Christoph Fuhrken




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
love mail art
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Cristian Sima

    hello, cristoph...glad to meet you here...i have an invitation for you...

  • Cristian Sima

    and a photo from an esteuropean excomunist country...

  • Cristian Sima i am ready for 4 work will be there...

  • Sarah Churchill

  • Luzia Castañeda

    thanks for invitation

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Christoph, this is a friendly welcome to The Eternal Network from a celestial mail artist living in … guess what?...of course in a heavenly corner of the faraway Universe called Republik van Patland.  A perfect start here is mail-art exchange. I would like to be the other end on your very beginning at IUOMA when you decide it’s the right time for you to start trading art.  If it’s the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe
    Caixa Postal 24827

    II look forward to see your piece in my terrene mailbox.  Yes! I will do my homework after receiving yours.  This is a celestial promise.  I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Envelope Provider.

  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    Welcome to IUOMA!  I'm the official mentor-of-the-month for March and happy to answer any questions that may come up.  Clicking "New to IUOMA" at the top of the page will take you to helpful information -- stuff I didn't realize was there until a few months ago. :)

    If you send your address, I'll pop a bit of art in the mail to you.

    With best wishes, Boo

  • Luis Drayton

    Hiya Christoph - thanks for the invite to join! (You hear that, people? This guy's only been here five minutes, and he's already bringing new people to the party!)

  • Tomoe N

    Thanks for the friend request. You can send me mail anytime, but I am piling up other people mails esp after last year's earthquake in Japan, so I am slow sending back though. Nice to meet you. Tomoe from Japan

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    I´m ready when you are.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Christoph, the Rastede-Curitiba gap has been handsomely bridged.  Postal time Germany-Brazil is something arround +/- 20 days.  I´ll keep you posted.    

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Hello from crazy town. Would love to exchange. Your art looks alot like the street art here in LA. Some rather good artists put up their work here.

  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

  • Jim SantAmour

    Thank you for the Camel at the Door post card....I wonder what's on the other side of the door...besides the whole world...jim.

  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Hola, su dirección???