Its a very dangerous business trying to smuggle arty-facts. You could wind up in a smelly prison-like-room without your own loo and a guard with a VERY large wart. So the best thing to do is send said articles as a belated birthday wish. Somehow they buy that. Even if they're two years belated.
I know this because Dean was potting in his near vicinity and came across these very very rare arty-facts. Please take careful note of large wooden exhibit near the base of Juliet - AG!!! Julllet. Reason? The good news is that if we ever reach an ice age I'll have one of those digging things for my carrot garden. I don't actually HAVE a carrot garden, but an ice age might change that?
I had to re-read all Deans bits attached to the bits :-)) - but I'm thinking I may have to stick this in some sort of - only open after the second dark ages - for it to be of any value? BUT for sure I'm surprised it made it through the mail intact - most things have bite Marks... I'm in the Q for hand carved stone tablets - I like that idea DK - I'm just DONT want foreign items of clothing - I'm CERTAIN there's a ruling about that here... The socks Marie is about to receive sound scary to say the least.... :-) X
very cool and tribal. I'm thinking next Dean will send hand carved stone tablets. He does his Dean n Dash at midnight yet is so non-chalant about it. I guess Paris IS about breaking all the rules!
Well for cultural information, the calendar I found in the street of Paris, my guess is that it is now 2012 and the people who threw it out didn't need anymore,(just a guess).
The top wooden piece is what you find in a wooden box that has a 3.75 litre bottle of vintage wine in it. It holds the neck of the bottle.
The bottom wooden piece is what I believe to be beautiful black walnut from the United States ... long story.
And all the bits are from these little urns that people in North Africa give you to try to get you to come in their carpet shop, before spitting on you when you don’t buy anything. I took a hammer to one just to see if the bits would be interesting.
OH yes, and the round wooden piece is from a curtain rod I bought from IKEA. The curtain rod was too long so I had to cut a bit off only to find that I cut too much off and then it was too short and then I had to go back to IKEA with all the pieces and try to get a refund. Another long story... anyway, I'm sure they won't miss this little piece.
So far I'm avoiding capture ViZma- the huge wart worries me :-)))! Hello MomKat - I was surprised too to be VERY honest! :-) X
p.s. The Greek Archaeological Service would never allow this to arrive in my mail box.
And I would probably be taken to a smelly prison-like-room because it would be a smelly prison room!
Yes, i am amazing and amazing for Dean! Talk about very, very, very strong glue. It's that epoxy stuff? That takes 2 days to dry? Or,when it is dry on both objects or surfaces, when put together no one shall put asunder 'til death they do part? Spots of that glue dried on a friend's fingers once. When she closed one finger to the other....we had to go to ER and have a surgeon with scalpel slice the upper layer of skin to separate the two fingers. AACK! or is that ACCK!
Just a thought, Dean: take care :-)
Dear Cheryl,
thankyou for clearing that up.
Miss Hairpiece.
Ya - Ag- thats it :-))
Dear Hairpiece,
That part about the jelly fish was just a bit of hypothecating.
Vizma :-))) your hairpiece is a "she"??
I think AG possibly means arrrggg
I am not understanding! Did you end up in a smelly prison-like room for smuggling arty-facts, Cheryl? And what's AG? Agriculcheral??! And my hairpiece wants to know why you'd ever want to shoot a jellyfish! Even though she's an octopus. ;-)
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