I am starting a new zine called ART SWEIVER.
The zine will contain reviews of Art documentaries that i have watched, or shows I've attended.
This will be open to anyone who wants to submit a written work reviewing anything pertaining to art. Shows attended, movies watched, books they've read, etc. Anyone included will receive a copy of the zine and be credited for their writing.
This is an ongoing call and zines will be made when enough material is collected to make an issue.
Only guideline is the subject matter, which needs to relate to art in some way. No restrictions on word count.
Submissions can be mailed to me or emailed to me at

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Comment by Sarah Roe on September 22, 2024 at 7:04pm

Oh dear, I love the name and can't believe I didn't see it right in front of my nose, haha!! Even more subversive than I expected, and I'm pleased to say that I need a reason to go to the museum, which will be the metaphor of my review... There's a Very Important Art Museum near me, I have a membership to go free anytime, I anguish about going every time - art in a museum is like animals in a zoo!  My heart breaks a little to participate, but there are pieces there I love to see and that is where they live so  I go see them there... In comparison, Mail Art is wild and happy animals... I'll save the rest of my thoughts for the piece - too excited... Thank you for the inspo, Adam! 

Comment by Adam Roussopoulos on September 22, 2024 at 5:46pm


Not at all! I am not opposed to a "rating" when reviewing something, but it is certainly not required or necessary. I wasn't completely sure what shape this project would take and figured I'd wait for submissions to come in and let it become what it wants to be naturally. I have gotten some submissions already and they make me excited. A book review about poetry. A story about a show someone attended in the 70's, a Neo-ist Manifesto. I am open to absolutely anything that pertains to some form of art. I am looking forward to how this comes together. I hope this helps!

Comment by Zorica Obradović on September 22, 2024 at 8:10am

Thank you.

The smell of an enigma around that word spread to me. With your explanation it is even more mysterious to me. Congratulations. I'm really in joy.

I have a question regarding the editorial policy (concept): Is it a priority that the event is of a certain "rating" or is it more desirable, something more unique, revealing, about which no one (or little, not enough) written/ published.

If  boring to answer, I won't be mad...but I'm really interested.

Comment by Kiki on September 22, 2024 at 1:10am

Hi again, Adam!

I am so happy my submission sounds good :-) Very much looking forward to your review zine!! I will send you my mail art sometime soon :-)


Comment by Adam Roussopoulos on September 22, 2024 at 12:48am

Sarah and Zorica! The word Sweiver does not mean anything that i know of. I didn't want to call the project Art Reviews but i liked using the the word review in some capacity. For my Artistamp Zine i used it as "Artistamp Revue" (a light theatrical entertainment consisting of a series of short sketches, songs, and dances, typically dealing satirically with topical issues). For this i simply decided to spell it backwards SWEIVER / REVIEWS

Comment by Adam Roussopoulos on September 22, 2024 at 12:42am

Kiki, I received your contribution. I think it is wonderful and will work great! THANK YOU!

Comment by Kiki on September 21, 2024 at 6:26pm

220 words / 14 sentences, I meant, sorry for my typos!

Comment by Kiki on September 21, 2024 at 6:25pm

Hi again Adam,

I have just written a draft on paper for my review for this certain artist I have met in person. It is 220 words / 14 senvences total. Is this okay for your review zine project ? I will send it to you soon. Please let me know if I did a good job or not to be printed in your review zine :-) Thanks !

Comment by Zorica Obradović on September 21, 2024 at 2:22pm

I have come across that word...before, sometime...perhaps in popular psychology...interestingly it was not translated...something in the sense of enlightenment, opening of spiritual eyes...balance...and now I don't know the will and riddle of the author of the magazine. . maybe they will reveal to us..

Comment by Kiki on September 21, 2024 at 1:50pm

Hi Adam,

I would like to participate in this review zine, but my writing in English can be, how can I say, too simple and kind of immature with not much advaned vocabulary, although I kind of like writing itself. My question for now is what is the minimum for words and sentences per person for a review writing? Can

I write about attending an art gallery and meeting the artist there? Or I can write about my story of meeting this Japanese American artist in person  who now is a famous New Yorker cover illustrator ? Perhaps, the

Latter can be more interesting for others to read :-) Thanks!



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