Valentine Mark Herman




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1952 (when I sent a "Thankyou for my Birthday Present' to my Grandma, and illustrated it with a little drawing). Since then my Mail Art history has been, well, interesting
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Well, it's like this, Doc. I've got this thing about the Postlady....
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France

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  • Linda French

    And please tell us what kind of shampoo you are using so we can avoid it.  --Linda

  • Roberto Bergamo

    original but especially tasty :) successful year and wishes for a great 2015!!!!!!!!!!

  • Neil Gordon

    So glad it got there!!! Hippy New Year and keep rockin'!!!!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Valentine! siamo tutti belli noi mailartisti perchè siamo generosi e regaliamo la nostra arte! W LA MAIL ART E LA PERFORMANCE ART ...E IUOMA!!!! ;) poetamailartfluxus !

  • Bruno Chiarlone

    Yes, of course.. The show will be make in Cairo Montenotte, Italy. May 2015.

  • Gail Anderson

    Valentine, I don't know how close you are to Paris, but I couldn't help but think of you when I heard about the terrorist attack in that city on the news this morning.  Hope that you and your family are safe and well!

    I received your latest card on Monday, and it is awesome.  Sorry that I haven't contacted you before, but I haven't been feeling the best the last few days.  We've had lots of cold weather all over the United States recently, so lots of people here haven't been feeling the best. - Gail 

  • Gail Anderson

    Glad to hear that you are okay and far away from the tragedy in Paris!  Talk to you later. - Gail

  • Roberto Bergamo

    hello, the PUNNEKINs arrived and I send you the thanks by Casper and Piccettino. I was sick but now I feel better and by Monday I'll send you something.

  • Roberto Bergamo


  • Edna Toffoli

    look what I received in the mailbox !!! thank you for participating!


  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Boa noite Valentine:

    Já respondi e enviei a foto, mas deixo aqui também.



  • Roberto Bergamo

    just cats end up filling it is ready to go!!!!

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Ok, Valentine. Thank you.


  • Bruno Chiarlone

  • Bruno Chiarlone

  • Neil Gordon

    Got your postcard quicker than mine got to yours!!!Its a tri-color motif w/ green,blue, and orange... also a very cool example of an old royal mail add,with a punch magazine ad!

  • stan askew

    Val ~ finally ... something in the mail to you this morning. sorry it took so long!  best, stan

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    HAPPY "your" DAY, my dear Valentine! xxx

  • Raphael'L

    Thanks Val for the absolute "magnifique" postal object received in january. Un bout d'enfance retrouvé !

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie un fraterno abbraccio , bruno :)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Linda French

    I just remembered I saw an installation of Jenny Holzer's art years ago. I think it was at the Walker Art Canter in Minneapolis. It was super.   Linda

  • Bruno Chiarlone

  • Bruno Chiarlone

  • Suus in Mokum

    Bonjour Val, received the black/gold hexaMailArt stamps. Merci beaucoup. #57 means sun. Sounds good ;)

  • Jason C. Motsch

    Thanks for the excellent print, Val!  I also really enjoyed the bit of postal history you included.  I hope to exchange mail art with you again.  Peace!

  • Linda French

  • Linda French

    Hi Val,

    As I mentioned before, I cannot meet the deadline for your exhibition (due to circumstances...) but I am posting a photo to you so you know what my bit will look like when it comes. Just the sketch, of course, as I have some layers to do to get a white surface.  Although, now that I think about it, maybe I don't want a fully white surface. I did, however, fill the hole with a homemade modeling compound. It will be too late, but I did promise to send one to you.

    I just realized, i don't know how to send the photo into messages. hmmmmm

    OK. Figured it out.

    I apologize for not getting it to you on time for your exhibition.

  • Linda French

    OK, will do, but mail doesn't leave town here until Monday again.

  • Val, vinyl has been returned, think I wrote your address wrong, is there time for me to re-send? Sorry

  • Bruno Chiarlone

  • Hi Val, I can't believe I failed to write your full address properly, I send lots of parcels all the time and I'm usually really thorough... Anyway, I sent it originally on March 18th and it made it to where in France I don't know and was returned to me Mon 30th in the morning. As it hadn't been franked, I replaced wrong address with right address and put it back in the post in the afternoon at no extra cost. I'd completely forgotten about Easter as I eat chocolate all the time. Fingers crossed it's half way there already.

  • E Elkan

    I hope one day he will return or that he finds a new platform to express his artistic thoughts and ideas. I for one will miss his daily updates.

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    On Facebook the complete world is active. On IUOMA the ones who have chosen for this specific social network. So IUOMA is a small island, while Facebook is the complete world with all kind of subgroups that play together. On Facebook the company decides on the rules (and also the censorship and thise things), on IUOMA the moderator and groupowners can make their rules (and censor what they want).

    Another difference. facebook is a commercial market. They earn on your interests and advertisings. IUOMA is a non-commercial activity (I don't get paid for the moderating the thing.....)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Enjoy YOUR day, my dear Valentine xxx

  • Erica Durante

    Hey Val! Are you still on break from mail art? Or can I start mailing you some artsy postcards again?

  • John Gayer

    Nice! Those buskers are equally cool. Thanks

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy birthday my dear Valentine!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Happy YOU day, My Dear!!

    Hope your day is going splendidly.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    hahaha...yes indeed, Val,

    be sure to save me a "lice" :-)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • chaponniere

    bien sur c est un chapomains !

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Bonjour Mark--thanks for enlightening me about the language of stamps! I read more info about it --very interesting part of postal history. 

    Are the ladies old flames of yours?  :-)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Bonjour Val--your vintage inspired postcard arrived recently and has been posted==thank you!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy birthday my dear Valentine! xxx

    (ning is not showing images...grrrr)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Aha! it is working now...hope you had a happy day, Val!

    Lots of choco sweets with Vincent for you :-)