Michael Orr


Clarkston, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
Long time. I didn't realize it at first. In the network since 2008.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
The moment of time in which the stranger, acquaintance, or friend receives card and or object. The surprise element.

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

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  • Keith S. Chambers

    re: Keep calm card. You're welcome. That's why I came to this community, to share with like-minded folks.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    The latest card sent to you is composed of found materials, quite literally, stuff found at one of my local walking spots, a creek that runs through the county here [plus some magazine prose]. It is amazing what washes downstream.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Michael! Somewhere it's Shark Week and the snagged toothed beasts have breached my walls. Thanks for the postcard, I absolutely relish it . . . eyeball chambers? let's hope that one doesn't stick.

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    many thanks and herzlichen dank! :)

  • Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)

    Hi Pone!! So, great to get a missive from you. I'm responding today, Thanks.

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    hi michael!
    great!!! my post box is always hungry...for art, not for invoices. ;)
    have a nice weekend.

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    hi michael!
    got it!

    nnnnnnnice! many, many thanks for this + in addition for fb-friendship.
    i hope we stay in contact.
    c u soon in the post box.
    take care and best regards,

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    ...will post it on IUOMA and on my website at the weekend.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Mr. Orr . . . I looked for a link to your flickr feed, but didn't see it on your IUOMA page — perhaps I overlooked it? I'd love to see what else you've got going there. See you in the mail,


  • Mars Tokyo

    What's your street address so I can send you some mail art? mine is 6214 Woodcrest Ave. •Baltimore MD • 21209

  • Elaine Arvati

    Howdy! Thanks for adding me! Let me know if/when you are inclined to exchange!
  • Susan McAllister

    Thank you, Michael. I hope you let us know how the Work of Art trade goes. That was a great idea.
  • Kendra Given Carter

    Salutations to you, good sir.

  • Elaine Arvati

    Hooray!  Can't wait . . .

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • Keith S. Chambers

    I'm acronym challenged, que es TYVM.

    Glad you liked the card; as I wrote, your last card served as an impetus to spend some extra time thinking that one through . . . in all I made four cards with that design theme, yours being the last of the group after I ironed out a few paths . . .

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Would it surprise you to know that when I (phone) text people, I write in complete sentences and with proper punctuation? TTFN   ;]

  • Elaine Arvati

    Thanks again for the great postcard! Love the blue, and the tomato!
  • Elaine Arvati

    Glad you liked it!  Sorry about the awkward, packing tape lamination on it!  I laid it on a counter and the ink started bleeding . . . oh wells!  Glad you got it though : )

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Josh Ronsen

    The wolf is still on my desk, but perhaps ready to leave on Monday. Sometimes it is unclear when a piece is finished, or just "finished."

  • De Villo Sloan

    Thx - and after numerous delays I am heading for the PO like NOW. I am expecting great things.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Michael, picked up 2x you at the PO today. Many thanks. More later. -DVS

  • Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)

    That was the darn nicest thing anyone has said to me in ages!!! Thanks, the feeling's mutual.

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Thanks for the compliment on my work, much appreciated :)

  • DKeys

    Misha, received some great beginnings for collaboration. I have absolutely NO idea what I will do with them which makes it a great challenge.  thank you --something will be winding its' way back to you but I can't guarantee it will be anything good


  • Keith S. Chambers

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't counting. No worries Mr. Orr . . . your soulfulness makes up for quantity. You are not bound by expectations nor contract so do not let my mailings add to any feeling of obligation. Just enjoy.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    As always, your work is sublime. Thanks for the recent card http://iuoma-network.ning.com/photo/699-by-michael-orr?context=albu...

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Good to be  ZALOP friends!

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Stray Cats . . . yes, I knew the lads well in my youth. I was once an acolyte to their cause and dragged their vinyl to many a'party to share the rockabilly sound that was theirs. Stray Cat Strut? I walked that walk.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Mail art show? Did I miss a notification? Hope it goes well . . . let me know if there's anything I can send off to help out.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks for the Zalop info. I'll mail you a contribution next week. Regards.

  • liketelevisionsnow

    Thank  you for the nice comment about my new video on the Fluxus FB page last week .. it's much appreciated!

  • borderlinegrafix

    Thx man

  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there

    I know you must be busy - but did you receive my illusory mail art submission?

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for checking for me!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hi Pone,

    Great to get mail art from you!  I have blogged it here:


  • Fleur Helsingor

    You're welcome, and I hope that the zalop show is a big success. I wish that I could see it!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hi Michael, I sent you two things. The first was a return for your mail art.  the second was for Eyedrum, that went to Andy.  The first was floods in England. The other was a fused plastic collage. 

  • Carina

    Hello Michael :)

  • Claudia Garcia

    Happy birthdayyyyyyyyy Michael!!!!! enjoy so much!!!!!!

  • Amy Irwen

    Happy day Michael *!*

  • Dan Landrum

    @JonFoster #Life #MichaelOrr

  • Mail Art Martha

    Michael, you have friends who will be very sad if you were to hurt yourself, remember that and that we all value you, you are a good friend and a superb artist. Hang on there, kid!

    Your split portrait is very clever, I love it. Don't push yourself , do your art when it ocmes to you, easy easy...

  • Mail Art Martha

    I did this all by computer for a mail artist in France, the theme was Angels Vomit Demons and I thought that angels are demons and demons are angels. I think we are all split, more or less, and that friendship and art makes us whole again.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday!

  • Martha W. Bush

    Ha. I just saw this. Glad to know it was received!!
  • Norma Soulet

    Thanks Michael for posting the information about the Zine.

  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Thanks for the mail, Michael! I blog about it here: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/profiles/blogs/from-michael-orr-0117-...

  • Norma Soulet

    Happy Birthday, Michael!

    All the best!