Ask Anything

There are a lot of basic questions on Mail Art that are often asked and answered. This group might be the first place to look for answers. I will do my best to answer, but hope that other members can help out as well.
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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    What's happening at IUOMA.ning? I have no images showing!

    Borders are empty...and I cannot upload photos.

    Is it ning...or is it me?


  • Kayenderes

    I don't have a delivery to house.  We only have boxes in our village and with me living on the border I have to have 2.  One in USA and one in Canada.  I am like 10feet from border and on reservation we have no border.   We go freely back and forth.  Don't even have to pay tolls.  One good thing about being Mohawk.  

  • Kayenderes

    Also I am so far and so slow sending mail to all the beautiful people whom have send to me mail.  I thank you and send big big hugs.  I soon will send some to you.   You don't know how much your mail means to me.  Especially where I live in boonsville Hood.   Reservation life is like Dodge City days.   We have no shops to buy nice papers or not even glue. 

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Cari Amici Mailartisti, io sono italiano, e non so nè parlare nè scrivere in inglese. ma faccio Mail Art dal 1980, e ho organizzato tante mostre come curatore di SACS - Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale. E mi accorgo che ancora oggi qui nella mia provincia, Savona, la Mail Art viene sottovalutata. A mio parere la Mail Art non va vista nel singolo artista ma nel suo insieme, quasi fosse un'unica immensa opera in progress.  viabbraccio.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Dear Friends Mailartisti, I am Italian, and I do not know or speak or write in English. but I have been doing Mail Art since 1980, and I have organized many exhibitions as curator of SACS - Contemporary Art Space Experiment. And I realize that even today in my province, Savona, Mail Art is underestimated. In my opinion, Mail Art does not look into the single artist but as a whole, as if it were a single immense work in progress. I hug you.

  • Ruud Janssen

    If a photo doesn't upload complete. Just delete the result and try anew. Must be a glitch in the connection.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Io, fino a poco tempo fa pensavo che la Mail Art potesse diventare completamente digitale, ma forse mi sbagliavo, noi mailartisti, grazie a siti come IUOMA  o Dodo Dada, possiamo tenerci in contatto e divulgare opere digitali senza abbandonare la carta che spediamo per posta... siamo io ctredo,  dei networker completi. siamo storici ma anche attuali.

    I, until recently, I thought that Mail Art could become completely digital, but maybe I was wrong, we mailartists, thanks to sites like IUOMA or Dodo Dada, we can keep in touch and divulge digital works without leaving the paper we send by mail ... we are ctredo, of complete networkers. we are historical but also current

  • Ruud Janssen

    Digital communication is just a new addition to the ways we already had.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    La mia visione della Mail Art, si modifica continuamente. Oggi penso che vada vista, pensata e vissuta come una grande Opera, un grande movimento in continua metamorfosi, nel quale noi siamo piccole gocce in un grande mare, in un "MARE MAGNUM"... E sia anche giusto operare nella Mail Art, ma anche ai bordi della Mail Art : con video arte, performance art, e web art. io oggi lavoro volentieri come webartista.

    My vision of Mail Art is constantly changing. Today I think it should be seen, thought and experienced as a great Opera, a great movement in continuous metamorphosis, in which we are small drops in a big sea, in a "MARE MAGNUM" ... And it is also right to work in Mail Art, but also at the edges of Mail Art: with video art, performance art, and web art. today I work willingly as a web artist.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    W LA MAIL ART!!!!  W IUOMA!!!!!!! 

  • carl baker

    just wondering? why does ning post my images 1-2-3 on the iuoma main page and then backwards 3-2-1 on my page, seems ning is not consistant with alot of things?????

  • Nadia Aroca

    In the main page is 2-1-3, so more strange yet. 3-2-1 is the order they appear in the photos page.

  • Nadia Aroca

    By the way, sorting the friends in chronological order doesn't work properly.

  • carl baker

    yes, thank u, nadia, the main page changed again after i posted them, and i know, i agree with you on the friends section, what??????

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Io dico che dovremmo insistere per far comprendere l'importanza di un movimento comela MAIL ART! Non sono molti gli artisti, critici e galleristi che la apprezzano.

    I say that we should insist on understanding the importance of a movement like MAIL ART! There are not many artists, critics and gallery owners who appreciate it.
  • carl baker


    yes,yes,yes we know this, but what can be done? send a letter to the mayor,

    bomb the post office, make a demonstration, or just go to sleep.

  • Bradford

    May cart.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Dico la mia: La Mail Art, non può, non deve rimanere ferma, visto che è nata da Fluxus, quindi prima di tutto cerchiamo di non fossilizzarci. Nel mio piccolo evito di usare collages, artistamp, ecc. e cerco di creare una Mail Art- process art, e performativa... e cerco pure di usare il web senza separarlo dalla Mail Art... vorrei che fosse una evoluzione della M.A. ma non abbandono le spedizioni! anzi spedisco più volte la settimana... e porto l'atmosfera M.A. nelle mie performances, che al momento sono poche. un abbraccio . b

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    I say mine: Mail Art, can not, should not remain firm, since it was born from Fluxus, so first of all we try not to fossilize. In my small way I avoid using collages, artistamps, etc. and I try to create a Mail Art-process art, and performative ... and I also try to use the web without separating it from Mail Art ... I would like it to be an evolution of M.A. but do not abandon shipments! rather I send several times a week ... and I bring the atmosphere M.A. in my performances, which at the moment are few. a hug . b

  • Kathy Barnett

    This is probably really obvious and I just don't see it...but how do you flip a photo once you downloaded it?

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    NO Jury, NO Selection, NO Returns and NO Entry Fees are the few basic rules all Mail Art shows/projects/exhibits have in their participation Calls.  Even when some shows stretch them to a deadline or to a particular format, the basics is never changed and it has been this way since decades.

    I now ask myself why in IUOMA's Mail Art Projects blog is allowed a proliferation of Calls that use the Mail Art word but have nothing to do with it, as they request Entry Fees, have Jury, do Selection and give Awards, creating confusion for new Mail Artists and deforming the nature of Mail Art.
    IUOMA, as International Union of Mail Artists, plays an important part in promoting the right information, specially its projects blog, that is reference to a huge audience.
    please, don't post nor promote Calls that mislead the concept of Mail Art unless their rules are changed. give a chance to educate ignorance and eliminate slyness. 
    I understand the costs involved in some projects where there is documentation sent out that can produce a request for money, but it should be as donation and kept free not as a rule for entry. 

  • Wendi Powell

    How do I delete my profile.

  • Wendi Powell

    I changed my mind about deleting my profile. Scammed had me spooked
  • Mikula Lüllwitz

    Is there anybody out there who is working as an art teacher in school and would like to start a mail art exchange with my group of five students at the local Montessori School here in Germany? 

  • carl baker

    i really dislike getting mail-art from ppl who do not identify themselves!

    whats the point? i got an envelope today postmarked denver colo.with no return name/address. mail art is about exchange, its not about some anonymous spooky thing that some think it is, its frustrating, join the union and stop this nonsense please.

  • Linda Rogers

    @Carl  I have been guilty of forgetting to sign a card or put a legible return address on something.  Never intended.  There are some people whose practice is to send anonymously sometimes.  I don't think it is meant as spooky. 

  • maha

    how  to fix upside image i upload at the post 

    tuturial please

  • The Artful Writer


    So I read same very loose rules. I posted a photo of my first outgoing mail art then removed it. It seems it's nicer for the receiver to post a photo of incoming mail. But what about putting up photos of what you send on your social media accounts i.e. twitter, instagram etc? Any rules about that? Bit wary of posting the personal addresses of others. 


  • Heleen de Vaan

    G'day Artful Writer,

    Welcome at IUOMA!

    Good question, you're not the first nor only who is wary of posting personal addresses.
    About posting addresses there are no rules either, apart from that thoughtfulness might be appreciated.

    About addresses on the internet there is an almost similar question/discussion, see

    Speaking for myself, I prefer to post sent mail after the receiver has received it, so the surprise is kept for him or her.

    When a mail artist has her or his address clearly written on the public internet (for example here at IUOMA or on his/her personal blog), I would post the mail art completely on my blog, though on instagram I usually blur any address, or I put a paper, with the written single word 'address', over the real address.
    When the receiver (and also senders) doesn't have an address in public I sure will blur or cover it when I post the mail art in the internet or instagram.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Cari Amici Mailartisti,  mi farebbe piacere sapere da voi,  se vi sentite anche web artist  .. O se non volete mischiare la mail art col web. Come già scrissi, io credo che il web sia una continuazione della mail art. Un fraterno abbraccio . 

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Message from Bruno in English (thanks to online translators):

    "Dear Mailartist Friends, I would like to know from you, if you are also a web artist .. Or if you do not want to mix the mail art with the web. As I already wrote, I believe that the web is a continuation of the mail art.
    A fraternal embrace [from Bruno Cassaglia]"

    See also:

    Bruno, parlando per me stesso, non sono una mail artista del web. Anche se ho scoperto il software di pittura del computer e mi piace, in arte postale preferisco i processi postali e le aggiunte da parte delle aziende postali. Come potrebbe l'internet aggiungerli?
    Ma ci sono molti artisti della posta che sono diventati digitali. Li troverai anche qui! Saluti cordiali!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    My method-of-madness is to put incoming mail art as a "blog", were I like to show details as well. Then the mail art that I make is posted in my "photos" section, and I don't reveal to whom I sent it. There have been times, like Heleen said, when I will wait for someone to receive it and then post it at "photos".

    On the blogs, I usually blur out my address, not that it isn't public on my page, but I often find that it distracts from the sender's lovely art on the envelope or postcard :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    January 10, 2019:

    Iouma.ning is listing right now, today: 

    All Members (4,997)

    Who will be #5000 member?

    Let's see in a few days? a few hours?

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Almost 5000, that is exciting!

    However, those are not 5000 unique members, I see several people having more than one account (some maybe start a new account after forgetting their inlog things, some because of aliases, etc). So when the Real 5000th member  will arrive, we won't know, will we?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    ah, yes, Heleen, you are correct,

    there are some members who have several accounts.

    Well, it is still a milestone seeing the number and  who will be #5000.

    We are quite a fun group! :-)

    (artistamp by an ol' mail artist: "Wackystuff")

  • The Artful Writer

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if there are any legal postal regulations about sending mail art and whether any of you have had issues or complaints about what is sent in the mail. Are there things the post won't accept? Do letter with faux stamps for example ever get questioned or rejected?


  • carl baker

    mr. righter,

    nothing is true, everything is permitted!

  • The Artful Writer

    Actually, it's MS Writer.
  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi I need help, please. 

    Can the order of a Photo Album be reversed so that the last photos added appear first?

    I haven't found how after some exploring. 

  • The Artful Writer

    Is there a general free to use IUOMA image I can use for my mail?

  • Zea Morvitz

    Hi there!

    If I friend someone does that mean they will keep emailing me?

    What if I only want to get emails from people in the group I joined?

  • Heide Monster

    Zea, you don't have to friend anyone, but if you don't they cannot message you.  Up to you, "no rules".  It has been my experience that there is more art from friends than emails.  

  • Donald Kolberg

    I got an envelope with DA DA Dollars from someone named Hilgart. Any info on what this is about

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    ds Kolberg

    I've gotten those from Tom Hilgart, too. Just do whatever with them. Treat them like an add and pass OR just do something with them yourself and send back to Tom.

  • Heide Monster

    I love manila folders.  They work nicely for postcards.

  • Mary Anne

    Here is a hypothetical question for some of the old boys to think on:

    Scenario:  You put together a small project with the promise of some nice documentation, a book or something, a limited edition, one each.

    You get a dozen pieces of work and get the book (or whatever) printed up in an edition of a dozen with no spares.

    You post them out but one goes missing in the post.  What to do? 'Tough luck, that's the lottery of the postal service'?  Re print another dozen (oh, the expense of it all)?

    Is there no way out without a disappointment?

    Hopefully it will never happen but just in case . . .

  • Mary Anne


  • Denise Woodward

    Hi res-I've used glassine envelopes for mailing and I think they can be quite lovely!  You have to seal them well, and you have to use "non-machineable" postage stamps.  Have fun!  Denise

  • Denise Woodward

    You are welcome.  I've been making and exchanging a lot of mail art, but I haven't been posting online lately.  I'm trying to get in the habit of visiting this site (and participating) more often.  See ya in the mail! Denise

  • Afritha Hasana

    Hello everyone am very new to mail art can anyone say more detailed about how it works and what we can send in mail art and to whom we have send.Thank you in advance