Denis Charmot's Comments

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At 2:07pm on February 3, 2009, Ivan Zemtsov said…
Thank you for your explanation, Denis!
At 10:18pm on February 2, 2009, Coyote said…
Hi! I use several different cameras, but my biggest one is a Canon 30D with 6 lenses. I like to vary my subject focus, but my favorite subject is insects. And macro photography in general.
At 9:38pm on February 2, 2009, Isabelle Vannobel said…
on a au moins une autre passion commune en plus du mail art, c'est les photos de concerts - j'ai reconnu quelques groupes que j'avais photographié ( lofo, mass hystéria).
tu as une superbe galerie photographique. super .
j'ai remarqué aussi des photos de La Ruda - je ne les ai jamais vu mais ma fille, qui joue dans un groupe de ska-punk, qui commence a bien tourner va faire leur première partie prochainement au Grand Mix à Tourcoing - j'aurai donc l'occasion de les mettre dans la boite.
un jour, je prendrai le temps de les mettre en ligne - ( il me faudrait des journées de 48 h au moins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
At 3:21pm on February 2, 2009, Ivan Zemtsov said…

Hi Denis, thanks for this image! Where have you found it? What does "OBAMICON.ME" mean?
At 8:03am on February 2, 2009, Thomai Kontou said…
I received your e-mail Denis. The reason, I late to answer you, is: I broke my right hand and I can not work on my computer, for some months.. I will send to you soon, the newspaper clippings.
All the best
At 1:38pm on February 1, 2009, Isabelle Vannobel said…
salut Denis, je suis allée faire un tour sur ton site de photos de stars -
je t'avoue que je ne connais même pas de nom la plupart des personnes que tu as prise en photo .. euh .. c'est à mille lieux de ce que je connais et de ce que j'aime - mais j'imagine que tu dois beaucoup t'amuser .
pour ma part, je fais beaucoup de photo de concerts, de groupes qu'on dirait plutôt alternatif ou underground ( punk, globalement métal, ska ...) . on a chacun nos univers propres. c'est sympa cette diversité
At 10:43pm on January 31, 2009, Judy Skolnick said…
The problem was the democrats stupidly put up Kerry and his loud mouth wife (first husband Heinz, ketchup guy millionaire many tines was republican) and he couldn't come out with a plan and she always had a headache it was a waste. Otherwise I think with a viable candidate the dems would have won. It was a laugh. What a waste.
At 10:08pm on January 31, 2009, Judy Skolnick said…
I do not think we knew him in his second term. The biggest problem was Rummsfeld and Cheney who is a habitual liar and letting the military be the Department of State instead of a statesmen. I am hoping, Hilary was my choice, she is a real fighter after her situation with Monica Lewinsky, living in Washington DC has some points in media coverage. I had a customer who was a newswoman and I would talk to her outside the watergate where Lewinsky was staying. I hope it all works out. We need it.
At 9:53pm on January 31, 2009, Judy Skolnick said…
We are so worried that Barack Obama is only human and won't be able to pull us out of this horrible downward spiral that happened with the Bush administration. We have lost 3/4 of our investments and if the compaies fold, it is all gone.
At 8:34pm on January 31, 2009, Judy Skolnick said…
Thanks Denis, I am 62, and having a great day, I already lost and earring but had to get another. I took a lot of pictures at one of our best art museums. In case you have not been to Washington DC. I want you all to see it.
At 11:05pm on January 29, 2009, Celestino Neto said…
Ok, mando junto também!!!!
Vou navergar na minha fonte de inspiração....
At 10:55pm on January 29, 2009, Celestino Neto said…
Olá Denis, Beleza vou ficar aguardando a chega e logo que chegar já publico, muito obrigado pela participação.

Vou enviar algo para você também, ah você tem algum projeto.
At 9:01pm on January 29, 2009, Isabelle Vannobel said…
super l'obamicon mouton, merci ..
j'ai très peu de temps en ce moment car je viens de commencer une nouvelle formation assez prenante , il faut que je reprenne un rythme ...
mais je ne manquerai pas de venir m'amuser avec vous dés que je le pourrais.
At 10:44pm on January 28, 2009, Carla Cryptic said…
I'd love it but don't feel you have to! This is a RAK (random act of kindness)... just because you're you. :)
At 8:31pm on January 28, 2009, Carla Cryptic said…
Je t'ai envoyé quelque chose dans la poste aujourd'hui ! :)
At 8:27am on January 27, 2009, Maurizio Follin said…
Ciao Denis
sei sempre più "fuori di testa"
Un abbraccio
At 9:54am on January 26, 2009, Nicole Eippers said…
Merci Denis pour le beau cochon "Piggy"
At 7:01pm on January 24, 2009, Roswitha GUILLEMIN said…
J'adore ton Gainsbourg !

Tu connais Obey Giant, le street artist américain qui a réalisé le portrait d'Obama pour sa campagne ?
Moi j'aime bien ce qu'il fait dans la rue et j'ai eu plusieurs fois l'occasion de voir son travail dans des galeries à PAris. J'adore !!!

J'en ai rêvé, Denis l'a fait !!!

La bise timbrée et parisienne
At 5:57pm on January 24, 2009, Celestino Neto said…
Denis este é o link do projeto Confecção de Collar Exotico do Amigo J. Nogueira integrante da Toca do Lobo.


Blog do Amigo

Ah você conhece a artista Pinky endereço dela é

23 Impasse Rotrou
28000 CHartres

Preciso do e-mail dela.

Poderia me ajudar.

Você corresponde com o artista madrange Michel.
At 7:12am on January 24, 2009, Ruud Janssen said…
Yes, the Obamaecon is fun indeed. Thanks for creating the discussion-gallery. Any plans with the collecions of images? COuld be something good....


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