Lindsay Stewart


Halifax, Nova Scotia


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Because it encourages me to be creative on a regular basis
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
264 Holland Rd.
Lake Fletcher, Nova Scotia
B2T 1A1 Canada

Comment Wall:

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  • cheryl penn

    Lindsay, any sign of B yet?? I hope so :-)
  • Ms.Lovender

    Hello Lindsay, got your mailart today Thanks a lot it`s really cool and the short poem too. Have a nice day! I`ll be sending you one soon.
  • cheryl penn

    Lindsay - hello :-) Project 26 - how's it going?? Today was completion date to post work???? Hope you're doing well x
  • cheryl penn

    HEEEELLLLOOOO Lindsay in fartherest Canada :-) Any sign of Project 26??? :-)
  • Uncustomary

    Eeeeeeee I LOVE this piece. It arrived in my PO Box today and I can't stop touching it! Hahah. Thank you so much.
  • Wanda

    Hi Lindsay- did you find my address? I dont have it listed on IUOMA as I have had some weird spam emails from " lovely  beauties" who want to have a relationship with I removed it.

    yes hello from the west coast!

  • Wanda

    Well, I popped your envelope in the mail today and on my next errand I discovered one of the postage stamps in my purse, so you might be getting it in the near future or it will come back to me for more postage ( missing 0.02). The envelope is handmade out of wallpaper and apparently things dont stick well to it! i did glue down the mailart collage to the outside so hope this doesn't leave a trail across Canda as it makes its way to your house. Lesson learned!
  • is it a flesh eating furby?!!!!!!
  • Jen Staggs

    My heart is all a-flutter- Rhett Butler greeted me at the mailbox today.  Thank you kindly, Ma'am!  I declare, you are just as sweet as pie!  Fiddle dee dee!
  • i'm sending out an "add & pass" zombie journal your way!

    i hope you like to play frisbee art!


  • andytgeezer

    No 78 arrived safe and well at my REAL wall towers!
  • Deletmeplease

    Stitching! What a neat idea.
  • did you ever get the add & pass book?

    i got your postcard today, sending something soon!

  • Terry Reid

    hi Lindsay,  a reminder if you have not yet responded,

    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link   thx, Terry Reid, send me a friend request for easier communication

    (in facebook it is at :!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )

  • cheryl penn

    Lindsay - thank you for your #70 of 365! :-)X

  • tamsin littlebird loveday

    Hi Lindsay, thank you for your kind wishes and comments about my pictures. Tamsin
  • if you would like to be included in my weekly FREE ART email list, let me know your address!


  • prettylily

    Hi Lindsey,  Thank you so much for the great card!  I love it.  It must feel good to have mail moving around up north again.  I'm happy for you and hope that your mail box was stuffed with great mail.  :-)  Sue
  • can i get your email???

    thanks!!! ;-D

  • Bifidus Jones

    Hey Lindsay, could you please verify your current address please--i sent something to you awhile ago and it came back...
  • jon foster

    Got your work in the mail a couple days ago. Thank you so much for the great card. I'm going to add in a few minutes. I sent you something on Friday.

  • Jen Staggs

    Lindsay!  Thank you so much for the wee note card you sent!  You said it was one of your faves and I totally appreciate your sharing it with me.  You are rad.  I'm sending you a piece today, so keep your eyes on the post!

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I dropped the roundie i the mail yesterday. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes to get up the coast and into Canada. I'm using Dean Marks advise not to put a return address on odd shaped items. Once in the mail box it's the postal services job to deliver! yes!

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Cara Amica, non sapevo se ti piaceva, ho tentato di indovinare. Quella è una mia installazione di land art con interventi digitali. io le chiamo " fluttuazioni poetiche"

    un bacio , Bruno --- poetamailartfluxus

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Allora te ne invio un'altra :   un bacio . Bruno

  • jon foster

    Got your card today, thanks so much. How were you projecting the card I sent to you on the wall with an overhead? That sounds interesting! Thanks again!

  • Ana Karina

    Lindsay, I got your mailart today, i love it! thanks so much. I am going to reply soon, love your style.

  • Sarah Churchill

    Your card arrived today Lindsay, thank you! I love it. Pic here -

  • Jen Staggs

    Sooooo sorry I've taken so long to thank you for the Boeing 767 multi-layered note.  I love how you sewed together such disparate images together.  They are meaningful as a unit- and laying down a story to unify them is a fun project for me.  Thank you for thinking of me, you always inspire me.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi LIndsay, I posted the most recent work, "distortion," I received from you on the MinXus-Lynxus blog.


    Your "Good Vibez" is the most amazing thing I've seen in recent history. Keep it going!


    I'm sending you new ma soon. Best wishes, DVS

  • De Villo Sloan

    Thanks Lindsay, as long as it's OK to link M-L to your blog & the content is OK with you. Really, send anything any time because you fit right in with the M-L spirit. I'll make sure to keep you on the permanent mailing list. Thanks, and take care! See you in the mail. DVS

  • Carina

    Thank you Lindsay!!

  • olgacorrales

    Hola,permiso paso a dejarte una invitación,saludos cordiales Olga!

    Mail art for non-violence against women.

    Thank you very much, I'm hoping to have the support of the mail art movement.

    We appreciate the participation and dissemination of project

    Techniques; Free (photographs, collage, paintings, prints, writings, poems, etc.)
    All writings, poems, verses, sentences must be passed into English and Spanish.

    Size: Free, depending on the resources of each place and each artist, you can also reach
    agreement if the country has a host-coordinator.

    Quantity: Free

    Closing date for receipt: 10/09/2012.

    Artists lxs created and / or postcards intervene on one side, leaving the adverse side
    target for intervention of the public who visit the exhibition.

    The works must be coming to Bahia Blanca, Argentina in August-September

    No jury, no return, no works comercialización.Todas
    will be published online in the blog-http :/ / /

    We'll select all entries received that do not qualify unless the
    the criterion of the proposed theme.

    Participation in this call is free and implies knowledge
    and full acceptance of the conditions thereof.

    Each country will have a host who is responsible for advising participating artists lxs
    Explaining type of paper, weights, measurements, date and mode of delivery, and in the case of countries that do not have, at the discretion of each artist.
    The Post should be sent in a sealed envelope along with personal information to this address before Sept. 10, 2012

    Olga Corrales
    Address: Libertad No 3756-Ing White
    Bahia Blanca-Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
    C.P. 8000

    IMPORTANT: Also send pictures in JPG format (preferably not too heavy) to the following e mail:
    Will be uploaded to the blog

    For people who want to reflect the situations of women in our land, with those structures dehumanised, to be the art who will educate, inform, salv
    e, and denature such violence
    Showing doors outside, inside, down the carpet, and what happens in the room q, in the kitchen, with phobias killer, what happens in the q networks around the world, in politics, in lxs infiltradxs with our desterradxs origins, that involves us all the comrades, that is personal, that is political, q is social.
    Looks and Postcards

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    I hope the Store goes well.

    What are you selling in it???

    Here at IUOMA, we need to know.

    Regards, Val

  • jon foster

    Got your newest card in the mail today, as wonderful as ever. I really enjoy your style. Working on some new things and will send something out as soon as I finish those up.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Lindsay, I would love some of your "Free Mail!"

    Claire Dinsmore
    5840 Alderson Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15217-2467



    Hi Lindsay, Mail arrived on New Year's Eve. What a great treat for the new year. SO glad to hear from you. You had me worried there for a while but I'm glad you're OK and I'm thrilled to hear about the new store. I wish you and your friends the very best of luck with your new venture. The store looks super.
    Fondest regards, Edward
  • Karen Champlin

    Hey Lindsay, got your goodies!  Wow, what fun.  Thank you so much! :-D

  • Karen Champlin

    Second Storey looks awesome.  Good luck with that.

  • Amy Irwen

    Lindsay....all I say is WOW!  I was so surprised, shocked and giddy all at the same time....I LOVE all the paper!!! Thank you so much....

    I'm a little slow in blogging, but I received everything on the 3rd of January...

    Am working on something to sent out to you soon...

    Happy New Year and the best to you in 2013...keep us posted on the store *!*

  • Amy Irwen

    happy, happy day Lindsay *!*

  • jon foster

    Lindsay, I have no idea what the "PJ" stands for in that card. It was just one of those found images from a really old magazine. For my hometown, the home of Camel Cigarettes, people often use the camel as a way to represent the town. That's why I used it, but I have no idea of the meaning...sorry. Hope you're well?

  • jon foster

    I wrote a little bit about the most recent card I sent you on my blog. Maybe you'll find it interesting?

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Grazie ! un caro abbraccio , bruno :-)