De Villo Sloan


United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
There are those who are.
There are those who are not
-Robert Stone Dog Soldiers
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Please note my Auburn, New York USA pob is closed.
Send mail art to:
102 Meadow Drive
Elbridge, New York, USA 13060

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  • DKeys

    I know. I was surprised actually, because she's always been supportive of my ideas. How ironic though that an art performance is not 'appropriate' for a reception celebrating art. Snobbery has no place in art yet it's all over it. That's why I like Mail Art. Fuck the poseur art snobs you know? I will still do my sale, but like my original laundry line, the audience might only be one or two squirrels and some ked and capri wearing suburban jogger-bys. I just had to post it because at first I felt utter rejection on all levels, but I took a risk and then it dawned on me how absurd it was. You could just feel her bristle up at the thought of it. Well, thanks for reading my blog. I always think I'  m in some kind of vacuum and you and others help me feel I'm being heard on some level. Miss seeing you around--good to heard from you AND Dark Wall.  Ramone and Stubbs said they would contribute an empty tequila bottle and tamale wrappers to the sale.
  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    Hi Friend Cheryl!! AI mailart asemic 16#4 ! and card!

    Cheryl   ART Museum Russia Taganrog proejkt TRASH FLUXUS group Belka & Strelka 14 oktobr-14 novembr /Internazionale proejkt : Mail art, Artbook curator De Villo Slooan and Cheryl Penn Asemic 16#3,16#4. Art book Zombie 1, curator Superhiro ,Installazion,Reidi -meid,Videoart.


  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    Grazie De Villo Sloan  LOVE  friend!!Belka and Strelka !!!)))))

  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    De Villo Sloan mailart asemic 16#4 and card ))))))
  • De Villo Sloan

    ASEMIC POEM 10.5.2011
  • cheryl penn

    Monkey Mania  setting in?? Summer is on the way, that means the monkeys will be too.   I'm setting their breakfast table as we speak ;-) X
  • cheryl penn

    Dear Bowling Pin.  Life could get worse - you could be set up as Monkey King.  Its VERY difficult to be the boss of Asemics AND monkeys.  Did your D-Koder come with a manufacturing guarantee? Or instructions in some foreign language? That can certainly slow up a venture to The See. Sea? :-) XX
  • cheryl penn

    Your nails hhmmm - can recommend someone close by here - looks a bit like a monkey, barks like an alligator  - but hey, you cant have everything :-) X
  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    De Villo Sloan greetings!!))) we with Victoria will send you our press - release of our exhibition to Russia and a card from an exhibition. There all artists which are specified us sent a mail арт, all of us will send cards press releases!!))) thanks you big for your creativity, unlimited imagination and freedom in pictures yours faithfully Svetlana Pesetskaya.
    De Villo Sloan, I have sent you on October, 3rd the linogravure and on October, 6th Asemik16- 4, on October, 22nd I will send Asemik 16-5, is almost ready I will collect and I will send, it is necessary to unpack only!!)))., good-bye yours faithfully Svetlana Pesetskaya)))


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks! I am now officially an Old Man -- but don't feel it, yet.

    I'm young enough to be a Mail Artist -- just.

    And hopefully we can continue being IUOMA Friends, 'cos I value your friendship.

    Regards, Val

  • DKeys

    Hey DVS!! Was this the show that was here in Chicago? I read the description-no pics unless I missed it. Love the idea. that was way back when i first met you I think.
  • DKeys

    I'm thinking what's happened, is there are some faux DVS pants circulating. I feel certain of this. I'm not sure what you can do about this, but it could definately start some less than tasteful rumors. Of course scandal is free publicity, so I'm glad the piece is a success. But why again did you do it?  I forget what led to such extreme action
  • DKeys

    you know what? I have no idea. It was so long ago and I can't figure out what I would have sent. I know I sent a sweater postcard to Lisa. Maybe it was coat tails?  I know it makes me want to see the results of so many amazing artists that submitted.  I specialize in futile and useless--someone has to root for the underdog
  • DKeys

    most of the time I think about 60 seconds into the future and forget to photograph things...
  • Guido Bitossi

  • liketelevisionsnow

    Hi DV - Do you have a link for Grigori's blog?  Thanks!
  • Ruud Janssen

    Hi De Villo,

    Since you seem to collect my acrylic painted envelopes, one more is on its way. Also with some details about the whole concept inside......

    best wishes,


  • liketelevisionsnow

    Hi DV - glad you enjoyed the work!  And thanks for Grigori's blogspot, I'll check it out.



  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

  • Kerri Pullo

    funny...I already mailed it to you!!!




  • DKeys

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • David Stafford

    Yes, although it was Steve Lowe. Steven had an interesting literary pedigree. He started out in Manhattan writing pornography, a tale he never got tired of telling. A huge room filled with typesetting machines (not the old linotype but phototype) and over each workstation was a pornographic subject category: Bondage, Lesbian, Gay, Montana Sheep Farming etc. For Steven it was a chance to deploy a stream of consciousness type of writing. James Joyce in the gutter. I can't remember how he and Burroughs crossed paths which is odd because I'm sure he told me countless times. As I said he loved telling the stories over and over but you never got tired of them because he was such an engaging storyteller.

  • Karen Champlin

    Thank you for the wonderful blog!  You have more work coming.  XXOO....K

  • Amy Irwen

    Great they arrived!!
    Thanks for posting. *-*
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It was a thrill and a half to receive the Elgin Shroud pocket shred AND authentication certificate from you, DVS--wow--and a few other types of shred to boot! Thank you! Is it ok with you if I blog the whole package?

  • Kerri Pullo

    Thank you ever so much DVS!! I love the Elgin Shroud and asemics....and your letter was a welcome read!

  • Amy Irwen

    Thank you DeVillo for the "Shred" of the "Shroud of Elgin".... I am truly blessed...

    also...Loved the Road Kill Lives on the envelope...I have posted everything on the Trashpo site...

    Happy Mail Art!!!


  • Amy Irwen

    You guys always keep me entertained on the TrashPo site...
    Thank you...
  • Neil Gordon

    Glad you got the prayer flag& dali trashpo! "i belong to the blank generation, i can take it or leave it each time!" I used to know Ivan Julian back in the day!... and yes, survived the blackout! Time to find some survivalist gear for winter, All the Best!Neil

  • Jen Staggs

    Oh, I certainly sent you a pregnant print!  If it doesn't arrive soon, I'll send another. No problem.  It's made it to Greece by now, I don't know why yours is missing...weird.

  • Jen Staggs

    OOh!!  Elgin Shroud!!  I had to go back and research the thread in the trash-po world to make sure I was in the know.  Eagerly awaiting any snippet of joy from DK's trashy garment.

  • cheryl penn

    To be unveiled. 

  • cheryl penn

    That is the only time I think this will be the complete image. Its the beginning of A Case for Aesthetics. From the only apparent member of A.C.E.  Interesting you used Nancy (Drew?) in this regard. 

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir! I posted another 8 Silly Stampphotos earlier today that might amuse you. That's the end of the series for now (not the least because I've had to return the digital camera I borrowed). Liberté, Egalité et Art Postal

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    Probably like wine, and possibly like women, my (mail) art improves over time, so while the 'earlier' stuff was young and fruity with a delicious bouquet and a subtle taste of licquorice, the latter works are full, mature...etc, etc,

    Yawn.... and pass the bottle, please.

    Liberté, Egalité et Art Postal, Regards, Val

  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    Grazie De Villo Sloan!)))))

  • Svenja Wahl

    DVS, I somehow missed your wonderful introduction for Asemics #5, thanks a lot, it's a great text! 

  • De Villo Sloan

    Authentic Imitation Fluxus stamp

  • Laura P (spopod)

    Thanks really enjoyed the project! 

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Just a thought: if you start a 'serious' discussion like I did the other day, *you get a handfull of replies, but if you start a silly one -- like 'DVS wears odd luminous socks' * --you'd probably get swamped by funny messages, photos, etc. Now what does that tell us about, well, us?

    Regards, Val

    * Don't worry, I'm NOT going to launch this one on the IUOMA world!

  • Austin Wills James


    You've got a card headed your way. I've been out of commision due to partial paralysis in my left (drawing) arm, but I'm dong the best I can with my right. Card's goin in the mail tommorrow.


  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thanks for stopping by to comment. Katerina calls them Mimimals, though your Mim-inimalism works for me, too.

  • Rosa Gravino

    Hola DVS! Todavía no he recibido tu contribución Asemic 16#5.

    Quisiera poder completar también éste libro para la exposición que haré en enero. Tal vez se haya perdido. Tu qué crees? 

  • E

  • Rosa Gravino

    Hello DVS, your asemic 16#5 has came today. After 35 days!

    Lucky it had not got lost. Thank you very much also for your words! I love it!

     I am a bit more near completing my book



  • E

    De nada Sloan !


  • Rosa Gravino

    Hello DVS! Today I have received your asemic *5 so you do not have to send it again!

    I have had to travel towards another city but when I return I will publish the photos.

    I value ver yvery  much your art and everything that you contribute in IUOMA.  

    At the Asemic *5 I have been employed with the idea of the  signs that are accumulated forming a thick matter, condensations, clouds, the sky, a window, the space,, architectural structures .... arquiteXture architext, it has been a tour, a flight, I have been a pilot... 

    Thank you very much for everything! I am preparing an exhibition that it inaugurates on January 13 and after that I will continue with my new asemic.

    All the best for you!!!

  • Rosa Gravino

    Beautiful and very interesting!

    Thank you for your art and for bringing to my memory Brion Gysin.

    Cuts, contrasts and a plot that always is present somehow

    Thank you very much! 

  • De Villo Sloan