Meesh Rheault Miller


Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I'm an artist involved in a number of media- from film to print to collaborative projects- visit to see a selection of the work I do. I make artist stamps and have done a variety of random mail art projects - I love the chance to connect with artists all over the world...
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Apocalypse Center, 3923 SE Taylor St, Portland OR 97214 USA and

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  • Meesh Rheault Miller

    Thanks to all who've welcomed me here... I was a long-time member of another mail art group and participated from time to time in various mail art projects, exchanges, and quite a few art-stamp exchanges... but things were petering out a bit and though I'd visited this forum, I had not joined- until now... so while I'm interested in engaging (and thanks to the folks who have already kindly sent me mail (!!!) I am busy working on a reply for each... hope you can be a little patient as my (actual) world is currently a kind of chaotic vortex of doom with multiple challenges catapulting me from intention to zombification and back... Know I am working to be a worthy member of this group...

  • Bruno Cassaglia - networker mail

  • Bruno Cassaglia - networker mail