It´s time to "expand your art interest" southbound David. This to invite you to participate in an international mail art call in Brazil. The theme is “Transpersonal Mail Art”. Artworks will be exhibited during the “International Transpersonal Conference”, a huge function September 4 to 7, 2015. Visit
Certificates will be sent to all participants by ALUBRAT, Brazilian Association of Transpersonal Therapy who sponsor de function. No fee, no jury, no return.
For further information please send an e-mail to with “Call Information” on the subject field. No further text is necessary. We, at ALUBRAT, would love to see your artwork arriving to Brazil!!! Patricio – The Celestial Scribe
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
It´s time to "expand your art interest" southbound David. This to invite you to participate in an international mail art call in Brazil. The theme is “Transpersonal Mail Art”. Artworks will be exhibited during the “International Transpersonal Conference”, a huge function September 4 to 7, 2015. Visit
Certificates will be sent to all participants by ALUBRAT, Brazilian Association of Transpersonal Therapy who sponsor de function. No fee, no jury, no return.
For further information please send an e-mail to with “Call Information” on the subject field. No further text is necessary. We, at ALUBRAT, would love to see your artwork arriving to Brazil!!! Patricio – The Celestial Scribe
Jun 21, 2015
Tulio Peraza
Dear mailartist, here an invitation for you, thanks in advance!!!!
"The Camel” International Mail Art Project Tenerife, Spain 2015"
Sep 5, 2015
Carlos I. Botana
Dec 3, 2015