Olga, here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you
Laura P (spopod)
Feb 12, 2011
Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)
G'day L-plate. Thanks for the kind words and the promise of a PC. For the next 3 months I'll be receiving mail at Crisispanty's house.
3245 NE 40th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212
Thanks heaps! -JJ
Apr 27, 2011
Terry Reid
(in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
May 25, 2011