AKA Anna Banana Appreciation Band (ABAB)
The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana. Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Banana fun from the Celestial Scribe arrived today:
Apr 22, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Oh I like this one very much. Very funny, but you drive.
Apr 22, 2014
Hey everybody! I have a mail art call on the Mail Art Projects Info. Please check it out - I want to surprise my husband with anniversary mail art cards for our 2nd wedding anniversary. Banana cards are encouraged! :) Thanks!! Take care.
Apr 23, 2014
Lynn Radford
Just wanted to let you know that some of the straggling Banana Mail I received was blogged about here:
Wishing you all a crazy banana-filled weekend!
Apr 24, 2014
Rebecca Guyver
Celestial scribe's banana art must have languished in a post box for a very long time...
May 29, 2014
Mike Dickau
Some banana photos from recent travels:
Jul 25, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Thanks Mike. I hope you kept throwing balls at the milk can until you won it. Happy to see you around a bit.
And yes, I'm ready to do some banana pieces again.
Jul 25, 2014
Mike Dickau
Thanks Dean,
This was found in a 99 cent store in Sacramento CA:
Jul 25, 2014
Mike Dickau
All the best,
Jul 25, 2014
Mike Dickau
CORRECTION: The banana slugs were from Cost Plus and definitely not 99 cents-however, this banana saver is available at the 99 Cent Store for 99 cents. Sorry about the inconvenience:
Mike (the big fat liar…)
Jul 25, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
I already have two banana guards, made in Canada and around 12 dollars each.
I like the slugs. They are cute. Why didn't we come up with that idea?
Banana snails come to mind. I'm going to try to made a banana snail dessert. I'm sure it will be a hit here in France!
Jul 25, 2014
Mike Dickau
Banana-related video of my "Stranger on the Shore" (featuring my Bananafish character) on the wall of the Blue Line Gallery in Roseville, California a couple years ago:
Jul 25, 2014
Mike Dickau
Jul 25, 2014
Lynn Radford
For Dean, in lieu of a Banana Hat...
Jul 28, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
That is great Lynn. I found this in the Saatchi Gallery in London this weekend.
Although it was on sale, I had to give it a pass.
Jul 31, 2014
Lynn Radford
Nice one, Dean! Too bad you couldn't pick it up and alter it for some unsuspecting recipient. Here is another one for the enjoyment of all Bananas...
I would actually wear this. No need to tell me what that says about me. I'm already well aware... I'm bananas!
Jul 31, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Do you still have the link for the first photo. I wonder if I can see a closer shot. Looks like a lot going on there.
Jul 31, 2014
Lynn Radford
Google: Images Andy Warhol Bananas
It will be there, I promise.
Jul 31, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Maybe it is do to her running to the store and carrying all this fruit back home? (The nearest store is 50 miles away.)
Aug 15, 2014
Lynn Radford
Dean, David Stafford blogged the Banana Hat here:
just in case you didn't get a chance to see it. :)
Aug 23, 2014
Heleen de Vaan
TicTac! Thanks for reminding, Lynn! She also sent a Banana Octopus, about which I blogged there.
Aug 23, 2014
Heleen de Vaan
Oops, sorry, one 'http' too much. The correct link is this:
Aug 23, 2014
Heleen de Vaan
Look what I found: a *Fish* in Banana art!
See this wonderful sculpture at:
Sep 22, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Oct 31, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
November 18 is coming soon?
Nov 2, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Yes, InterNational Banana apprecation day on 18 November is here again. Taking part so far are; Katerina, Mim, Carina, K.S. Chambers, Angie & Dean. Let me know if you would like to be on the list for this exchange of Banana Mail Art.
You can send to as many or as few people you want. Of course, more is nicer.
You can plan to have it arrive on the 18th of November or you can post it on the 18th of November.
Like all good things, this only happens once a year!
Need some ideas? Just make what you normally make and stick a banana on it. Well it's a start.
Best Wishes, Dean
Nov 4, 2014
Lynn Radford
I'm in!!! Been working on a few....
Nov 4, 2014
Mail Art Martha
Sorry Dean and everybody participating, I cannot manage it this year, but have a warm, squiggy, sloppy and huge banana hug form me.
Nov 4, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Yay! Banana Mail Art time :-)
Nov 4, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
OK! Banana art to whoever and as many as we wish, for November 18 :-)
Nov 7, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
It was fun & I laughed to myself. "Now who should get this one?"; I kept asking myself. The time flew until 3am. The 7am alarm clock was rough and very bananas. But I'm smiling all day. (so far)
Nov 7, 2014
Rebecca Guyver
Sending these + one to Anna Banana tomorrow! Something inside so thought I could show envelopes...
Nov 9, 2014
Rebecca Guyver
Dean, will it make you cross to make one for me too?
Nov 9, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Dear Rebecca & Angie,
Yours look Fab. You have now set the bar too high, and I'll have to redo all of my Banana Mail Art!!!
Looking forward to getting mine. And yes, I'll have one for Rebecca and Heleen too. Bravo again
Nov 10, 2014
Alicia Starr
Here are a few banana cards from the MA Exhibit in Perry Iowa that opened last Friday. More pics to follow.
Nov 10, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Greek Banana Mail Art in the mail :-)
...and a few that do NOT require replies...
(just enjoy receiving bananas, Alicia :-)
Nov 12, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
These are the people who confirmed in taking part in the 18 November Banana Call;
Katerina Nikoltsou
Mim Golub Scalin
Keith (K.S. Chambers)
Angie COPE & Snooky (the Banana Dog)
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Lynn Radford
Heleen de Vaan
Recbecca Guyver
Nov 13, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
I liked Angie's scratch and sniff stickers idea. So I painted peach oil on my cards. (I didn't have Banana, but it's on my bucket list!)
Nov 13, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Banana fast delivery! UK to Greece!
Rebecca's "banana" arrived in today's mail! Yay!
Beautifully stitched around, i hated to cut it open
but there is a wonderful surprise inside
(I will not post it until others receive theirs too)
Thank you, Rebecca! 'Love it!
Banana mail for you is on its way from Greece :-)
Nov 13, 2014
Mim Golub Scalin
Nov 14, 2014
Mim Golub Scalin
Ooh, I didn't know to cut open the Rebecca banana!
Nov 14, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
What Mim? You never took your Grand to that John Waters film? Polyester I think it was called. I think they still play it at the Lincoln Center, but I wonder if they still provide the scratch cards.
I received 3 banana cards already. Has anyone found a good way to open Rebecca's?
Nov 14, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Open carefully with scissors around the lower edge,
not too much, about 3-4 cm or 2 inches, just enough
to let the tiny boekie slip out. Lovely "story" in Rebecca's
"banana book" :-)
Nov 14, 2014
Hello guys, I received great banana cards from Rebecca and Jay, thank you! I sent my bananas yesterday. Hope they arrive safely...
Nov 14, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
OH sorry, was Jay taking part. I'll have to get that banana box out again and see what Banana thing comes out.
PS Katerina, my banana from Rebecca only had a 20 pound note in it, and no boekie. Do you think this is normal?
Nov 14, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Oho...I'd better check every page of Rebecca's little banana boekie.
Maybe there is a 20 pound note in-between the pages??
(maybe under that one's hat??)
Nov 14, 2014
Mim Golub Scalin
Oh Dean, my grand is only 19 months old! John Waters will have to wait a few more months (oh I mean years) for her to be in the audience at one of his wonderfully funny films. Still haven't opening the banana. I waiting until the 18th. I'll be sending my cards on the 18th, by the way.
Nov 15, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
I found the November 18 date from posts here for :
International Banana Appreciation Day in 2013...
although February 21 seems to be a big day for bananas too.
There is a Banana Bread Day...
and a Banana Split Day...
Then there is August 27?...which we missed, so we can celebrate now?
Big Day for Big Bananas???
Nov 16, 2014
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Today Banana Mail Art arrived from Lynn! Yay!
So I have two, the other being from Rebecca.
We can make November 18, OUR official:
Mail Art Banana Day!
Nov 17, 2014
Thank you, Katerina!
Nov 17, 2014