Trash Bubbles: Spreading the Craziness Far and Wide

Folks, I am happy to announce that Trash Bubbles are making a splash in the world!

When I first began creating these self-contained ecospheres of trash for my friends here at IUOMA, I had no idea that they held a greater appeal. No clue that this form of pop art would dot the map. No inkling that it would ever really reach the masses. And yet, it is doing just that.

In February, the Winter Issue of GreenCraft magazine, a Stampington Publication, will unveil a 4-5 page spread featuring Trash Bubbles! The pieces featured will be new to this community, for the most part. All created in the same Black, White and Red color palette, the pieces promise to make a visually dazzling display! (GreenCraft is an international publication, for those of you outside the U.S. who might desire to check it out.)

I wanted to give you all a heads up, so you can keep your eyes peeled and to give a HUGE THANK YOU!!! to you ALL for your encouragement and support!

If you are reading this and wondering, "What's a Trash Bubble?" An introduction to Trash Bubbles, can be found by

reading the original blog here:


Read Nancy Bell Scott's reaction to her first Trash Bubble here:


Carina Granlund was the first international recipient of a TrashPo Bubble:


If you have received a TrashPo Bubble and have blogged about it, feel free to share a link to it in the comments below!

If you have taken this idea to new heights, by creating your very own TrashPo Bubbles, we want to hear about it! Post pics and other links below!

Views: 154

Tags: Bell, Bubble, Carina, DeVillo, Diane, Granlund, GreenCraft, Keys, Nancy, Scott, More…Sloan, Trash, TrashPo, collage


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Comment by Lynn Radford on November 8, 2012 at 4:08pm

Thanks, DK!

I had no clue you'd been published by Stampington. Share more! Where can I find you?

Are you able to share pics of the two you've received? All our pics and convo about the Self-Focus Magnifier seems to have been in group, rather than in a blog setting, so I can't post links...

Comment by DKeys on November 8, 2012 at 3:58pm

Great stuff Lynn-they look so professional. I didn't realize GreenCraft was a stampington publication. They are always adding new ones. I have had a lot of work published in all of their magazines as well as written articles for them. They are great people to deal with.  Congrats again-these are gggrreat!


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