marek wysoczynski




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
for my World smile archive
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Hi Marek,

    Just finished two pieces for the Smile Project. Hope you will receive in a timely manner. It seems mail to Europe is taking about 3weeks or more, Let me know when it arrives. Hugs and kisses to the children. Take care.


    Thanks for the adding !

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Hey Marek,

    Did you receive either one of the two smiley faces I sent you since December? Sent the last one around March 4, 2014.


  • Judy Staroscik

    Dziekuje. (I only know a few words.) :)

    Let's exchange some mail art!

    My address is on my profile.

    Send me your address.


  • Jessie

    Sure, I will send you some smiles!

  • Jenny Kennedy

    Thank you for adding me as your friend. 


  • Lorella

    Hello ! I would send  to you some mail art what is your address ?

  • Chepín

    hello. thanx for the request.  i am a turtle.

    witam. dzięki za zamówienie. jestem żółw.

  • Henning Mittendorf

    Dear Marek, thanks for your friendly Invitation!

    All the best for you and yours: Creativity!!


  • James F. Logie

    Marek, Thanks for adding to your friends list. James

  • Jan Hodgman

    Hi Marek,

    Can you send the address for the smile project again? I have a card but lost the address. Thanks. Jan

  • Richard BAUDET

    Hello Marek !

    Did you receive my painting-mailart-smile ? Tell me...

    Then ,I like to share  mailarts... So I am awaiting become friend.

    Thanks ,have a nice day with the school children.

  • Lillia Meadow

    Hi Marek!

    The smile project sounds like fun!  How do I join?


  • Melissa Hayes

    Nice to meet you Marek!   :) 

  • Terry Owenby

    Thanks for the friend request! It's nice to meet you!

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • stripygoose

    Can I send a smile to you in the post or do you prefer me to email a scan? It's all ready! 

  • Terry Owenby

    I have some mail art to send you. May I please have your address? Thanks. Terry Owenby

  • G. Interforma

  • Dana

    Thanks for your friend reguest. :-) Dziekuje. Love your 'Smile'


  • Kit Gonzales Moore

    Marek, I'm so glad to have you as a new friend!  I live in a beautiful part of the United States, the Southwest area where it is usually warm and very little snow.  We are at an elevation of 6500 feet, over a mile is clear and beautiful, I wish you could see it first hand.  I am looking forward to sharing mail art with you, it is one of my favorite things to do.  Spring is almost here!

  • borderlinegrafix

    Happy Birthday!

  • Patricia Guzman

    Thanks for the friends request. I'm from Argentina . Regards

  • Patricia Guzman

    Can you say what we can send and how for the Smile project?? thanks

  • Jean Pierre Desvigne

    Nice to meet you, have a good day Marek ...

  • Grace Sanford

    Tell me what I can do to participate in the WorldSmile. I would need this information so to help with your request you sent to me.

  • Grace Sanford

    Yes, Marek, will you please send me specific information? I looked at the web site but did not see the answer I was looking for. I probably just didn't know where to see it.

  • Mercedes La Marquesa

    I also could not find an address to mail a smile to contribute to the project.  Is the only way to participate through Facebook.  If you can list an email address to submit smiles to that would be helpful.

  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

    Hi Marek. Did you see my answer to you? I would really like to participate, would you please tell me the deadline for sending Mail Art :)

  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

    Thank you for friendship :)
  • Poison Label Productions

    People are still posting smiles on my event Marek...
    So smile must still be coming...
    Muat be at least 3 years now - so o hope u have been getting plenty of smiles!

    If u want to participate & Marek doesn't respond....

    Goto the "Project Smile" event hwre & participate...

    Marek is a busy man and only hwre because i deagged him in !
  • Poison Label Productions

  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

    Hi Marek. Some time ago I sent you a card to project smile, haven't you received it yet? 

  • Maria Nekrasova

    thank you for the invitation, Marek! Sure I will participate in your SMILE project! Please advise the deadline, size max, and the address 

  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

    Hi Marek. Tomorrow I'll send you a card for Project Smile. I hope it will arrive soon this time :)

  • Maria Flor

    OK thank you. I will participate. Use google translator ... lol

  • helle susanne pollas


    i am looking for an adress to sent my card for projekt smile

    will you send it to me?

    thank you

  • Tiina Kainulainen

    Hi. Because of the commercial aspects of your project, I would need to first have some legal information of the organization. Where are you registered and how? Where does the money go and how? Thanks. :)

  • citterio nuccia

    Hi Marek. Thanks for friendship

  • Jill Carpenter

    Hello Marek,

    Thank you for the friend request. Let me know what projects you are interested in & we can exchange art. 

    I'm OLD ! A retired art teacher & painter. Interested in people & all forms of art.



  • Barry Hall

    Hello Marek, thank you for the friend request, I look forward to some interesting mail art exchanges. Barry. 

  • Bob Jones

    "I don't have any friends here at iuoma ...only accomplices ..."
  • Severino Domenico

    Welcome Friend on IUOMA,hello Marek,regards from Pompeii!!!

  • Chorianopoulou Maria

  • Julia Carpenter

    Hi Marek,

    Thanks for inviting me to be a friend. Looking for animal memories see BeastField.Com for directions....would be glad to exchange for an artwork in return. Almost all my work is of animals.


    Thank you Marek for you invitation. This reminds me that I had a lot of fun sharing mail art projects , and that I should start again :-)   :-)  

  • Gerda Osteneck

    Hello Merek! Thanks for the invitation. I was in Gdansk briefly in 2001 with my daughter. Gorgeous city, lovely country, terrifying to drive in!  I look forward to exchanging MailArt with you. Cheers, Gerda 

  • Gert Wiberg Ramsing

    welcome ;-)

  • Jay Block

    Morning Marek!  Shall send some mail soon.

  • mariano filippetta

    soon to you marek !!