

My idea is to have a list of the Virtual Lands.

Location: VENEZIA, Italy
Members: 41
Latest Activity: Nov 2, 2019

Tiziana Baracchi

Leben und Arbeit/biography

Tiziana Baracchi was born in Venice, Italy in 1952. She made her MD and works as an anaesthesiologist in a hospital. In 1978 she met Giancarlo Da Lio, a critic of art. Together they founded ITINERARI 80, an artistic Movimento born to spread art and poetry everywhere, in the philosophy of the Alternative Art Space in the beginning of the 80s. She became active in the Mail Art Network in 1985. In 1989 THE TREE of POETRY was born and THE BEATLES forever Mail Art project, the BLUE and CAR Mail Art projects were started as well (they ended in the nineties), and POSTCARD 10X15, ARTISTAMPS, ARTISTBOOK. In 1996 she signed the Manifesto of IPERSPAZIALISMO. Tiziana Baracchi and Giancarlo Da Lio founded the Ambasciata di Venezia, a real embassy of a virtual land and a new Mail Art project. She was invited to the Biennal of Venice in 2003 and 2005 and of London in 2004 and 2006.

Discussion Forum


If you represents a VIRTUAL LAND, join to this group and tell us all about it.Continue

Started by TIZIANA BARACCHI. Last reply by Patricio - The Celestial Scribe Feb 13, 2016.

ambasciata di Venezia 2 Replies


Tags: un'installazione, per, macerie, mie, le

Started by Lamberto Caravita. Last reply by DKeys Dec 31, 2010.

attività Archivio Internazionale del libro d'artista 3 Replies

invito expoLIBRI D'ARTISTA tema:POESIA E IMMAGINE.piccolo formato non superiore alle seguenti dimensioni: 15x15 cm.IMMAGINE jpg DEVE ACCOMPAGNARE IL LAVORO i lavori vanno inviati presso:ARCHIVIO…Continue

Started by Alfonso Filieri. Last reply by Severino Domenico Nov 5, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Severino Domenico on December 21, 2010 at 12:24am

I wish you all magical Christmas and a prosperous New Year,marked by Art!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by TIZIANA BARACCHI on December 20, 2010 at 7:48pm

Comment by DKeys on December 8, 2010 at 3:25pm

Attitude Girl Nation is a place for the outsiders of the 'IN' crowd and the card carrying members of the anti-clique. Everyone there wears rose colored glasses and is free from the constraints of society's narrow vision of what is success and worthy pursuits. People practice the art of doing without doing. No effort and individuality are the order of the day. Art supplies are provided free to the public and art in schools is mandatory. Artists and teachers are the highest paid profession, while doctors, lawyers etc. work for the government and eek by.Refugees of the status quo welcome!
Comment by Susanna Lakner on November 30, 2010 at 2:58pm

Susannia sur mer
Comment by Rosa Gravino on November 27, 2010 at 1:37pm
I love these lands where my spirit feeds naturally, where the imagination runs freely and the communication can be instantaneous.
Since some time I came experimenting with the new forms that are emerging from the olds patterns. They are my drawings, is my search, is my life!

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia on November 25, 2010 at 10:06am

WEST-EAST arte d’interazione

An idea, a contact, the birth of a network. West-East: a new project based on a physical, conceptual and creative simultaneity.
Land-art, web-art, public-art, performances, installations: very different works, created by very different people but resulting from the same idea, “free and elusive”, that has become a sort of connector between the East and the West of the world.
Every gesture of West-East (project born out of meeting of Bruno Cassaglia and Maurizio Follin) is made of two artistic actions, carried out simultaneously in two different places: it doesn’t matter if those places are on two different
parallels, only the fact that one is nearer to the East and the other is nearer
to the West will be highlighted. So East and West, never North and South: the
actions are simultaneous, put on the same temporal and spatial plane; they will be never over/under because no place/space/artist/human is inferior or superior to the other.
This is a very strong message, really important in a world, the one that we are living in today, in which it seems that every individual,
every society, every country aims to demonstrate their superiority above the
others. And it doesn’t matter if it is cultural, economical or numeric
superiority: to be above something else or someone else is enough. On the
contrary, West-East includes everyone and everything in instants of creativity
that ideally, and always on an horizontal plane, connect “different places and
dimensions” thanks to gestures that, despite being minimal and ephemeral, turn into a paradigm of unity, contact, dialogue.
Or is it not their material inconsistence, their being above every physicality, the minimal duration of each of them, that makes them so important? Temporary and precarious actions, as writing “West” on a flower’s petal, or shooting a blue thread running from Savona to Belluno (west-east), or inaugurating an exhibition on the exact instant when the other artist (in the East) realizes a virtual installation, prove to be able to create a net of interaction which, in an utopian way, could become universal. And we can only hope that it will really turn into this.

Un’idea, un contatto, la nascita di una rete. West-East. Un nuovo progetto basato sulla simultaneità: fisica, concettuale, creativa. Land-art, web-art, public-art, performance, installazioni, opere diversissime tra loro, nate da personalità diverse ma scaturite da una stessa idea, “libera ed inafferrabile”, che diventa connettore tra l’Est e l’Ovest. Ogni intervento di West-East (progetto nato dall’incontro tra Bruno Cassaglia e Maurizio Follin) è composto da due azioni compiute simultaneamente in due luoghi diversi: e non importa che questi luoghi si trovino su due distinti paralleli, sarà evidenziato solo il loro essere più ad est o più ad ovest rispetto all’altro. Est ed Ovest, quindi, mai Nord e Sud: le azioni sono simultanee, poste sullo stesso piano temporale e spaziale: mai sopra-sotto, poiché nessun posto/luogo/artista è inferiore o superiore all’altro.
E’ un messaggio forte, importante in un mondo, quello di oggi, in cui sembra che ogni individuo, ogni società, ogni paese, miri a dimostrare la propria supremazia sugli altri: che sia una supremazia culturale, economica,
numerica non ha importanza, basta essere al di sopra di qualcosa o di qualcuno.
West-East al contrario abbraccia tutto e tutti in istanti di creatività che
idealmente, e sempre su un piano orizzontale, uniscono “luoghi e dimensioni
diverse” grazie a gesti che, per quanto effimeri e minimali, diventano paradigma di unione, contatto, dialogo. O è proprio la loro inconsistenza materiale, il loro essere al di sopra di ogni fisicità, la durata minima di ognuno di essi, a renderli così importanti? Interventi provvisori e precari, come lo scrivere “West” su un petalo, o riprendere un filo azzurro che corre da Savona a Belluno (ovest-est), o inaugurare una mostra nel preciso istante in cui l’altro (ad est) realizza un’installazione virtuale, si dimostrano capaci di creare una rete di interazione che, utopisticamente, può diventare universale. E non ci resta che augurarsi che lo diventi davvero.

Nicoletta Consentino
Comment by Steven Fossiant on November 21, 2010 at 12:04pm
Ciao Tiziana, Ciao Giancarlo.... vi rispondo con una mia poesia....

L'isola e il Re

Cera una volta... o forse oggi....
un Re
scaltro e potente,
viveva nella sua isola
in fondo al mare
d'azzurro splendente e dorate armonie.

Tutto era d'oro
diamanti, pietre preziose
tutto era perfetto.

Ogni cosa gli apparteneva
ogni suo desiderio si realizzava.

Era il suo mondo
magico e misterioso.

Un mondo sognato,
un mondo immaginato,
che mai nessuno
riuscì a trovare.

Lui, il Re, voleva solo
tutta per sé
e non riuscì mai
a vedere
la luce del sole,
nel suo cuore.


The island and the King.

In distant oncebut it is today perhaps...
a crafty and powerful King,
lived after all in his island
to the seaof blue
shining and gilded harmonies.
Everything was made out of gold diamonds,
precious stones everything was perfect.
Every thing belonged himevery
desire of his he realized.
It was hismagic and mysterious world.
A dreamt world,an imagined world,
that nobody ever succeeded to find.
Him, the King, wanted only the islandall
for itself and never succeededin seeing
the light of the sun
in his heart.

Comment by Kremo Kipple on November 21, 2010 at 11:57am
Benritrovata Ambasciata,
dal Capo di Stato della Neo-Repubblica di Torriglia (ex n/azione Oscura KAOS-SF).

Comment by Severino Domenico on November 6, 2010 at 11:52pm
Molto simpatica questa foto,le magliette rosse poi...
ciao -d.
Comment by Bruno Cassaglia on November 6, 2010 at 11:29pm


Members (41)



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