanx to become a member of our group

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Thank you for the wonderful gifts!

  • Maggie Mize

    I sent you mail but it came back. Do you have a new address?

  • maha

    participating ,send it  my marbleized ink art by mail and also digital download t the the blog