Patricio - The Celestial Scribe




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
I suspect 1549 A.D.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Medieval manuscript researchers studying how medieval mail art was produced insisted for me to join IUOMA for almost a century. Point is that mail art and IUOMA are seriously addictive and here I´m today dealing poorly with my fatal flaw. Hooked forever in this ego trip....a good one!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 461

Comment Wall:

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  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Dear Patricio


    Your Mail Art arrived recently. Thank you.

    The circumstances of my life do not allow me now to photograph and post photos on the Internet. Your Mail Art is very interesting to me! 

  • Cody Whitby

    Glad the goods showed up

  • Keri Alley

    I'm so excited! Mail from middle earth to your heavenly corner coming up!

  • Nikole Brunner

    Thank you, Patricio!

  • Guinevere Valentine

    I am so very delighted to meet a celestial scribe. I hope that soon my post will find it’s way into your archives. 

  • Hannah Harvey

    Hi Patricio, the "this is my first IUOMA post" letter was from me indeed...I foolishly forgot to add the sender details! I hope you liked it! Hannah

  • Elyse Roth

    You have charmed me with your greeting.
    Therefore I was compelled to send you mail,
    Hoping to be fast friends, as I am a moon child....... I am already under your spell...
  • Johannes Groß

    Thank you very much, Patricio, for your wonderful pieces of art that arrived today.

    It's really celestial!

  • Carmen Kennedy

    Dear Patricio, Thank you so much for the exquisite mail art package … so many details to ponder. I have posted a photo of your art along with another. Expect more from me when you least expect it. Thank you for being you.

  • Vero Reeves

  • Julian Foster

    Thanks for the mail

    Gorilla was certainly not released

    be in touch!

  • Penny Reinecke

    Very happy to know you received my mail from Perth Celestial Scribe! 

  • Deana

    Thank you very much!!! I will be sending you some mail very soon! 

  • nonimouse

    Happy Spring to the Celestial Scribe,

    Glad to know you received your mail art.



  • Penny Reinecke

    Thank you for your mail art. Received the other day. Do I make something of it and return?

  • Deana

    Indeed the Gap has closed... thank you and I look forward to seeing you in the mail!!!

  • Esranur Kılınç

    Vavv :D Thank you

  • Samantha Price

    fellow soul traveler! u speak my language..... expect something otherworldly in ur mailbox soon.....

  • Cherub Ayers

    Sending you mail art today!

  • Penny Reinecke

    Another coming your way from the LAND OF OZ soon....

  • Mary Anne

    Greetings to Brazil . .  where the nuts come from ( a quote, from a very famous English play, I have never been able to use before!). You are already on my list, my friend . . . envelope already done and being filled for you with all haste.  the gravity here on Earth makes us very slow with these things so you will need a little patience . . .

  • Ruby

    thank you for the lovely mail art, my friend in cosmic energy ~ ! so great to have a piece by the celestial scribe

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Wonderful it arrived! 

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Grazie!!! rticevuta tua bellissima opera mail art!  ti abbraccio , Bruno

  • Susan Gnaedinger

    This is Sue G. in Illinois, USA. I'm the mermaid lady. I super enjoyed your last mail art and I am posting mail art to you today.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy, happy!

  • Patricia Pevé

    Hola Patricio. Un gusto conocer tu nombre. Sólo conocía The Celestial Scribe. Yo no estoy produciendo mail art. Soy Historiadora del Arte. Sólo recibo y hago exposiciones como lo dice el proyecto. Espero que lo hayas podido leer en los fundamentos está mi posicionamiento frente al tema. Tu postal llegó el año pasado y ha intervenido en tres exposiciones. Esa es mi forma de devolver al artista la participación en #estoyacaparavos. Te pido un mail para que recibas el certificado de la última muestra realizada en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Facultad Nacional de La Plata. MI correo es

    Te envío un abrazo desde Argentina y espero tu participación en el 2019.

  • emily louise

    At last, mail art is in on its way to you today!  See you in the mail!

  • Arantxa Lomas

    ¡ Hola Patricio!!!  ¡Ya he añadido mi dirección postal!!  Llevo sólo un día registrada y aún estoy investigando un poco sobre el tema... no sabía cómo customizar mi página jajaj ahora ya sí :D Gracias por escribir, yo también te enviaré algo especial. Un saludo!

  • Derya Avcı

    Hello l will post a Cart to you
  • Vero Reeves

    I sent an Add and Pass your way, Starry Scribe! Happy Winter Solstice (from the N. Hemisphere)!

  • Motherbrando

     Just pleased it arrived in a timely manner.  there seems to be a postal black hole in San Paulo that swallows my missives.

  • Denise Souray

    So glad that it made it ;)

  • Johannes Groß

    Hi Patricio,

    it would be wonderful to receive a therapeutic unicorn made by you! Just try to send it with snail mail - maybe it will work in some weeks again?

    Best - J 

  • whisper1

    Wow. Now that was an epic mistake. Hope it left a smile for a while :)

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Sounds perfect! 

  • Susan Gnaedinger

  • Susan Gnaedinger

    I mailed you an envelope from the US. The post office said they were sending mail to Brazil. Can you let me know when you receive it? They said nothing was going to Argentina or south Africa. I have envelopes for those also.

  • Shellie Lewis | moved 2020!

    The last I remember, you were busy with a gallery art show or something like that for a while. I hope you are well. <3

  • Tuannhy Rozeira Haverroth


    Sim, queria fazer surpresa :D 

    Uauuu adorei sua foto, agora é você que está parecendo um Rei da Republica Van... 


  • Tara Odorizzi

    Patricio! I came back from a long trip to find your mail had finally arrived. Thank you! It made me laugh. I have a piece (almost) ready to release into the wild to find its way to you.

  • Carmen Alves

    Olá. Escriba. Adorei sua arte. Logo postarei algo. Fiquei feliz com a criatividade. Sim. A sua está pronta. Se a arte postal é a resposta....procuramos a pergunta....rsrsrs....ótimo! Eu digo....

  • Susan Weisberg

    Obrigada for your comment, Patricio! I visited Brazil about 10 years ago and fell in love with it, so I'm excited about receiving Mail Art from Brazil. And I love the photos of your work.  I do hope our current incarnation will last long enough for me to get it and respond!

  • emily louise

    I got your mail art!   as always it is delightful and made me laugh and smile a lot!  I will be working on something to mail back to you hopefully soon-ish.  Thank you so much!!

    google translate ;)

    Recebi sua arte de e-mail! como sempre é uma delícia e me fez rir e sorrir muito! Eu estarei trabalhando em algo para enviar de volta para você, espero que em breve. Muito obrigado!!

  • Leila The Solitary Wolf

    thank you for introduce me to this fantastic world ! hope to hear from you soon

  • Susan Weisberg

    Patricio, Our Mail Art is crossing in the mail. I sent something to you a few days ago and just received your new packet of treats, which you must have sent before receiving mine. Thanks! I love the cleverness and humor in your mail art.

  • Carrie Booth

    Thanks so much Patricio! I'm so excited to receive it and I'll send something back to you when it arrives!:)

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thinking you you Patricio and hoping you are doing well.
  • sandra GACHES

    Merci Terrene pour ton envoi :-)

  • Rome Smith

    Thank you Patricio for sending me my first IUOMA mail art. I am entertained,  humbled and inspired. This is what mail art is to me. I love the cheeky quality of your work.  I have been looking at it for days hoping to absorb your talent. Eventually I felt inspired enough to make a piece of mail art for you. I hope you receive it soon.