Mail Art Martha


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1986, when I met David Dellafiora and joined Field Study.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art saves!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
12 River Grove Park

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  • David Dellafiora

    Hi Martha, love issuu booklet! Well, done on doing the 666 performances, life has taken over this week, so I'm aiming on flying a paper plane today.

    Great work

    Love, David

  • David Dellafiora

    Hi Martha, just put up the plane flying on youtube, Field Study blog and Fluxus group. Not a master at film making, but you get the idea. Also on the Field Study project is the Retail Cargo Cult sticker project I've started which will be recorded in ReSite, 2012 Report and anyway that stickers can go since I have a 1000 of them! Will send some to you for your shopping trolley. Started the project because of all the vacant shops in Geelong. best wishes David

  • vizma bruns

    Thanks for the add Mail Art Martha! Hope to see my mail art on your trolley very soon!!! Wishing you many belly laughs!

  • Louise Kiner

    I'm glad you liked the blue print and I hope the Scientists of Retailia can make sense of it "(I'm a drawer, not an engineer, Captain"). I suppose you can tell everyone it's a State Secret when you display it and they'll just ignore it. Does that make sense?

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thanks for the card, dear. Happy year of the dragon to you, too. Sorry you can't come across for the meet-up.

  • vizma bruns

    It made it?? Already? Have a closer look at the stamps and you'll see that they aren't real! I'll be interested to see if they were both postage stamped. Glad the reflecto bits stayed on, now you can go shopping at night too!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    OH MY GOSH, Come quick honey, look at this ... I'm famous in Beckenham!  Well at least the cat likes my barcodes.  Thanks for the smile.  You are amazing.

  • vizma bruns

    I have no idea what amigurumi is or are!!! Help! Shall I accept the mission? I think I will...what's the worst thing that could happen???

  • cheryl penn

    Ok - thats GREAT!!! :-))! Thank you -  as a distinct DISLIKER of shopping in ALL its formats, this is the first time a Shopping Trolley has EVER held any appeal :-) XX

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thanks for giving me one of the spots on your lovely moving gallery. I'm thinking I might do something like that on MY shopping trolley. It's a great idea. I'll be Martha's satellite shopping trolley gallery. If I do it, I'll let you know. Meanwhile, brava!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Hello, I just noticed that Mim's work is above mine.  How much do I have to pay to have mine moved to the top?  Hey this could turn into a advertising agency!

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Sorry. I speack just a little English ... perhaps I wrote something wrong... I don't know... excuse me...

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Hi Martha... don't worry... all is ok, no problem...

    Have a nice day


  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Thanks Martha!

    Have a nice weekend...


  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Hi Matha,

    I received your beautiful mailing whit the collage... Thank you!

    Here is the link to see it...

    All the best


  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Please read "... with the collage... thanks...

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    My reply is already in the mail... look at your post-box...

    All the best

  • Michalis Kotsaris

    Thanks Martha! Peace and Love from Greece...

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Thank you!... don't worry... as you know mail art is slow like a snail...

    Nice weekend!


  • Louise Kiner

    I'm glad she has 8 lives left at least :^)

    I think that would be a wonderful idea. Do you know approximately when it would be coming through, so she could be sent to you in good time? That way I can propose it on the group discussion board and who ever has her at that time can send her to you. I remember when the Torch came through Toronto 2 winters ago for the Winter Olympics, it was pretty thrilling.

  • Louise Kiner

    I will keep that in mind. Her passport might be expired at that point, but I am sure someone can get her to a Canadian embassy and have it renewed easily. She should probably leave where ever she is and give 10 days travel time to get to you.

    I will bring it up on the group discussion soon.

  • cheryl penn

    Safe arrival of boekie! Many thanks - will tel you when its added to growing collectible collection - THANK YOU!!!! :-) XX

  • MailWorks

    Hi Martha, was playing a bit with Issuu.

    next thing I will is publishing the issues of the Bizarre Cities magazine (, since 2000).

    Best regards, Bernd

  • pati bristow

    FAN ... tastic!! Love the new book, "The amazing story of ..." Thanks for including me.

    I've been busy with theatre and book arts, hope to get some mailart done over the summer.

    I hope you are keeping well.

    Would love to join you all in January, maybe this time....





  • Michael Leigh

    Yes, a naughty spammer hijacked my email. I have changed the password now so hopefully no re-occurance.  sorry you did not see the warnings on FaceBook and elsewhere. I tried to send a block email to everyone but ofcourse it wouldnt let me!

    Some other friends have been in touch and wary of it deleted thankfully.  not sure how malicious it was.  Thanks for getting in touch!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thank you sooo much for your process for creating a Shopping Cart Gallery. I'm still trying to come up with a solution for mine. Here's what my trolley looks like. I really enjoyed your eBook about your wonderful career as the Moveable Mail Art gallery. wow!

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Good idea Martha,

    Yes email me embedded code:


  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Thank you Martha for your nice mail art...

    Here's the link to see your works...

    All the best


  • yves maraux

    STG is wonderfull , (need a room on it) , ready for démo gathering ! the long walk!

  • yves maraux

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Merci! Now I have to get my nails done;.What colour do you think might suit me? I am thinking of bright purple --watcha reckon to that? Regards, Val

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Thank you, Martha... see you in the SNAIL mail...


  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Martha,

    code works, so book now visible on LAMUSAR blog

    ThankX and CheerZ


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    A good idea M.A. Martha: thanks. BUT I think these sort of nails would be a bit naff when I go for tea with Liz in Buck alace next week. Perhaps you and the Trolley have experience of these sort of 'do's; Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    You have just kissed Goodbye/Au revoir to your MBE for 'services to art and shopping trolleys'.

    'Liz in Buck alace' was supposed to be Liz in Buck Palace, but the 'P' peed off.

    Oui, vive le naff. And Vive de gaulle; And Vive anyone but Sarkozy.

    There's my Legion d'Honneir just gone out the fenetre.


  • Tomo

    Hey Martha

    I got your letter last week and liked it a lot, apologies for my lack of online presence, of course we can be friends. Expect your special package in the near future...


  • Tomo

    Hey Martha

    I got your letter last week and liked it a lot, apologies for my lack of online presence, of course we can be friends. Expect your special package in the near future...


  • Kyra Matustik

    Great,I am happy and thanks,I was not at this site for almost a year. Now I a was working for Circus project.This guy was an Avantgarde in former Soviet Union in 1920 30 and of course Stalin killed him, they could not stand Jewish people and Avantgarde.Meyerhold ,look it up.

  • yves maraux

    a monster mail art show

  • Mary J. Grellner

    Hi Martha:

    I loved Julian's patriotic photo!  What a cutie.

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi MA Martha! Thank you so much for the collab postcard from the London Meet.. so nice that you guys could get together....I will have something going out in the mail to you tomorrow...enjoy and thank you again *!*

  • Judy Skolnick

    WOW, mailart Martha, you can't let a little fire stop you.

  • Amy Irwen

    Go MA Martha..thank you for the friending...I've sent you something in the mail today.... *!*
  • David Dellafiora

    Hi Martha

    Very sad to hear of the ending of Shopping Trolley Gallery. I sure like the Fire Bird it will be reborn in the ashes!

  • Amy Irwen

    Haha...don't put me on a pedestal, I just send postcards!
    Thanks tho *-*
  • Louise Kiner

    You can keep her as long as you like Martha, that's no problem. She'll like the torch relay.

    It's just lately, I noticed interest was waning, so sometimes it's good just to know when to pack it in.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Martha...STG is safe and sound here in Greece. I had it in my 2008 files! It was the exhibit "at the Tate" that I had hoped to see, and then I really envied the London Meet with Dean Marks...but one day, some day, we shall meet in London!

    I shall try to make a color copy of this (when I return to the city next week)

    and send it to you:

  • Louise Kiner

    That's very kind of you, Martha. Thanks.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    M.A. Martha--thanks. Rust Zen was put together, named, and sent to me by Erni Bar because he knows my love of rust. But yah, my zen is probably a bit rusty too. Destiny...