Jennifer Kosharek's Comments

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At 6:51pm on January 2, 2020, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Sending you a letter soon from Greece :-)

Good to see you here, Jennifer!

At 11:33pm on January 1, 2020, Jennifer Kosharek said…

My goal for 2020 is to write a letter every day.  If you would like a letter--just inbox me your address and I'll add you to my list.  In an attempt to meet new people I have done a kickstarter.  I don't expect mail artists to donate to it.  I'd love to write a letter to you!!

At 7:34pm on March 23, 2018, Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist said…
At 11:16pm on November 13, 2016, Juan Carlos Vargas said…
I invite you to participate in
At 7:43am on March 31, 2016, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Welcome back, Jen!

Good to see you here at IUOMA.

See you soon in the mail.

(remembering ye ol' mailboxes!)

At 12:20pm on March 30, 2016, Jennifer Kosharek said…

At 12:16pm on December 3, 2015, Carlos I. Botana said…
Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog":
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 4:32pm on November 9, 2014, Jennifer Kosharek said…

OPEN CALL Announcing the Cavellini in New York City Mail Art Show. No fees, no restrictions, open to all, artist and non-artist alike. Any size, any medium. Deadline: November 14, 2014. Send to "The NYC Cavellini 2014 Mail Art Show" c/o PAN, Mark Bloch, PO Box 1500, NY NY 10009, USA. All Entries that arrive before November 14 will be exhibited. Documentation online. The theme of the mail art show is Cavellini, fame, celebrity, ego, self-historification, art history, history, historification, you in art history, you, you and yourself, selfies of you, pictures of you, etc. But mostly Cavellini. Mark Bloch, curator Read about Cavellini here:…/achille-cavellini-1914-1…/2894

At 8:27pm on August 26, 2014, Mail Art Martha said…

That is a lovely baby Jennifer, can you stick a stamp on him and sent it to me? Please?

At 7:18am on May 9, 2014, Carina said…

Hi Jennifer, I received your mail art. What a nice surprise. Thank you! Will send something to you today. Happy Friday :)

At 10:00am on October 16, 2013, Jean-François Aillet said…

Hi, Jennifer

The artist Jean-Francois Aillet invites you to collect your sample of sand from a moraine, from next to a waterfall or beside a river, along the shore of a lake or a stream, in a desert or on the border of an ocean. One should not, however, send him sand from a construction site. You are asked to document your collection of the material with a photo, taken as you are pouring the sand into a container. For an example, kindly visit his home page at . English :

See you to take part in this international project.

Jean-François Aillet
Sculpteur / Designer
10, Allée des Tilleuls
14860 Amfréville
Normandie / France

At 12:46pm on August 4, 2012, Mail Art Martha said…

Jennifer, I found you today in google and found out you are the old Jennifer Zoelner who sent a great piece to the Last Show. I am afraid that the show is not more in my website but soon will be in an eBook, freely available to everybody. I will let you know.

At 4:26am on June 7, 2012, Jennifer Kosharek said…
At 4:36pm on March 8, 2012, Patrice Keats said…

Wonderful looking through your page, Jennifer! Thanks!

At 1:31am on January 27, 2012, Jennifer Kosharek said…

wow. haven't been here in a long long long time...

At 7:13am on November 6, 2011, Terry Reid said…
so there you are - poke
At 2:46am on August 12, 2011, Jennifer Kosharek said…

Hi ya'll new mail art call...

Letter Art

write me a letter!

At 7:29pm on March 9, 2011, Test Tower said…

Hi Jen - Oh yes, I have been watching the antics over at eve-N-odd for a little while now. Congrats on a super job!  Very charming little art venue - with the hostess with the mostess! I could not be more happy for you! I'll be sending some stuff for the store pretty soon. Way to go! I put a link to your fab gallery on my blog. 

Cheers, Ron (Test)

At 5:58pm on March 9, 2011, Ashazart said…
I sent you a little something today.
At 9:49pm on December 28, 2010, Test Tower said…
Hi JenKo,
Thanks for the note. The Affair seems to be doing okay. It is a lot of fun and I am enjoying it immensely. I'm very happy to get a sense that you are happier these days as well. Keep up the good work. I had a glimpse at your Facebook page - You are like the queen of Facebook. I like to stay out of there. I am still having some confounded health problems and am having an operation on the 7th of Jan. That should start helping, but will take a while. Love ya, Ron (Test)


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