Arac's Comments

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At 11:35pm on February 17, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
My cards will say Daniel answer to Danny and start on Tue. President's day Mon. Fly to New York on Wed. Thur. Starts out quick ! Phoenix Az. Next WOW ! Poor Viz no attention to her stamp at all :'(
At 10:43pm on February 14, 2012, Lilian Mariutti said…

Hi! I just posted my slides on the arty slide group if you want to see them!

At 2:04am on February 14, 2012, vizma bruns said…

Thankyou for trying to buy me a book of those stamps! I can't wait to see what Slidy Art you've made for me! When will you visit our Freak discussion again, we miss you!! And I need your help to name my car. I'll put up a pic there tonight.

Don't know what other stamps there are...any toilets? VWs? Or Warhol, Pop Art, etc, type of stuff?

Just make sure you use the Arac stamp when you send!!! ;-)) Seeya at V&Vs!!

At 1:02am on February 14, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
Love the owls !!!!!!!!!!
At 3:36am on February 13, 2012, Oliver Loveday said…

I slow at doing much this month so anticipate a slow pace in response, but, yes, we should exchange some mail art. Also, in the past I've used clear acrylic polymer in various forms to do collage, but I don't think that's a good adhesive for mail art. I know someone has suggested a good adhesive here and there, but if you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it. I don't want to put something in the mail that would stick to everything else.


At 10:41pm on February 11, 2012, Austin Wills James said…

I did recieve it, thank you! I just haven't been able to post a photo or scan of it yet.


At 4:43pm on February 10, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Dear arac & toejam too! val says thank you very much for the jim bob card. he was a bit worried about all the muscles and machoness on display, but we told him not to be such a wimp, do 1500 press ups and then he would feel like a corpse. man too (we made sure that he fed us before he did this, just in case he had a heart attack and we had to go hungry). he's ok now, and says that he will send you something back next week when he goes to the post office to buy some stamps; and hey! you've been daft enough clever enough to join his arty stamp venture. we think you might be as daft as he is, and dean, and vizma and... bon weekend, from bianca & trouble

At 3:38pm on February 9, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
The zip in my home town is 38501
At 3:33pm on February 9, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
You are going to like the hygiene art coming to you ! LOL !
At 12:22pm on February 9, 2012, vizma bruns said…

HA!!! Just noticed your Freak Flag Flyer header!!! Very nice!!

At 12:20pm on February 9, 2012, vizma bruns said…

Congratulations Arac on becoming President of the USA slide group.

I just blogged you for your champion mail art!! Thanks Nutcase! Already chucked some mail art your way!! Seeya at Viz n Val chat for a laugh.

By the way, you are ON THE GREEN!!!

At 1:43am on February 9, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
You are so super fabulous ! thank you so verry much ! I love knowing awsome people. Awsome Arac !!!! Bear Fink
At 1:29am on February 9, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
don't have any yet just thought it would be nice to have when I do one. you are super awesome !!!!!!!!!! I see another stamp in your future!!!!!!!!
At 9:58pm on February 8, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
I would love to have my page like yours, sent, received, callings, I love the way you have your page setup ! Help a dumb Bear !
At 9:15pm on February 6, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Bonsoir Arac and Cara, too!

I like your slide work..... it's great!.

My copaine has left for Paris for a few days, and in her absence I have taken over the ground floor of the house. I am currently painting 170 small canvases on which I will display approx 550 Arty Slides (doubles and singles) for my 2 Slide Art Exhibitions later this year. I intend to attach the slides to the canvases by double sided tape/sticker things, and if they don't work, then I'm in Big Trouble.

Incorporate them or use them as stand alone art? Either, or both: it's up to you. I use them as stand alone works.

If you're interested in what started me off on this, look at my web site, under the heading ont he left Slide Art, and then under the sub heading Description.

Now here's an offer that you can't refuse (did I tell you this about Oranges & Lemons, too?). I have started a new association called Arty Slides International, and I am the President, Founder, CEO, Chief Honcho, etc. It has chapters in 3 coutries: Australia (Vizma is the President), Germany (Svenja Wahl) and France (me, natch). WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE US BRANCH OF ARTY SLIDES INTERNATIONAL?

The duties are not onerous -- you have to host a meeting once every so many years, and provide beer and hot dogs, but as we haven't yet scheduled a meeting in Huntsville in the immediate future you should spend more time on Arty Slides and less on the catering arrangements.

If you accept this esteemed position then we are a step further along the road to establish the genre that you mention: then what started out as one of my silly ideas took off as I found other slide artists. (I can tell you a story about how I nearly invented 2 words if you like, but later on). I haven't asked in IUOMA who else is interested in Arty Slides, but have just found by chance 3 others (including you) who are. The obvious thing, I suppose, is to form an Arty Slides Group, but you know my views about Groups.

That's all, Madam Presidet (to be, I hope)


At 2:31am on February 6, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
Danielle has already started on Harleys return :)
At 7:30pm on February 4, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
What, no notification ????? No stamp ????? It's Sat. It should be there !!!!!! Got to know!!!!!!!!
At 3:08pm on February 3, 2012, Lilian Mariutti said…

Hi Cara! I received your absolutely FAB collage yesterday! Loved it! I will blog  it as soon as I scan it. Thanks!

At 4:29am on February 3, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
I'm not sure of interactions, what do I do with gecko,gnome card take pic with, or resend to unsuspected ? ARAC keep help!!!!!
At 2:30am on February 3, 2012, Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) said…
I hope I haven't built this up to much


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