This blog documentation is long overdue... I received this wonderful miniature canvas from Awyn (it's approximately 4 inches-by-5 inches) and put it in a prominent place to remember to blog it... and then got railroaded with other responsibilities this summer. But it still holds a prominent place in the repertoire of special pieces I've received over many years of received mailart...  How often does one receive an actual canvas or painted board piece (of ANY size) in the mail? This piece is composed with a figurative individual, holding a hand out to allow a perched blackbird a place to commune with the figure. The background is done in metallic paints of purple and green. (The metallic paints don't really express their shimmery-sheen so well in this photograph, but it makes the painting a bit more magical viewed in person!)  It's a precious little gem of a painting...

And the front of the envelope that it arrived in is no less admirable/adorable...with a little boy in knicker-pants under an umbrella of the same purple and green hues!

The back of the canvas-board contains a simple message...

Thank you for this treasure, Awyn...and sorry it has taken me so long to show it off!!

Views: 25

Tags: Awyn, painting


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Comment by Thom Courcelle on August 25, 2024 at 10:36pm

Very much so!  Thanks, William.

Comment by William M on August 25, 2024 at 6:33pm

I love her work. Her mail is always such an inspiration to me (and probably others as well).


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