Sometimes, living on a 7 acre plot, where it was routine to dig holes and bury trash in bygone years, has it's advantages. DK wanders the streets of Elgin, eyes wide open for bits of this and that. Me, I tend to hunt in my own backyard: Piney Creek Acres.

Last week, I was walking the dog and the sun glinted off something shiny and black! I couldn't imagine what it might be, this shiny, black crescent peeping up out of the muddy ground above our well room! I put the dog inside and grabbed a teaspoon, from the kitchen counter, with which to uncover my treasure! (No patience for a trip to the basement in search of the proper tool for the job!)

I was rewarded with this:

You might think that this knob once graced one of the house's many doors... I think it's more likely that the former owner imported trash from other homes in the area, while he was building this post-war brick ranch. It is said that his son's job, when he arrived home from school each day, was to dig a large hole which would be filled with...


Wait for it...


Wait for it...



A friend recently introduced me to another, saying, "Lynn, she's interested in Archaeology!" as though it were a common interest between us. I never thought much about it, but maybe she made a connection I might otherwise have missed.

No mail here, folks, this piece is destined for assemblage art! Have a D-lightfully Trashy week, all! :D


Views: 168

Tags: DK, Trash, archaeology, assemblage, doorknob, trashpo


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Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on June 21, 2012 at 9:51pm

Right, I forgot to comment on that--the divining rod is a brilliant idea.

Comment by Neil Gordon on June 21, 2012 at 9:12pm

I LOVE the idea of the Trashpo Divining Rod. I want to Dowse for trash!!!!

Comment by Lynn Radford on June 20, 2012 at 8:07pm

Nope. Sorry, Angie! Lizzy is an old dog and she simply refuses to learn new tricks!

Moo did a great job today on the Trashaeology Expedition!

Suus, thanks for stopping in! I love your take on the doorknob's stories! TrashPo is, simply put, TRASH + POETRY. See further explanations on the group, All Things Trashpo. Or stay tuned for a future blog entry. :D



Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 20, 2012 at 5:27pm

Right Angie, not bloodhounds but trash-hounds.

Comment by Suus in Mokum on June 20, 2012 at 5:17pm

Think of the story this doorknob has to tell to it's friends. "And after many many years, finally Lynn dig me up".

Finally understand 'trash'. Now the next word... 'trashpo'?

Comment by Lynn Radford on June 20, 2012 at 5:07pm

LOL! Will eagerly await the reveal in the June issue of the DKult Trashpo Fanzine, DV!

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 20, 2012 at 4:29pm

Lynn, I can hardly wait to reveal the D-Vining Rod & Trashpo Dowser. Every kid on the block will want one when they learn the incredible history.


Alas, I have to keep it under wraps until the release of the June DKult Trashpo Fanzine.


They'll be faking D-Vining Rods everywhere.

Comment by Lynn Radford on June 20, 2012 at 3:50pm

Interesting concept, the Trashpo D-Vining Rod! IMHO, no settings needed... pick up or discard at will! All options should be considered!

I have a rusty piece on my desk, just had it in my hand a second ago, and thought about mailing it to Nancy! Our wave lengths must be syncing from the Happy Hour vibes we're putting out there! :D

Alas, no Houlihan's trash... I was too busy being disappointed in my meal... and not being able to get a bottle of wine delivered to my table. You caught me... HAPPY was lacking at the appointed hour yesterday. At least your air is fixed, DK!

Comment by DKeys on June 20, 2012 at 3:20pm

Lynn , did you get any Hoolihan's trash last night? coaster? napkin? drink stir?

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 20, 2012 at 3:13pm

True, the Trashpo D-Vining Rod will soon be unveiled.


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