Its a very dangerous business trying to smuggle arty-facts. You could wind up in a smelly prison-like-room without your own loo and a guard with a VERY large wart. So the best thing to do is send said articles as a belated birthday wish. Somehow they buy that. Even if they're two years belated.
I know this because Dean was potting in his near vicinity and came across these very very rare arty-facts. Please take careful note of large wooden exhibit near the base of Juliet - AG!!! Julllet. Reason? The good news is that if we ever reach an ice age I'll have one of those digging things for my carrot garden. I don't actually HAVE a carrot garden, but an ice age might change that?
Hey Sweet Pea :-) - yes, Dean lives on an abandoned space ship. And we think WE'RE backwards???? The wooden implement is actually a comb. For people with no hair? Or a wooden arrow head. For shooting jelly fish? Or a digging tool. Thats why I went with digging tool... There was ALOT of trouble smuggling these artifacts out. He didn't check for radio-activity. One of them ALSO knows Claire de Lune - I can hear it humming. But every time I come up close it stops :-( X
Juliet and her friend Julllet :-)))
Dean, you are totally allowed to amaze yourself for that. I admit I amaze yourself too. I can't wait to get the old sock you sent to Japan, I hope you have attached as many "thingies" as possible to it.
But... what exactly are those... things? Archeological findings?
Wow, that is amazing, It doesn't look like one piece is missing. I was sure that somewhere along the line some postal person would pick off all the pieces, and you would be left with just glue spots. Katerina, look at this, sent without an envelope! A great way to celebrate Cheryl's birthday on the 19th of July, but you didn't hear that date from me, if Cheryl asks, tell her that Katerina told you.
19th of July, St. Arsene? Is this the saint of paint and paper?
This is what I sent, and it looks the same of what arrived. I amaze myself, (sorry, can I say that?):
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