From Alex and Tomo Art Blog page


Radio with Mail Art for Japan Charity Call

--- Give hope to the victim and send radios----


This is not a call for an art show, but for donating radio to people in Miyagi in Japan who are victims of Tunami and are evacuating or surviving at home. Many people still do not have TV or radio or no home or job or even lost their family members. I have noticed in IUOMA that many people want to express their prayer and hope for Japan and victim of the earthquake, so I have been looking for some chance to send your messages (or mail art) with something to donate.



I will set the deadline 3 weeks from today on 5/20,

but if they are still asking for radios, I will put up another "call" later. Depending on how much they can get radio from other people.



You can send to my address and I can send all together as a group. 

To the organizer, Tomoe Nakamura

2-22-2 Daiho Kanancho Minamikawachi-gun Osaka 585-0005 Japan




Tel: 81-721-93-2881 (for shipping needs)


Or you can send to "Miyako Saigai FM" directly:

1-3-5 Rikutyu building 3F, Miyatyo Miyako city, Iwate, 027-0052 Japan




Tel: 81-193-77-3399


The Miyako Saiga FM site in Japanese

twitter @miyakofm774


What to send:

I found from TV news that Miyako Saigai FM (saigai means disaster in Japanese) is looking for a portable radio with battery, and manual generated radio (which you can turn on without a battery by moving handle, or solar system etc, like the ones you use for camping). Also it would be great to have an ear phone with it, because people may listen privately in evacuation centers (mainly school gyms) with many other victims. So I would like to ask for donation of radios and some message cards for people who get the radios. It is not necessary to be a brand new radio, and it can be used or second hand store ones that still work. But please make sure that it can be used worldwide or in Japan. Sometime they have different hertz system in overseas, and they are not compatible.


Mail Art messages;

In addition to the radio please create and attach mail art or message to cheer them up. It can be any materials, but I will sent to the radio station, so please limit the size as very small to 8 by 10 inches, or A4 sheet size. The part of the land which affected by Tunami in Tohoku has not fixed since it happened and many people lost their family by tunami, so many of them got traumatize and they don't want to see the scary images. So I would accept only happy and hopeful images only. For example, no tunami wave or radiation or other scary images the recurring about it. It can be like a design or drawing like a Japanese flag or cherry tress or rainbow drawing, or what ever hopeful images for the future you like to show for the victims. I don't concern about quality of art and design though, just want to make them happy.


Note: Please do not send a boom box or large radios, but just a small portable radio. Please mark "gift" on a shipping document, so we both can avoid the risk to pay the import tax.


This is a sample image of what to send.

(I used a Gabby C mail art sent to me as a sample.)


Tags: Charity, Japan, art, donation, mail, radio

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