Haptic Schnaptic from Erni Bär, Germany--Remixology (or, How to Stay Fit with Donar's Sad Last Bucket, Wilhelmsburg-Style)

Title: "Pilates". A believer in the mind and body connection, German fitness guru Joseph Pilates inspires Erni's art.
Title: "Venus & Donar". Venus being the Roman goddess of love and beauty,  Donar being the German god of thunder, and together they are mixing it up on the relationship carousel!
Title: "Zwischen Trauer und Selbstmord" (Between Sadness and Suicide). Before kicking the bucket there is a little time to do some sightseeing, perhaps in Kassel where the Brothers Grimm hung out--no pun intended. What was that profound line you quoted the other day Erni about playing until death picks us up?
Erni found a clever way to re-use the bucket box. My first round mail art! Too bad the local post office refused to accept this work as a post card (joy killers).

Title: "Elbinsel Wilhelmsburg". Where many Polish immigrants settled at one time, correct? That guitar player in the upper-right corner resembles Herr Erni, especially the teeth...

As always, I admire Erni's variety of textures and Haptic concepts. And I always learn something. Thanks a million for another successful mail art ensemble, Herr Werewolf!

Views: 39



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Comment by Bifidus Jones on March 2, 2011 at 12:56am
Very nice, those photos of bridges and the Hamburg info. I've always been fascinated by bridges,--their purpose, their design. Here in America, we have the idiom "don't burn your bridges" which means don't permanently destroy the relationships you may need in the future, etc. I suppose the phrase goes back to the days of some war or another...
Comment by Bifidus Jones on March 1, 2011 at 4:56pm
No, I did not know that!
Comment by Bifidus Jones on February 28, 2011 at 10:50pm
Ja, that's the quote all right. I wrote it down so I won't forget. And thanks for adding the map. didn't realize Hamburg had so much water running through it. Are the yellow roads part of the autobahn system where people drive only one speed--immorally fast?


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