Tallie Jones


Bellingham, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
http://tra la la, la la
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
My old postal service-using friends have mostly defected to cell phones, e-mail, and the like, so I decided to expand my network by entering the network. What's not to like about "senders receive," in all its glorious forms and permutations?
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Rhinogirl c/o Mindport Exhibits
210 W. Holly St.
Bellingham, WA 98225

Comment Wall:

  • jon foster

    I would be honored if you wanted to put up something of mine. Feel free to do what you wish with what I send you...no problem at all.
  • jon foster

    Perfect, if you want me to send more I'd be glad to. I have a lot of stuff backed up since I'm waiting for a few people to send things.
  • Red Head Love

    Cheers from Plymouth, MA!
  • jon foster

    Got your card in the mail today-thanks! No hurry on the pictures of the show, whenever is great. I'm just happy that you thought of me when you added my stuff. Talk with you soon.
  • jon foster

    Got your mail today about the show. So glad that I got to submit things to you. Thanks so much for the follow up. Let me know if you ever want me to send something, to whatever, or for whatever.


    Strange I got your mail on the seventeenth anniversary of Cobain's death. LIke everyone else, I was a big fan.

  • jon foster

    I will get a few things going and send them out to you. I need to collect some things from school before the semester is up. Talk with you soon.
  • Terry Reid

    hi Tallie

    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/   


    Terry Reid

    and hope to hear from you

    (in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile

    .php?id=100000748977585 )

  • hi.

    i'm going to have to do this i guess!

    homework #5 is all yours.

  • french zombies are the best!!!??? ;-D

    it's a three day weekend, so expect a lot of homework!

  • jon foster

    Thanks for the mail. The great thing about working at a school is getting to have loads of "things" to make other things out of.

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Good to know it arrived! Just ordered stamps. Here you have long lines at the post office and people get impatient if you pour over the stamps. To me, of course, it's part of the process.
  • ma classe [will] adore [tu?].
  • if you would like to be included in my weekly FREE ART email, please get me your address!


  • don't keep up then!

    it's ok, i don't mind waiting in the mind a while before being expelled into the postal system, really.

    it's much cozier inside BRAINS!!!!!!!

  • i quit french II.

    sending you the last of my homework.

    i hope you like it! ;-D

  • Pamela Gerard

    Tallie--I was just joking around (maybe I should remember one can't tell joking that easily unless in person). No worries -- please don't think I was serious.....anyway, happy to see you on IUOMA and looking forward to hearing from you, as always.
  • Pamela Gerard

    SuperHero quit French???????
  • still signed up for it, not sure if i'll go into it.

    i'm really bad at school.

    i get straight A's, but i drop out more than half the time! ;-D

  • i like to be driven when i do something.

    i don't like doing things because it's just expected we have to do some things.

    i like living in the fire, i can't stand the mud of day-to-day.

  • any chance i could get your email?

    and do you have a blog?

    thanks!!! ;-D

  • La Koki

    Here's an invitation to participate what will be the first art mail exhibition in Trinidad and Tobago. http://bit.ly/postalart-eng We kindly ask to tell your friends and we expect to here from you! :)
  • rodnidotcom

  • Uncustomary

    I love this postcard!!!!!! Thank you.
  • mad madge

    I am glad that it arrived. Very sad time in our state...

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    bonjour! One extremely good thing about Mail Art is that there ain't no haste. So, why don't we agree to exchange MMail Art next year? Ooop, that only gives you 10+ days. 'Take your time, and I'll take mine too', as Buddy's song goes. Cordialement, Santa Val

  • Brittany Ellis

    Hi Tallie, its great to hear you received the card. For some reason my coment wouldn't post on good mail day. As soon as I saw your post I started working on your post card I was so excited! Your ideals about mail art (conceptual vision) is the same as mine. I am currently a junior fine art major, I do it all! Can't wait to receive your card!
  • Brittany Ellis

    GREAT! Im so happy to hear that, I'll be looking out for it :)!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Rhinogirl Tallie! Thanks for the great card; My cats and I are admiring the cat stamps on it, and trying to work out what it all means. I say it's art & doesn't necessarily have a meaning, but they say that there are several hidden messages in it. I'm still searching.

    I'll be mailing you something back before the week is out...if I find the messages!

    Bestest, Val

  • DKeys

    Hi Rhinogirl!! Received your elegant card with the library pocket--brings back such good memories. I will be blogging it shortly. Thank you!!

  • jon foster

    No big rush and no big deal. I look forward to anything you're willing to send. We haven't received a snow yet, normally those come towards the end of January for some reason. Chilly and windy, that's about it.

  • Brittany Ellis

    Hey Tallie, 

    I got your card today and I love it! Im going to start on yours as soon as I make it to San Francisco on friday. It doesn't take me long to complete a card so I might finish within one or two days the latest. I want to give you time to work on other mail artist cards besides mine. :) 

  • Brittany Ellis

    Hey Tallie! 

    Thanks for the comment the trip was ok, only I'm sick lol. I made your card last night and it will be in the mail today! I really think you will love it!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! There is a weird m,useum in Sete, Frqnce, -- weird because it's basic collection is of everydqy items from the 1940's to 1980's grouped haphazardly in big display cases. The present 'visitng' exhibition is artists, artists collectievs etc in Novq Scotiq, qnd thqt is zhere I picked up q flyer about the Mermaid Theatre.  I must admit that I'd neither heard of it nor Eric Carle. But one day.... Regards, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    B onjour Tallie Rhinogirl!

    What on earth are you on about when you write, 'I get the impression that you can take a little silliness'? WRONG!! I hate 'little silliness' BUT I adore LOTSA silliness.

    And so, thanks for the very nice card, and the info about Mindport (which I will look up in a minute): it sounds very interesting. Picking up the themes on your card, I don't know whether to reply with cats, gayness or women in/on screens. So I'll be a little or a lotsa silly and send you something completely different. But i won't post it 'til next week, cos it's freezing cold out there, and I ain't moving today.

    Do I like films? Sorry, no. I don't go to, or watch, films at all. The last one I saw was Teenage Mutant Turtles or Mutant Teenage Turtles which I took my son to for his 10th birthday (I was a good dad). He is now 31.

    If you are reall interested (I thought not) I could send you a list of other things that I don't do.

    Here's one for you: do you like rock'n'roll?

    Bon weekend, Val

  • Uncustomary

    I got your letter!! Thank you, :)
    Checking out the Mindport website is on my to do it NOW list. <3 

  • mad madge

    Yes, your card arrived. Thank you! I love the circles made up of scrap pieces. Will send you something in a couple of weeks. I'll be out of town and away from my supplies next week.

  • Uncustomary

    I posted an image of one of the pieces of mail art you sent me on my blog. <3

  • Kerri Pullo

    Much appreciation for your artwork! I can't remember if I scanned yours in! I am trying to get everything scanned in to post! You will all see some mail coming your way soon! :)


  • Uncustomary

    Got your letter today! PS - Thanks for adding me on Facebook. I'll reply soon! :)

  • jon foster

    Got your card yesterday, thanks so much. I really like cards that have raised parts to them. I need to figure out a way to make something a little more...three dimentional. Thanks again.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Dear Rhinogirl!

    Many thanks for your sleepin' and  dreamin' railway envelope with matching stamps. Tis much appreciated from someone who was born and bred in the town (Darlington) where the first ever passenger railway train journey was made: Stockton to Darlington in September, 1825.

    Trains are in my GNA. This Envelope is in my collection. And I'll be mailing you something back before I go to Darlington, yet again, at the end of next week.

    Thanks again...Val

  • Jack Lattemann



    A very belated reply likely more applicable to the future, but of course you are always welcome to display anything I send you.

    Ever hear of Ambrose Bierce? He's going to be the subject of a project this summer.


    See you in the mail,


    Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

  • Uncustomary

    I know I've sucked with mail lately, but here is a belated alert that I got your letter in the wonderful knitting envelope and that I wrote you back tonight. Expect a reply soon! :-)

  • jon foster

    Got your work in the mail today, thanks so much. Thanks so much for the kind words about the last piece. I really need to make some bigger things and send one out to you. I did this a couple of times but I've really gotten into making the small things. Anyway, see you in the mail.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Tallie, thank you for the fab work. I blogged it at M-L. Best wishes, DVS


  • jon foster

    Nah, sorry about the confusion but the invitation was to have everything sent out, finished by the end of this month. Being a dilligent teacher (which is a curse as well) made me stick to my deadline. I sent out the first 12 just last week, but I have to finish another project to add to the next round of mail. So look for your package next week if I get everythying done. Right now I'm in end of summer session research paper hell!