Frieder Speck




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
like to get letters, like to send letters, like art
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Luise Kiesselbach Platz 22
81377 München

Comment Wall:

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  • DKeys

    Happy Happy Day!!!!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Frieder, alles Liebe, Svenja

  • DKeys

    too much celebration? it's weird having a birthday so close to the holidays isn't it? my brother's is the 27th, mine and my half brother's is the 29th           then christmas   ack!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Erni thanks you for a most fascinating BOX that he has received.

    It has been blogged here:

    Erni gets a BOX from Frieder Speck

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    And HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, dear friend!

  • Cernjul Viviana María


  • E

  • E

    Merci Frieder.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Wow, Frieder, fantastic drawings. I have seen the face just visible on your table in Show us your artspace which prompted me to find you. I am so glad I did, you are an inspiration.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Yes, it is now Copperfield Drive. Thanks beforehand Frieder, I can't wait: as you well know, I vastly adore your work mon ami!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Frieder, here is my front window with an envelope from you in it as a statement about mail art. It has been there for over a year! It took that long to remember to show you: 

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    You're welcome. People stop to look at it very often in the summer. The mail just came and here is another beaut from you, what great luck for me--thank you! Beautiful inside and out.

  • Carina

    Hallo Frieder, thank you for beautiful art! Blogged here:

    Have a nice Friday!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Frieder you have sent me by mistake a beautiful drawing meant for Mailarta, it is now in my blog. so you want me to redirect it to her?  I would love to keep it but I would be happy with another in its place.

  • Mail Art Martha

    I am glad it found its way to me., I love it. Will send you something soonish

  • Karin Greenwood

    Thank you for your kind wishes !!!!

  • Carina

    Hi Frieder, got your lovely piece a while ago, thank you!! It's now on my wall :)

  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there

    I have sent a request to exchange mail art with...via snail mail!

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hello Frieder!!!!! I received your mail art!!!! It is fantastic!!! I love it so much!!!! it has an special sensibility!!!! Soon, I post it!!!!! Best wishes ans thanks a lot!!!!!!

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hello Frieder: Today I sent you a mail art. I hope you receive it soon. Best wishes.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thanks Frieder! And, for the magnificently musical m.a. you sent last month--what an original! However you did it is mesmerizing. Soon I'll be blogging again and you'll see that work in lights. 

  • Petrolpetal

    Hey Frieder!

    I loved the mail art you sent me - so delicate on that paper. Its a favourite of mine. thank you so much.

  • Claudia Garcia

    Happy birthday Frieder!!!!!  Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Frieder!!!!!

    I received your monoprint yesterday!!!!! Thanksss a lot. I post it soon!!!!!


  • Celestino Neto

    O Projeto de livro coletivo continua aqui com endereço atualizado: 

    Proposed Project:
    Creating an Artist Book Collective
    where the page can be figurative or abstract.
    Each artist may submit as many pages like;
    Etching Technique: Monotype on paper
    Size: A3
    Objective: Show a production art collective,
    approach with a plastic (book).
    Exhibiting in a Private Room and Book Online;
    Recognize the Arts and Visual Artists
    Shipping Address of Work:
    Group Wolf's Lair
    A/C Celestino Neto
    Alameda Amélia, 834 APTO 33 A B 1
    Jardim Gopoúva - Guarulhos - SP
    Cep.: 07092-010
  • Susanna Lakner

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Frieder, your beautiful mail art has arrived in Greece! Wonderful music!

    It is blogged here:

    Frieder Speck sends Music-to-my-Ears!

  • vizma bruns

    Dear Frieder! Thank you so much for gracing my mailbox once again with your work, such a lovely surprise!! I love it!!!! xxx

  • Petrolpetal

    I recognized your distinctive pencil handwriting immediately - and the contents of the envelope did not disappoint! Your work is so beautiful! Thank you.
  • Keith S. Chambers

    Mangelware indeed. Received your envelope, if I am not mistaken [am I?] this is my first receipt of a Frieder Speck piece, thank you! I will meditate on the meaning of the musical notation.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    An amazing portrait! Thank you, Frieder.

    Blogged here:

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for your mail!

  • Celestino Neto

  • Carina

    Frieder, I received your wild but wonderful package yesterday!! Will post pictures soon. Thank you so much :D

  • Carina

    I made a blog today, thank you again, Frieder!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for the intriguing little print!

  • Tamara C

  • Richard BAUDET

    Dear Frieder !  danke !


  • Charlotte Geister

    Hallo Frieder, Ganz vielen Dank für die klasse Collage mit Druck und Stempel! Du bist der erste Deutsche, der mir hier begegnet und das finde ich schon allein sprachentechnisch gesehen sehr angenehm! Deine Zeichnungen (s. unten) und auch der Druck gefallen mir sehr gut, da ich selbst auch ein Faible für das Drucken vor allem mit Restmaterial etc. habe. Arbeitest du schon lange künstlerisch und fertigst du die Stempel selbst? Ich werde zu sehen, dass ich Dir eine Mail art von mir schicke! Hier in Gö ist es sehr kalt und auf dem Rad nur grässlich. Wo hat du gewohnt? Wir wohnen in der Nähe des Neuen Rathauses, nahe am Wall und am Markt. Fette Grüße und nochmals ganz vielen Dank für die gelungene tolle Überraschung! Charlotte

  • April Jean Rocco

    Thank you for the mail art ,a wonderful woodcut print. I love the paper you used.
  • stripygoose

    Three cheers for bird's arrival. Love your page here!
  • Charlotte Geister

    Hallo Frieder, Danke für die zart leuchtende Drucklaterne! war inzwischen 2 Wochen auf Studienfahrt in Griechenland und habe dort unter vielem Zeichnen und Skizzieren auch"antike Trinkgefäße" gedruckt. Ich schau mal, ob noch eins übrig ist für München! Schönen Sommer und fette Tage!Charlotte

  • Carina

    Hi Frieder, I got your fantastic book yesterday. Thank you so much!! Will post pictures later. I hope your summer is good...

  • Petrolpetal

    Mail out!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you for the beautiful original art!

    see blog:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Danke! Stunning portrait drawing!

    see blog: