Mao Huan (lazybunny)



China, mainland

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
when i first know about the mailart i feel excited coz it full with fun and a creative communication way! i like to make my mailart sand recive mailarts!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

中国,上海,徐汇区桂平路桂平小区258弄25号102室  zip code:200030

Mao Huan
Room102, No.25, Lane258, Guiping Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China zipcode:200030

Comment Wall:

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  • Judy Skolnick

    Thank you for your friendship, Happy New year 2011 from Washington, DC
  • Claudio Romeo

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi Amo,

    Your web site is superb and your project so very appropiate, I wish you great success.

    Do you know that your name, Amo, means 'I love' ( in general) in Spanish? you probably have told many times and I am sure you live up to it.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I am soooooo happy that my mail art came to China! And on Christmas Day! Very good mail service! Happy holidays dear Amo!
  • ejva:nsva

    Amo -

    the new website is excellent! can't wait to see how it develops - and finally meet you when i get the time to journey all the way downtown ;)

  • Judy Skolnick

    HI Amo, Happy 2011, you mail art is on the way!!
  • Ruud Janssen

    Hi amo, This arrived in my P.O. Box. Did it come from you?
  • Ruud Janssen

    Hi Amo, Probably the card is from your collegue. Yes, place a link on IUOMA. I already published your project on a Mail-Art project blog that gets 2,000 visitors each month. Yes, would be interesting to interview a few mail-artists from IUOMA for the project as well. with best wishes, Ruud Janssen
  • Ruud Janssen

    Yes, would love to be #2. Which mail-artists would you like to be introduced to. There are thousands worldwide.....
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    A huge HOORAY! for you... we can mail art to China.  You are very welcome to IUOMA, long may you post.

    all best greetings

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    I am dropping a card in the post to you today.


    good geetings

  • Severino Domenico

    Ello AMO,congratulations for these days photo.In prepare some Mail_Art to be sent to you.

    I want to know the exact address.This is my e-Mail:

    CIAO    -domenico.

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you Amo!

    I have one left, if you want me to sent it to you!

    Are you interest to exchange mail?

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    can i have your mail address?
  • Ruud Janssen

    Hi Amo, Glad to know you can access blogger now. Communication is essential in mail-art.
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    my address is:

    Doiranis 19

    54638 Thessaloniki


  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    Thanks for letting me know something is on the way. Will let you know when it arrives and will document it on line as well.
  • Judy Skolnick

    many thanks, I hope mine got to you, I did the address in English.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy birthday Amo!

    Greetings from Greece: "XRONIA POLLA!"

  • Alfonso Filieri

    Ask a fragment of that old paper.
    He will return to you like my work

    chiedevo un frammento di quella carta antica.
    Tornerà a te come lavoro.
  • Judy Skolnick

    Hi Amo, I just got your cards, thank you so much.
  • Edvin Lindström

    Oh, it got through!  I'm glad it did!  I wasn't sure the Swedish mail would understand it.
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Dear Amo,  Thanks for your message, I look forward to seeing your mail in Hedah.


  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Dear Amo,

    thank you for the wishes and for the nice work!!!

    I am rabbit... so i guess this is my year!!!!


    my best wishes!

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Dear Amo,

    i am sorry, i have just received few days ago, a mail from you.

    I haven' t received the first one....

    It somewhere lost... who knows where....


  • Poison Label Productions

    why shocked at my flickr..
    is it the sheer volume of pictures or what?
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    A card is on it's way to Mail Attack! Let me know when it arrives.
  • Mail Art Martha

    I have sent you the Artistamps I promised and some artwork for Mail Attack please let me know when it arrives shuold be there next week.

    Best mail art wishes

  • amazon59

    The old items you show look so wonderful - I could shop for days!
  • Yvette Jansen

    Thank you so much for the complement! I did work a lot with Watches and I even did a book on them (see my website: They are fun.
  • prettylily

    Love your stamo Amo.  I have been wanting to make some, but everytime I place an art order, I forget to add the materials to my card.  I'm waiting now for a delivery of  Digital Mediums, to experiment with.  My printer is kind of outdated, but I want to see what I can get through it using various surfaces.
  • Yvette Jansen

    Thanks, Amo! I did laugh at your Bunnies! They are fun too...
  • prettylily

    Amo,  It's wonderful.  I plan on making some soon.  My digital medium order did show up, but I haven't time this weekend to investigate it.  I really like your stamps though.
  • prettylily

    Amo,  What material are using to you carve these delightful stamps out of?
  • prettylily

    Amo, You are a doll!  Thanks a million.  Sue
  • Jean-François VIGEON

    Thank you very much! You can see my french but there are others Mail-Arts

    If you want, send me a M-A and I will answer you as soon as possible!

    Jean-François Vigeon

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I am so glad that the sand collage arrived in China! It is for your "MailArt Attack"!

    All the best,


  • Jean-François VIGEON

    Sorry, I forgot my adress : Jean-François Vigeon 1 allée de la Choisière 17620 ECHILLAIS ( FRANCE )

    See you soon I hope in my mail-box!


  • Pamela Ashby Campbell

    You have art going in the mail today. I hope you enjoy it. Have a wonderful day!
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    hi Amo...that's so nice, thank you very much. Looking forward to exchanging mailart with you, i love your work. On monday I'll mail something for you!

    Take care

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Thankyou Arno I will send you more VEC mail-art soon. I really look forward to getting mail-art from China, and, yes, please send to the Mail2Maastricht show.

    All good greetings

  • Daniel de Culla

    Lovely Pics¡ You're yes.

    Kisses and  Blessed be¡ Amo

  • Daniel de Culla

    Many thanks¡ You're Yes.

    Kisses and blessed Be¡ Te Amo ( I Love You)

  • Mail Art Martha

    Amo, I am so glad the artistamps arrived safely and you are enjoying Mail Art. Your talk will be very interesting I am sure and you may get more people to join the Mail Art community.

    best of luck!

    If you need any information just ask, it is always a pleasure to help you as you are so enthusiastic.

  • Louise Kiner

    Thanks for having a look. I do plan on sending something for your mail art call. Thank you for your friendship:)
  • Louise Kiner

    Love what you posted on my wall:)
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Hi there Miss Bunny! :-) Glad to hear that you like the book -- it was a bundle of fun to write/photo/put together. And now we can exchange mail in person; how wonderful will that be?
  • Julie (O-kami)

    I'm glad that it arrived safely and that you like it.
  • prettylily

    Hi Amo,  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  Thanks for letting me know it arrived safely.  All the best,  Sue