Mail-Art Cafe

The Place where there is no specific theme. A real social group for you......

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  • Daniel de Culla

    Season's Greetings and Blessed Be¡

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    i'll be in the area next year... enjoy!

  • Poison Label Productions

    hello ...
    mt name is Inigyo Montoya...
    you Killa my father ..
    prepare to die...

  • yves maraux

    sur un mur du café littéraire

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hi Angie, a cold wind blew in from the north yesterday,

    so me sitting drinking some hot choco :-)

    Have a good day...

  • yves maraux


    bom começo de semana...deixo um café da

    frutaria & ARTES

    see you there..fatima

  • yves maraux

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Thanksgiving Day to fellow Americans!

    (me having no Turkey in Greece...heee hee hee...

    Coq au Vin and spring rolls, how's that?) 

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    I'll celebrate with a mug of tea Boston:~)


    Monotipia Café

    by fatima varella

    estudio macromicro

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Winter Solstice, 21 Dec. 2012...and the  world still is intact, yes?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Holidays at the Cafe

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Please.... nobody mention turkey and sprouts for a day or two...

    Hi Kate!~)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Now you see "IT"

    Now you don't :-)

    Happy, happy, Rod!

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Ummmm, looks a bit like deja vue...except... our wine was different  and we had parsnips too and heaps of sprouts ....but apart from that.... and the sun shining through the window.... it was the same here¦~)

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    There is a narrow tiled path that cuts through the park that lies between my home and the super market where I do my daily shopping, I walked it four times today.

    Yesterday one of the house guests staying over Christmas and New Year requested that we eat cauliflower au gratin for this evening's meal, I agreed immediately, anything to make a change from  the ubiquitous turkey.

    Just after midday I marched off to the shop through pouring rain and assembled all the necessities in a blue shopping basket but when I reached the cash desk I realized that I had left my money in my other coat!

    I left the basket with Jos the cashier and walked, again through pouring rain, back to my house to get my wallet.  By the time I made it back home my feet and coat were soaked so I changed coats, made sure the wallet was now safely in my pocket and  went  back out into the rain which was by this time coming down in torrents. I sloshed and sploshed into the supermarket and paid for the groceries. Jos asked "How did you come to forget your wallet?" "Ah the affluence of having two coats." I replied.  We talked for a while about the film The Hobbit which I saw yesterday then went back outside for my fourth treading of that sodden park path.

    As I walked, head down heading for home, I saw before me two earth worms that had come from opposite sides of the grassy verge that flanks the path and who were heading for each other for what I sensed was a sex tryst.  At that moment a pavement riding punk on a motor scooter raced passed me and ran over one of the worms effectively bisecting it.  I walked on thinking "Not a good day for shopping if you're a man or for a shag if you're a worm."

    It has stopped raining now, my house guests have gone shopping for bric-a-brac, I need to par-cook that cauliflower.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Aw, the poor earth worm ( to say nothing about a soaked rod...Rod)

    IF however, the motorbike sliced off a lower part of the wormand left its "saddle", and IF that worm takes time and buries its a$$ in the will survive, perhaps to shag again:

    "...There is a common myth that has been around for a long time now that if you cut a worm in half, the two halves will grow into worms - making 2 worms out of 1. This is very untrue. It is true that if a worm loses part of its body it will survive, but if you cut a worm into 2 pieces, one half will surely die. The half with the saddle (the fatter, pink part) will burrow itself into the soil and survive. It is not a good idea to cut worms in half or any other creature for that matter - it is very cruel - so please do not be taken in by this myth and leave the worms whole."

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Is there a Be-kind-to-Worms Day?

    Προβολή εικόνας πλήρους μεγέθους


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hearts to all at the Cafe on Valentine's Day xxx

  • Ruud Janssen

    These buttons are placed with a scipt that doesn;t work on all browsers. Try another browser if possible and then you know...

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Um..... which browser button do I press for a mug of green Jasmine tea with honey...?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Assam or jasmine browser? Cheers, Rod! Ruud! Angie and Susan :-)

    Nice place for a cup of tea.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    @Rod - ha ha ha!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Chilly, rainy Saturday in Greece, time for hot choco:

    Very nice hearts and cupids, Susan!

    I use Safari on my MacBook,

    and ning displays the symbols, so far, so good :-0

  • Zois

    Perhaps a little tea will help.  Hi Angie, Susan, Rod, Ruud, and SA.

  • Zois

    MMmmm sounds good. I'll bring the tea and could be there in 6 hours and 10 minutes.

  • Zois

    Can't be forgetting MomKat!!  Will you have a little tea too?

  • Zois

    If you like we can join the cat and the dog's conversation about tea and perspective. However, it must be 1AM in Thessoloniki now. 

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Not for me thankyou, I'm just about to hit the hay and if I drink tea this late... even just a little cup... I'll be woken up in about three hours with a undeniable need to visit the loo which is downstairs and, as we all know, descending stairs in the darkness of night is unwise at best... but thanks for the offer.  Sometimes I can't get to sleep at night because of  anticipation of the first sludge-shifting mug of tea in the morning!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Oh, that is a "little" cup of tea! thanks, i drink herbal teas, like linden tea...they re soothing and put you to sleep..."Sleepy time Tea" :-)

    And Turkish apple tea is great during the day, mmmmmm


  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Fancy a tea?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Greek Easter weekend...breaking the Easter Bread tonight,

    with a bit of tea? ΚΑΛΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Summer Solstice...June 21!

    (or Winter if you are in Oz or far south of Equator)

    and a very nice "summer" poem arrived today,on the solstice,

    from Theo Nelson!: The Moon and the Sun

    Enjoy SUMMER...(or Winter )

  • Yuri Cano

    Hello everyone... Just introducing myself. =*) I'm new to the site, and to mail art in general. I'm 27, I'm from the little town of Elizabeth, CO.... what else can I tell ya'll... I live in a farm where my husband and I grow micro greens and culinary herbs.... We have 2 dogs and ferret.... so yeah...=*) Hope you're all having a good week!

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Fancy a tea?

  • Ruud Janssen

    Remember thelast year that we welcomed the 2000th member. Seemed then that he/she never left an address, so nobody could contact them.

    So I would suggest that when the 3000th IUOMA-member has a postal address we can find, we should all send him/her some mail-art just to make it a special welcome.

    What do you think?

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Ruud, that would be great. I'm in!

  • Ruud Janssen

    enjoy the coffee. Soon with 3000 members!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    And if three (3) more join us here in the cafe,

    we'll have 300 members!

    Coffee or tea?

    Tea :-)

    (Turkish Apple Tea, please)

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    GREEN Jasmine tea for me please with just a splash of acacia honey... oh... that reminds me... it's tea time... again.

    You would have thought that all the cherries... the Greek cherries... I've just eaten would have quenched my thirst... but no:~)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Greek Cherries! Good idea , Rod!

    Greek cherry juice...on-the-rocks, please!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    oops...I meant to say 3 more new members here at Cafe,

    and we will be 200 ! :-0

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Only 2 more needed now!

    Can I order a glass of red French wine at the Café?

    Indeed, am I allowed to'french-ify' the name with an accent?


  • Rod Summers / VEC

    How dare you Val!  Now I insist that we change the name to "Tea Rooms" Oh! Wiat a minute... this is Ruud's Group... perhaps we should call it coffee shop... hum... perhaps not!~)

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Wiat?  I think I just invented a new word:)  Anyone any idea what it might mean?   Here's a thing... am I the only one of the 2998 who has spent the last four days listening to cricket commentary on the radio?

  • rodnidotcom

  • Rebecca Guyver

    I'm sure being number 200 is auspicious! Rod, everyone in my family is listening to the cricket.  They have even converted some of our American cousins.