Did a mail art piece last October (not from here). The person I mailed it to posted me a nasty letter saying my art was crap and a waste of time. Which has rather put me off participating again. I know I'm not a brilliant artist, but I do the best I can. I'm disabled and thus on limited income - this sometimes limits my access to materials.

Views: 238


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Comment by James Chester on January 16, 2021 at 6:06pm

I'm genuinely shocked to read this.  I've been at this mail art thing just over a year. I've sent out a wide range of material and received an equally wide range.  Some folks make things in a few minutes some spend hours on a single card, but everyone has been gracious towards me.  Why would anyone be anything but happy to get a piece of art in the mail.

I'm putting you on my mailing list today. Expect something from me soon.  No strings attached. Except, I actually like attaching string to my mail art so no guarentees.

Comment by RUTH GILES on January 16, 2021 at 4:41pm

That's terrible. Don't let it put you off.  In fact, send me something and I'll send something back.  Fortunately, all of the people I've interacted with on here are lovely.

Comment by william S. Paley on January 16, 2021 at 4:21pm

I want to make sure...that the person who posted to Cal desmond-pearson, was way out of line, and rude..with the crude art comments 

Comment by william S. Paley on January 16, 2021 at 4:16pm

I wouldn't PAY any attention to such rubbish. clearly the person who posted this, has no understand of art...and probably thinks art for sale at Walmart, is the height of acceptance..Mail art is just that. mail art...some of it is complex, some of it is as basic as it comes...and it's all good.....some of the GREATEST MAIL art I've ever received, was so basic, it was FANTASTIC!...


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