Artworks received for the" I International Mail Art call the Art Gallery Getafe” WOMAN-FASHION

You are kindly invited to participate in the “I International Mail Art call the Art Gallery Getafe”.
We were motivated by the words “Woman Fashion” we decided to use them as the theme for the production of Mail Art. These words are the starting point to imagine, create and reactivate the discussion about fashion and projects. At the same time, they allow us to combine fashion and artistic practicum with our social life.
How to participate:
We are inviting all artist and general public, no matter their age or residence
About: Woman Fashion
Technique: free
Size: 10x15 and 13x18 cm
Quantity: Max. 3 (originals and differents)
End of reception: July 15th 2015
Please include name of the artist, e-mail and post code at the back of the piece
Requirements: all the pieces should be sent by postal mail to the postal address that appeared at the bottom of this invitation. All the pieces should be signed by the artist and will be published if there is no offensive content on them.
There is no selection jury, no return.
A certificate will be sent to all participants via e-mail
All the works will be exhibited permanently in our blog. We will upload the works to our blog once received it . And they will be published in:
Organizer: Juan Carlos Caballero Cifuentes. Member of International Union of Mail-Artists.
Send to:
Calle Acosta Ñu, 424 entre Coronel Caminos y Gregorio Benítez                                          


Invitamos a participar de la I Convocatoria Internacional de Arte Correo de la Galería de arte Getafe.
Nos motiva utilizar como tópico para la producción de arte postal “Moda Mujer”, dos palabras que, permiten imaginar, crear, reactivar el diálogo sobre moda y proyectos como así también fusionar la práctica  artística con la vida social.
De la participación:
Podrán participar artistas y público en general,  cualquiera sea su lugar de residencia y su edad.
Técnica: libre
Tamaño: 10x15 y 13x18 cm.
Cantidad: Max. 3 (originales y distintas)
Cierre de recepción: 15 de Julio de 2015
Incluir: nombre del artista, e-mail y dirección postal en el reverso de la obra.
Condición: Todas las obras deben ser enviadas por Correo Postal a la dirección postal  que figura al pie de la convocatoria, es importante que sean firmadas por el artista y seran publicadas, siempre que no contengan material ofensivo.
Sin jurado de selección, sin devolución o retorno;
Documentación para todos los participantes. Se enviará constancia de participación vía e-mail.
Exhibición permanente online: los trabajos se irán subiendo al blog conforme sean recibidos. Serán publicados en:
Organiza: Juan Carlos Caballero Cifuentes– Miembro de International Union of Mail-Artists.
Enviar a:
Calle Acosta Ñu, 424 entre Coronel Caminos y Gregorio Benítez                                          


Views: 20

Tags: Getafe, art, arte, artwork, call, convocatoria, correo, fashion, galeria, internacional, More…mail, moda, mujer, woman


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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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