Yes, today, Tuesday was a GOOD Mail Art Day at Glinou 20!

(Note that postage stamps had fallen off, too slick was the paper? But my post gal kept them in her hand and delivered them to me along with the mail art from Marie...thus NO postage-due ;-)

Well, for sure, Marie sends amazing hand-crafted envelopes of fine

And while she claims that she didn't fold it correctly, as I always open her envelopes

completely to see the whole ( or hole) image, this envelope is perfect!

So, I spend a great deal of time studying the Japanese scenes here and

forget to check out the contents?

Of course I am breath-less upon viewing some "ether" art from Marie!

Threads floating long and free. Music..language...snips and confetti...

what a multitude of bits and pieces, locked inside the transparent and sewn sleeve.

And we know that the stitching is all hand sewing machine used.

Marie appears there, amongst the bits and pieces of "ether"...

threads of music to our ears...

Also there is MinXus!!!

And I am hoping to be able to "open"-the-window-of-art and set free

all these fine pieces to create more mail art.

'Love the postage stamps that slipped off but were not lost!

All is beautiful and "etheral" ...thank you so much, Marie! xxx

Views: 72

Tags: Katerina, MarieJapan


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Comment by Jennifer Ley on February 24, 2012 at 4:50am

So wonderful -- especially love the first you posted but all of this is so intriguing!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 22, 2012 at 3:51pm

Marie's art work and concept is pure poetry!

It is true that there are "strings" on many of the ether and trashpo items...

something to persue, me thinks me stirngs!

Comment by vizma bruns on February 22, 2012 at 12:47pm

I keep staring at the 2nd photo down, Kat. It's pure poetry. :-)

Comment by Marie Wintzer on February 22, 2012 at 8:00am

Someone pulling the strings! It's a great concept. I never thought about this, but we might all just be Ether puppets! :-o

Comment by cheryl penn on February 22, 2012 at 7:32am

Great blog - YES, many fab photo's - I wonder who REALLY pulls the strings in Ether??  :-) XX

Comment by Marie Wintzer on February 22, 2012 at 6:10am

I'm taking note, Vizma, you will get a manga stamp. If it doesn't fall off...

Comment by vizma bruns on February 22, 2012 at 5:11am

Oh this is ZAUB..., bah! That Svenja beat me to it!! So lucky to not lose the stamps, I've never seen a manga stamp before!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 21, 2012 at 11:04pm

Nothing wrong with trashpo, is poetic bits and pieces!

And I am thinking of recycling the tiny things into my Arty Slides!!!

xxx thank you for sending such a treasure of goodies!

Comment by Marie Wintzer on February 21, 2012 at 10:43pm

Katerina! Thank you for this great blog and looooots of pictures! OMG I realize it kind of looks like.... trash...po! Oh dear....

Those handmade envelopes tend to lose their stamps, hmmmm..... glad you got it and liked it, thank you!!

Comment by Svenja Wahl on February 21, 2012 at 8:45pm

How wonderful!! ZAUBERHAFT!! Thanks for sharing, Katerina!


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