Sarah Figlio


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Correspondence has for me increasingly become a means to convey ideas and collaborate very directly and often more immediately with other artists. My correspondence work stood as a pursuit separate from my other work. Nonetheless I find the kinds of dialogues which have arisen with other artists to be subtle and multi-layered and open-ended and the insights inevitably return to my other work. Added to that is the element of surprise that lends the sending and the receiving an air of wonder which is unsurpassed. In a world that operates at the speed most of us coexist with, the slow and thoughtful pace of mail art is really helpful and valuable.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Vine Cottage
Kersey Suffolk

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  • Kiki

    Hello from Japan!

    I am wondering if your address on your profile is full address ? No street numbes ??

  • Kiki

    Sorry, I meant, no street numbers ?

  • Lau Wilmet

    Thank you Sarah. I send you something as soon as possible !