what about doing a little one page comic collab?
I thought of a three or four panel (=frames) selfmade comic.
procedure would depend on number of participants.
duo: one person does the frames and characters the other person adds speech/thought bubbles
trio: s.a. plus one person doing backgrounds
style could be drawn, collage...
don't be shy you can do it :)
characters can also made very easy e.g. a blob, geometrical form..
but I'm also open to other suggestions :)
the aim is just to have some fun and see what will show up as result.
If some more people are joining I would make a little zine with the results for all the participants.
I think a bit about how to start the thing and send you something. :)
Open for ideas and proposals and people joining or starting their own (collab?)-comics.
Yes please start it, I am not sure how to go about it!
yes thank you Dave. I have also sent a started comic to you Dave, so we have some pieces to circulate. :)
Thank you for creating this group and the wonderful idea!
Maybe we could all make a start, each of us take one page, make 3 or 4 (up to for example 6) panels (frames) on it and send it to the next person who adds something (characters or speech bubbles), who sends it to the next person who adds missing things, and so on.
So that in the end each of us has their own page in return with a comic.
So in the end there are as much comics as there are participants. Which together make a little (3 or more pages) comic booklet.
Just my thoughts :-)
like a "round table". I like that idea. Let's do it that way. We can make a relaxed start in january. perhaps others will join our comic-round table until we start.
Happy new year dear comic-round-table-group ;)
I suggest that we follow the order of the below "list": Martha sends to Heleen, Heleen to me and I send to Martha. Whoever considers a comic finished can upload a photo here if she/he likes. I order to make full usage of the postage fee we do not have to send only one sheet / item. If someone new joins: please repost the list below and add the person below your name. I will delete the post with the old list afterwards.
I'm curious to see what we create. :)
of course! thanks for joining. :) then you can send your sheet to Martha. :)
hello rebekka,
i could offer you this:
a) a strip to write bubble-text and to change the given image
b) a one-sider of "lucas talks" to change the bubble-text
c) a technical framework to create a cheap booklet (32 pages - edition 150 Ex. = 150 euro)
let me know if something might be useful for your project.
hi juan, thank you!
to a) and b): thank you for the inspiration and offer. whoever likes to experiment with it could contact you?
c) 1€ per ex. is really cheap. But I did not plan to print so many. I thought more of 5-10 copies.. :D when we grow more peole I might upload the comic zine somewhere for free print or send it digitally to the participant. but who knows..: I keep your offer it in the back of my mind. :)
if the group of authors agree in a publication on artsurprise.eu i could cover the costs (because i will re-sale it) and i could offer everybody 1<> 10 copies (for this given price).
Wow thats kind of you! I think we keep it in the back of our mind.
We should concentrate on doing the art first, try this kind of comic collab..if it works, if it is fun..
so things seem to get started. :)
for the beginng:
everyone sends something to the next person in the row. of course feel free to go wild and send it to someone else if you think thats a better fit in that moment.
If someone wants to take a break please let the person before you know so that you can be skipped. If you want to stop pls. also let the others know.
Whoever considers a work as finished: pls upload it on comic group in readable quality or pass it to someone who is willing to do this for you ;)
pls do not see me as an admin or similar, everyone can make his or her own rules/suggestions here.
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