Svenja Wahl




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail-Art works! And since I joined IUOMA nearly every day is a happy mail day! Kunst macht glücklich!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Svenja Wahl
Max-Wolf-Str. 9
D-69120 Heidelberg

Comment Wall:

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  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    A "first mail ever" arrived to Brazil last friday.  Mine is in front of me and will be on its way to Weberstr still today.  Keep me posted :-))))))))))))))))
  • Carolyn Kinzbach Lackey

    Art mail heading your way from Texas!!
  • Carolyn Kinzbach Lackey

    My address:  5605 84th St  Lubbock, TX  79424   USA
  • i got your art today, it is really beautiful!

    the envelope is a curiosity, especially since there are things in there i cannot see wihout destroying it! i really like that!!! someday i may rip it open to see, but probably not until the project is over. which may be a while!



    i look forward to seeing what you will do with your portion of the encyclopedia! i am sending you a reply as soon as i get more international stamps! probably tomorrow.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir Svenja! Thanks for the very nice cycling card. I've tried many things on bikes over the years, but NOT cycling by the side of a flying plane...yet. I went to see the tour de France on Sunday, and nearly got arrested for 'liberating' an official Tour sign from a roundabout. I am still free, well free enough to be mailing you back something later this week. i hope you are having a good summer. Best wishes, le Tour de Val
  • Marie Wintzer

    Svenja! Your card has found its new home, what a fantastic surprise! I love it, I think it's a very special card. I'm interested in finding out how you got those faces on the transparent sheet, did you simply print it out? Anyway.... it's fab! thank you!
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Dear Svenja! Thank you for the fav on my I´m gonna spend this night, writing and painting---let´s change our art, can´t wait to see yours in my hand....regards, Yvonne
  • Marie Wintzer

    Thanks Svenja, I really like this card, and I am not the only one. Something's out for you today.
  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe


    I have a feeling that I didn't get your address right and it delayed your receiving the vase. I mailed it weeks ago. Glad you liked it though. Since it was flat I thought it was the perfect thing to put in an envelope to surprise someone.
    Cheers! Edward

    Dear Svenja,
    I'm glad I picked the right color.
  • Renée Wagemans

    Hi Svenja,

    I would that very much, but please be patient with me, for I am recovering from an operation on both elbows (I broke them both on a vacation camping trip). At this moment I can't make anything and it makes me very bored and grumpy. In a few weeks I hope to be me again.


  • E

    Hi Svenja,

    De nada...



  • Carolyn Kinzbach Lackey

    Would love to hear back from you!  Glad you liked the postcard!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    That would be great, Svenja ~ I'd love to receive mail art from you and will reciprocate too.
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Liebe Svenja,


    danke für Deinen Brief! ich habe mich sehr über den Kakadu ähhh Tukan natürlich! gefreut....und schon liegt das Antwortbriefpapier auf meinem Tich:). Liebe Grüsse, Yvonne.

  • Frieder Speck

    Deine Post ist angekommen! Bin ganz begeistert! Ich mag kleine Kunst!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Svenja, your mailart arrived today and I love everything, including the envelope--inventive and whimsical. And great animals and asemics as well! Most of all, you were very thoughtful to send the Rilke room--it really touches me that you did that, and I love having it. Thank you!
  • Guido Vermeulen

    Looking forward to your contribution Svenja,


  • Thom Courcelle

    Wow, your handmade stamp images look GREAT in your photo! Can't wait to see them live! I sent your mail piece on Monday, so hopefully you will get it soon.
  • jon foster

    My whole process is to place tape on magazines, books, pamphlets etc. and then rip. I then build a collage out of the things that I've ripped up-it is a really fun process that sometimes yields great results. Glad that you got the card and I look forward to trading with you in the future.
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Liebe Svenja, es freut mich, daß Dir die Karte gefiel! Auf bald, mit neuer Mail Art!:) Herzlich, Yvonne
  • Frieder Speck

    Hallo Svenja, dann muß ich in Gedanken gerade in Berlin gewesen sein, denn die Grüsse sind angekommen. Gruß nach Heidelberg Frieder
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    The news when I receive.
    Best wishes from Argentina.
  • cheryl penn

    Svenja - your wonderful Cleopatra envelope and collage arrived - gorgeous  -  Thank you - something in the post for you this week :-) XX
  • s. wurlitzer

    Hello Svenja  - "Mein Auto" and KunstStuck arrived yesterday.  Made me smile!  Thank you so much.  Something coming back to you very soon!
  • Elephant Gris

    hello Svenja
    I like the elephant in all its forms
    and all representations

    I do not know what the art swop
    could you tell me what it is
  • Amy Irwen

    Wow! I wld be honored! Thanks..Amy
  • Frieder Speck

    Ich weiß nicht ob du Geheimnisse für dich behalten kannst?
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    That's a great thing to hear, Svenja, and thank you for telling me. I'm so glad you like it. Yes, you are right, I had a rubber stamp made of that poem, a poem that is beautiful on its own but also has other significance for me. You are observant! It's a clumsy stamp, as you might imagine! I still need practice. :--)

  • Marie Wintzer

    You are so kind, Svenja. I'm glad it arrived and that you liked it. That's great! And thanks for letting me know!
  • BarnArt

    Greeting from North Carolina Svenja,
    I'm so glad that you got your cup of tea. I was so curious to know if the string was still attached and made it through the postal machines? That was a very fun piece to make. I am an avid tea drinker - so glad to share! Cannot wait to receive some of your work, Nick and I really enjoy what we have seen of your work. Thanks again and see you in the mail.

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Thank you
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    That is very good news, Svenja, I can't wait for it to get here. No doubt I will like it, sure!

    Did you include Frieder's secret.   ;--}

  • Nancy Bell Scott

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    So good to hear that got to you! Thanks and you're very welcome to my memory.
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    I am glad you have received my asemic book #5!!!

    Thank you!

  • Frieder Speck

    Ja schön dass es gefällt, aber dass die Post bei dir so schnell ist.... Ich habe das erst gestern abend zur Post gebracht und die haben mir gesagt, dass die Adresse an einer nicht so günstigen Stelle steht und es deshalb bestimmt zu Verzögerungen kommt. Arme Nancy...

    Gruß Frieder

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Svenja, your great envelope arrived and I love it, thank you so much! Wonderful slides and other goodies, and I'm getting a big kick out of your clever Ray stuff. Can you tell me what you mean by the topic "woman who look their minds"--it's a fantastic topic, but I don't see it in what you sent me. Am I dense or are you keeping a secret? Or both? :--}
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    p.s. Something is already on its way from me to you, since last Friday.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    The mystery is solved, thanks Svenja. You did write "look," but there is no "like"--guess I was imagining that word, with my own head off. So we are both fitting in with your topic all too nicely. :--} Now I see the connection, duh!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It would indeed; it would be a GREAT topic, probably never done in the history of the universe. We could start with you, I'd bet ~
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It meant that I like your mind and therefore have a feeling you yourself might enjoy it. That's a good thing ~
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Ah, even better, I agree! :--}  Nice perception you had there.
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Svenja your wonderful Asemics #5 has arrived! It is great, clever and beautifully made, so different to other pieces with the folded pages. Well done and THANKYOU!!!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    You made up a new adjective--wonderfulionistic--and we need those, good job! Those photos were posted just after I'd mailed a couple of the works, which I knew was risky and will knock off doing. But man, was I relieved when you marked that one, since it was already on its way to you. Whew. Yah, you remember the blog about all the old printer's types I'd re-found in storage? There are so many duplicates among the rubber ones with no grips that they were crying out to have a job, so I made "traveling," "crooked," and "art" stamps out of some. Crookedly, of course!
  • Karen Champlin

    Got your great ATCs today.  Will get some out this week.  Thanks.  I love ATCs!!!!
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Hi Svenja, I put some pics of your #5 in the #5 group....
  • jon foster

    Thanks for the bad hair day mail. After seeing your card I wondered if things were not so good with my hair. After inspecting, I made a few changes.